Chapter 8

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Jacob pov:

The nursery looked great, soft greys and green Luke favourite colours, I really hope he comes to like it, I walk up to the bathroom door once all the delivery people have been. I gently knocked with no answer, he's probably still giving me the silent treatment. Sighing I go an get the tool box to jam the lock making sure to make a mental note to change the handle to one without a lock.
Ben had come to see what I was up to when I finally got it open.

"Omg Luke!" I shouted running into the bathroom, he was covered in vomit and pee, I checked to make sure he was breathing holding my own breath until I noticed he was. Ben came in also with a worried Look on his face. "What can I do?" He asked as he hovered. " I think he had a panic attack and passed out, he had one yesterday at the test centre" I say as I pick him up bridal style noting he felt a bit lighter and looked a bit smaller. Ben held the door and I walked out placing the still passed out little on the changing table. 

Handing Ben a flannel I ask if he could wet it as I pulled off Luke's clothes making sure to not spread the vomit anywhere. Once stripped I wipe him down with the wet flannel, using another to dry. It was too risky to put him in a bath. I wipe down his crotch. Then sprinkle a healthy dusting off baby powder over him before picking up a diaper popping it under him and folding it closed. I know he's going to be pissed when he see this when he wakes up but I don't know how long he will sleep for. I pull a onsie over his head snapping it at the crotch then pull on a pair of pjs pants. I softly pick him up and place him in the crib. Gently covering him with a soft blanket then pulled up the side silently. I pull a paci out off the locker and pop it between his lips, surprisingly he takes to it straight away. I continue to lean over the bars just drinking in how cute he looks before Ben speaks up. I totally forgot he was even here "it's hard to imagine him as anything other than a little now when you see him like this eh. Hes suits it as much as he wants to deny it". I smile and nod my head in agreement looking back at the sleeping little suckling on his paci. "You go on ahead down, I'm going to sit in here to make sure he's ok when he wakes up" I say as I walk over to settle in the rocking chair. "Sure thing dude. Holler if you need anything alright?". I smile as I watch Ben leave.

It was around an hour Before I heard rustling from the crib. I didn't move as to waiting to see if he fell back asleep. Next thing I seen was him sitting up rubbing his eyes with his fists.  Before seeing them go wide as he looked around. I could hear his breathing quickening as he sucked hard on his paci his eyes watering. I jumped up rushing over to the side of the crib " hey your ok Luke, sorry I had to clean you up you were covered in vomit and pee." That didn't seem to help matters he scooted to the other side of the crib away from me. He began to shout "get" bit it came out muffled by his paci, he pulled it out of his mouth and looked at it in pure horror before quickly launching it across the room. I put down the bar to lean in to hold him but my arms were quickly smacked and kicked "get out !! Why won't you just leave me alone! I'm not little, stop trying to force me to be little!!" He screamed at the top of his voice. I was a little taken back, Iv never seen him like this he was trashing about the crib screaming and simultaneously crying, well more so whaling".
"Shh luke I understand yo.." "no your understanding Nothing!! Now get out of my room!". I slowly pull the side of the crib back up to full height and walk away holding eye contact. "I'm disappointed in your behaviour Luke" I said sighing walking out of the room to the heart reaching sobs. They went on and on and on.

I can't be a Little? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now