Chaper 20

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Jacobs pov:

He looked cute crawling into the kitchen with his messy diaper. Glad there was no any tears this time. I make quick work of cleaning up his diaper getting a new one on and dress him again. "All clean Luke! How about we set you up to colour now" I said as I picked him up. "Otay dada" Luke said in a high voice. Walking him back. Down the stairs I bring him back to the living room popping him back down on the Matt going over to the side cabinets getting out a new pack of crayons and a colouring book placing them down in front of him. "You going to colour daddy a pretty picture to go on the fridge?" I ask him enthusiastically. "Yeah the bestest!" He shouts back. I ruffle his hair and go into the kitchen to the others again leaving Luke with his paw patrol and colouring. "That seemed to go more smoothly?" Ben asked. "Ye he's watching paw patrol and colouring at the moment" I answer back truthfully. Turner pipes in "that sounds much better then the pile of coursework Iv been given to do" I just laugh back "go join in, I'm sure Luke Will enjoy it" turner Just laughs it off awkwardly.

"Daddy? Daddddyyy?" I hear from the other room quicking walking in "every thing ok Luke?" He spits out his paci " i thirsty dada" he responded shyly. "No problem pumpkin, I'll go get you a baba". Walking back to the kitchen I go to make his bottle up waiting for it to heat up " you want a baba too turner to go and colour?" I say jokingly, he gave me a unsure look before he realised I was joking. 'Why did he hesitate' I wonder to myself. I decided to make a cup of warm milk aswll for him. The worst he say is no. "Right come on turner, come keep Luke company for a bit before you start your coursework" he hesitantly got up and followed silently. I walk over to Luke pulling his paci out and hand him his bottle "tank yooooo" he said as he watched paw patrol. "Come sit down here turner I point to the Matt beside Luke. He hesitated but then came over and sat down. I hand him the glass of warm milk he looked unsure then accepted. I walk back to sit on the couch behind them looking at them both having their milk and watching paw patrol. I think turner was getting into us as he laughed at the same parts Luke was.

Finishing up Luke puts his paci in saying " you colowa Tunew?" Offering the other half of his colouring book. " oh ye sure, eh for a little while lukie then I have homework to do" turner replied shyly. I leave them too it heading back. To the kitchen Ben turns as he's chilling with Ryan who's in making dinner. "What was that all about?" Ben asks. "Not sure, Just brought him along as he said he'd prefer it to coursework. They watching paw patrol with their milk and colouring" I say back. Ryan turned asking " you don't think turner has been miss classified and is getting little from being around one?." "Hmm I'm really not sure, I don't want to assume anything. He might just genuinely want to keep Luke company, well wait and see". Sitting in a comfortable silence I read my emails from my professors who were getting back to me about my parental leave week. "Dinner ready, do you want to grab the boys?" Ryan asked me. I get up walking into the living room, "hey boys you having fun? dinner ready!"Yeshhh dada!" Luke said holding his hand up to be picked up. Turner got up walking beside me.

Placing Luke in the high chair and his bib as I sat down on one side of him and Turner sat at the other side of him. Popping a bib on Luke, no protests means his deep in little space. He let a whine out as I take his paci out. I quick pop a spoon of food in his mouth. "Mmmmmm nom !" Luke says clapping his hand. "You give compliments to chef Ryan?" Getting a giggle back from Luke as he held his mouth open for the next spook until he was finished. Eating mine in between feeding him. Cleaning him up I take him out popping Luke on my lap snuggling in as we let the others finish, looking down "you getting tired lukie" which I only get a nod response to. "How about we go get a bath and Jammies on and have a cuddle?" I offer. Getting a second nod as I place the paci in his mouth standing up and thanking Ryan for dinner.

I strip him down in the bathroom and pop lavender baby bath bubbles in the tub getting it to the correct temperature placing him in and sitting on the side, washing him then letting him play. Lifting him out after the water starts to cool and cocooning him in a towel. Drying him off and placing him on the table. I massage some lavender baby lotion into his soft skin. Blowing a raspberry on his tummy getting a giggle. I pop him in his bedtime diaper and sleeper. Looking at my watch it's 8pm, settling down on the rocking chair I go and start another story as I rock him gently as he snuggles in. Half way through the book he's fast asleep sucking gently on his paci I place him in the crib cuddling sky at his side raise the sides heading back down stairs and the boys are all in the living room " sorry for not helping tidy up guys I promise to try do tomorrow"I said to the group. " ah don't worry Jacob youre already doing a lot, we're happy to help in anyway! Is that him down to sleep already?" Ryan said. "Ye he seems quite little" I replied sitting down beside turner. As we start a movie Ben picked, which was a horror his favourite. Half way through turner jumped turning his head into me. " ugh sorry, I didn't mean that. I really hate horror" he tried to explain leaning away. I pulled him back in "don't worry I don't like horrors either!" I whisper back to him. As he leans into my side.

We all head up to bed when the movie finishes feeling pretty exhausted, I pop my head into Luke seeing he's pretty much in the same position that I left him in. I head to my own bed, falling asleep in minutes.
I wake up with a start at 2:30 am, I hear crying in the distance. Getting up I pop my head into  Luke to find him sitting up crying in her crib cuddling sky.

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