Chapter 49

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Jacobs pov:

"Dada, dada" I could hear in my sleep, peaking my eyes open looking over at Luke's crib in my room, he's sitting up looking through the bars. "Dada" he said with a hitch of a cry, i glance at my alarm clock 00:30, "Hey baby, what's got you up at this time hmm?" I said getting out of bed walking over to him with a yawn. Lowering the bars he hold his arms up to me "dada" as his bottom lip trembles. "Awh come here bubba, shhh your ok daddy's here" I said picking him up and find his paci in the dimly lit room. After picking him up I noticed his diaper. "Ah I see, not to worry daddy will have you all clean soon my little prince" I said carrying him out next door to his nursery, he squirms as I lay him down on the cold Matt, he's glancing around the room as he sucks on his paci, I turned on his projector moving stars for him to look at which distracts him as I clean up his bum, soon changed into a fresh diaper and resnapped back into his sleeper, he's still looking at the stars as I picked him up. "You like the pretty stars bubba?" I asked as I make him a bottle.

Sitting down with a yawn in his nursery's rocking chair I feed him his bottle to sooth him back to sleep as his gaze at the stars starts to droop. Soon his out like a light again. He must be so little right now I just love it. I stood up, brought the projector back to my room to put on in case he woke again. Walking in the Hall I hear a soft moan coming from bens room across from mine making me stop in my tracks. I heard another one confirming the location of the noise. I softly chuckled, bens having some late night alone time I though before continuing into my room closing over the door. Settling Luke down I refrain from putting a blanket over him as he seems very young, it's a warm night so his sleeper should be enough, I make sure sky is with him, set up his projector on dim then head back to bed easily falling asleep again.

I wake up to Luke babbling to himself contently, I look at the clock 8:30. I stretch and stand up noticing Luke has his socked foot in his hand towards his mouth. "What are you up to my little rascal" Luke giggled and held his hand up to be held, hmm we're still very much in little space I though picking him up giving his tummy a little tickle cause a screech and giggle. "baba?" He said resting his head against my chest. "Of course Lukie let's get a yummy baba". I carry him down the stairs to the kitchen to commotion. Turner is laughing bouncing in his highchair, "lulu we go park!" He said eagerly as he seen us coming in. "Sorry I said we could go to the park today to get them out of the house" Ryan said looking a bit apologetic at me. "Oh that sounds like fun turner, I'm sure lukie here would love to go to the park!" I said to turner petting his head, whispering over him that lukes very very young right now. Ryan nodded understanding, "right my little ninja turtle, I think we should get you a change and dressed hmm, someone's got breakfast all over his face!" Ryan said unclipping turner picking up the giggling boy. Im brough back to the present when Luke whines in my arms, "baba dada!" He said almost crying. "Sorry baby daddy terrible making you starve. "Right here's your baba bubba" I said sitting down at the table holding his bottle to him as I cradle him.

Ben appeared into the kitchen and smiled at us both, "Awh still little? That's good!" He said going to put on the coffee machine. "Ye, we'll see how long it lasts, hopefully even the full day! How did you sleep?" I asked smirking. "Oh I slept great, how about you?" Ben said smiling as he poured himself and me a coffee. "Had the tot up for a change and a feed just after midnight, you seemed to be having a great time" I said winking and chuckling. Bens smile lowered "w wa what d do you mean?" He said awkwardly. "The moans from your room" I said noticing the colour drain from his face. "I mean it's been a while since I've enjoyed my own company like that in a while, this little mite takes up all my free time" I said smiling down at luke as he finishes his bottle, sitting him up to burp him. "Haha ye sorry dude, I didn't mean to em, ye" Ben said awkwardly turning to face to door as Troy walked in smiling. "Sup dude, sup mini dude" Troy said to me and Luke as Luke let's out a little burp before I replace his paci snuggling him into me as I drink my coffee. "Your very chipper this morning Troy" I said smiling before adding "take it you had some fun time too last night" laughing as I sipped my coffee . "Wait what? What did you say?" Troy said looking at me and Ben, "I didn't say anything!" Ben said defensively making me confused. "Oh eh sorry I meant the way I heard Ben moaning I presumed that? Never mind" I said confused before continuing "I better get this munchkin changed and ready to go, we're bringing them both to the park, you both want to come?" I asked as I stand cuddling Luke into me. "Em Iv school work I need to catch up on" Troy answered taking a sip of coffee glancing at Ben. "Ye Iv a papar due soon so better get it started, thank you though, take pictures of them playing!" Ben said smiling as he sits at the table.

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