Chapter 7

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Luke's pov:

"You've all got to be fucking joking right?" I shout after Ryan spoke up saying the furniture was for 'my nursery'. I felt a slap on my leg as Jacob said "language Luke".
"Don't fucking touch me, I can't believe this, it's only been a couple of hours and you've already gone and ordered a full nursery. I won't do it, you can't make me be little. I'm not little! I screamed as I stood keeping the blanket wrapped around me. Jacob tried to reach out for me again as I ran out of the room up the stairs to my bedroom slamming the door. God I wish I had a lock on my door, I push the bed up against the door. I can stay in here until this all blows over and they come to there senses.

I remove the blanket looking down at how pathetic I look. Quickly stripping off the pjs and the pull up flinging it all into the corner of the room I grab a pair of boxer joggers and T-shirt. Pulling them on they feel slightly bigger then they usually feel. 'Maybe I am shrinking' I though to myself but quickly shook that though from my mind. It's my imagination.

Looking around the room I notice a couple of bags over to the side, I wish I never looked inside. They were filled to the brim with toys. Baby toys, blocks bath toys. Then wipes baby power changing mat. I felt sick. Turning walking back towards the bed there's a knock on the door before it's tried to push open before quickly hitting the bed frame. I head Jacob at the other side, "Luke? Why won't the door open? Please let me in." "No! fuck off! I don't want to see any off you, hence the door being blocked" I say as I roll my eyes stating the obvious. Jacob clearly wasn't taking no for an answer "Luke open this door right now, this is a fire risk, open it or we will force it open" I stayed silent. Hearing a big sigh I though I won before I heard distant murmurs and more footsteps approaching. I felt quite nervous and started backing up towards the bathroom with the blanket in hand.

The door nob turned and the bed started to be pushed away. I could see all the boys pushing on the door as I scrambled into the bathroom shutting and locking the door just barely in time before one of them reached it. "I want to be alone! Why wont yous all just leave me alone!" I say feeling a lump in my throat.

I could hear Jacob speak up, "Luke we just want what's best for you, you shouldn't be alone right now". I decided nothing I said was going to change anything so I just stayed silent. Settling down on the floor wrapped in the blanket, thankful I brought it in. I slowly heard all the footsteps disappear over the next few minutes. I had no clue what time it was as my phone was left in my bedroom and I couldn't risk if one of them was still in there standing guard. I could feel my eyes dropping. I got up to Pee before I fully fell asleep as to not risk another chance of an accident. I quickly wrapped myself up in the blanket and shoved a towel under my head as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I awoke to banging and voices I didn't recognise. I initially panicked forgetting where I was before reality seeped back in making me feel sad again. I can't believe that's my whole life ruined in a day. Things were good before yesterday, I just wish it never happened. I was pulled back to reality when I heard jacobs voice, putting my ear up to the door to listen to what's being said. "Ye if you put the crib over there , changing table beside the closet and the rocking chair over beside the cabinet with the bottle warmer that would be great thanks". I could feel all the colour drain from my face as I scooted away from the door. I felt so nauseous, how can they all be so casual about this. All the worry and stress built up on me and I vomited without any warning and wet myself, I broke down in tears at how pathetic I must look, before I knew it i was having a panic attack, I couldn't regulate my breathing and blacked out.

I can't be a Little? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now