Chapter 28

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Jacobs pov:

as I come down stairs Ryan has a bottle heating. He strokes Luke's back as he cuddles into me, "oh how Iv missed my little buddy"  earning a shy giggle as he squirms in my arms.

Sitting down on the sofa I cradled Luke in my arms gently laying him down being careful of the bruises on his bum. I pop his paci out and replace it with the bottle which he eagerly takes, he continues to stare up at me as I slowly stroke his cheek. His eyes becoming heavy but he's fighting to keep them open "don't worry Luke daddy will be right here when you wake up" and he contently closes his eyes.
I replace his paci in and place a blanket around him cuddling him closely to me, I break my gaze from looking at him to the others in the room. "Thank you all for helping me get him back" I say to them.  "Dude we would do anything for each other, we're our own little fucked up family!" Turner said as Ryan lightly nudges him saying " Oi language turner!" Earning a laugh from us all.

After a long discussion about the bruises etc on Luke Troy stood saying "wait till I show them bruising!". I say back "shh you'll wake Luke! And I'm not happy about it either but the last thing I want to do it jeopardise  Luke getting out of our care again while they 'investigate' things, he's clearly been through some trauma and we're just going to need to be there to support him". I get nods of agreement before we all settle into watching a tv series, easy watching as we're all quite tired.

About 1.5 hrs later Luke started crying in his sleep. "Shhh pumpkin your ok, wake up baby, it's just a bad dream, your ok" I said lightly rocking him as his eyes open looking up at me. His small hand reaching up to stroke my chin as I move pretending to bite it earning a squeaky giggle. I take his other hand in mine pretending to eat it aswell earning a squeal and a chuckle before I settle into tickling him. I do this for about a minute before stopping letting him have a breather. How about a change baby then we can have some lunch?  I get a nod from behind the paci.

Changing his semi wet diaper that could probably have taken a couple more wetting but I can't risk the rash getting worse, i lotion him up and re diaper him snapping up his onsie. Picking him up bringing him to the kitchen. I go to place him in the high chair and he starts to wail again. "Shh what is it pumpkin we're just going to have some lunch?" "No pease no no" he said around his paci, I give the others a strange look before saying to him, your safe in your high chair here baby ok nothing will happen to you but I won't force you, you can eat today from daddy's lap ok . He calms down fisting his eyes to dry them as I place a bib around him.

We have some Mac and cheese for lunch I fork bit by bit to Luke alternating between myself them him he finished with a burp making him go pink, "better out then in squirt!" Ben say chucking.  "Say Luke how about we go build a big town with all your blocks?" Ryan asked.  Luke held his fingers in his mouth, and looked up at me. "I'll come with you don't worry" he looked back at Ryan and said a soft "otay" before reaching out for Ryan to hold him as they walk into the living room.  All 5 of us join Luke on the Matt as we play with his blocks, him giggling when they get knocked down. A tummy rumbling noise is made and Luke looks sky like the culprit. "Fancy some milkies luke?" He nods his head shyly. Anyone else want some? I directed at the group but looked at turner as he answered "em ye sure". "Ok that it? Right 2 milks coming right up" I go to stand up but luke whines holding his arms up to me, I think he's probably having some separation anxiety "your ok baby, daddy will be right back I'm just going to make your baba. You sit here with all the boys ok" he looked around then nodded sitting back on he feet.

I comeback after a couple of minutes with a tray I hand out mugs of tea to Ben,Troy and Ryan. I hand Luke his bottle and I hand turner a cup of milk, I was tempted to pop it in one of the sippy cups but I didn't want to taunt him. I sit down and we all start drinking and continuing to play with the blocks with Luke. He started to sway as his eyes fluttered. Come here lukie I say pulling him into my lap so his back is against my chest. I stroke his belly softly with my fingertips, kissing the top of his head. "It's ok baby you can go back to sleep" I say soothingly into his ears. I place his paci back in his mouth and within 5 minutes he's out cold. We settle back onto the sofa again to relax, Ben falling asleep hanging over the edge of the seat and turner falling asleep against Ryan's shoulder.
Troy whispers from across the room. "Fancy a pizza tonight, I can't be bothered to cook" I give him a thumbs up and Ryan gives a nod.

Luke's pov:

I wake up and I'm still on jacobs lap. I'm so happy to be home. "Hi daddy" I say to him softly after pushing the paci from my mouth. "Hi pumpkin, are you feeling a bit bigger?" He asked me sitting me up slightly. I nod while saying "feel bit bigger not big" I say truthfully. "That's ok baby you can be what you like. We're going to order in pizza for dinner, is that ok?" I perk up at that nodding hard causing Jacob to laugh. "Do you want to get Down to play while we wait on the pizza? Gotta be quite thought we don't want to wake turner or Ben up!" Jacob says quietly. I hold my fingers up to my lips before he smiles kissing my forehead and places me on my knees and I crawl over to the play Matt pushing some toy cars around. I still feel silly crawling around in front of them but I know there not judging.

Doorbell rang and I screamed "PEEESSSAAA" waking Ben and turner, I jump scared looking at Jacob starting to cry shaking my arms and kicking my legs "no pease no spankie I no speak big again pease" I begged. Jacob picked me up "hey hey hey what's wrong" " ah nuh big words" I screamed out. I really don't want another spanking. The memory's of the mean people telling me I want speak like a big person. "Shhhh Luke hunny breath, I'm never, ever going to spank you! Either will the boys, I will not give permission for anyone who cares for you to spank you, time out maybe but I'm sure your going to be the bestest boy" I look around the room at the others who all have pity looks on their faces. Ryan comes in holding the pizza boxes, "so I think there's a certain good boy who deserves the 1st slice" he say's carry a bib handing it to Luke who quickly tied it on and rolled up my sleeves before he cut my slice into bit sized amounts.

I'm covered in sauce as daddy laughs "how did you manage to get it on your forehead you silly goose" he said as he wipes me down with a wet wipe. I look over a turner he's got a saucy face too. " saucy turner" I say giggle he looks funny. Ryan opens the package of wipes handing it to turner who shyly wipes his face missing a spot and Ryan taking the wipe to clean turner off fully making him squirm. "Tuwnew you colouw wiv me?" I asked before quickly craning my head to look up and daddy. "Can we colouw pease?" I ask permission. "Of course you can. Let me get your book and crayons" he said as I sat patiently waiting as I turn back towards turner. "Daddy said we can colour!" Why is he blushing and looking at the others, I look at them all confused, maybe there jealous I didn't ask them to colour with me, I think curiosity.

Daddy brings the book in as Ben clears up the boxes. " yaye!" I clap my hands, "let's colouw some dinosaur tuwnew!" I said handing him a green crayon and pout to wear to place it.

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