Chapter 39

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Luke's pov:

I feel small after waking up with all the noises before I could see daddy. I felt giddy when I seen him, kicking by feet with excitement of the warm bottle. I hold ski tight in my arms as where carries down the stairs.

I whine out as daddy places me on the blanket laid out on the living room floor. "Daddy be back in a sec baby just going help Ryan make bottles!" He said before leaving. I look around the room starting to panic because there's no one else in the room. I feel a tug on ski, making me wip my hair quickly around seeing turner sitting on the blanket too giving me a fright. He tugs on ski again as he ignores me sucking on his paci. I softly tug on ski, he pulls again with more force. " my ski!" I said trying to pull him back, tears forming in my eyes. One last tug is all it takes and I'm left holding just the arm with some of his fluffy insides are oozing out. Turner is there sitting holding ski in his arms. I let out a large scream flinging myself back onto the blanket flaying all my limbs holding ski arm in my small hand. I barely hear footsteps as I continue to scream loudly. "Hey hey baby daddy here" Jacob said. I continue to scream kicking my legs inhaling hard between sobs. "Shhhh baby your going to make yourself sick!" Jacob said trying to pick me up. Ryan's voice can be heard "omg turner that was not nice! Jacob! Turner took ski and it ripped off his arm!" I could hear Ryan scolding turner before more crying can be heard. "I sorry! I sorry I not mean too! I wanted to share teddy!" Turner screamed out crying, making me feel mad "ski mine!! Only mine! No share! Hate you!" I screamed at turner between cry's. Making turner cry heavier. Good he deserved it after what he did to ski, jacob scolded me "ah ah we share in this house lukie, turner should have asked to see ski but that's no reason for you to hate him" I feel myself ageing up, I'm not sure why. Maybe the fact I feel so angry that turner would do this to my bear and iv got in trouble after watching Ski, MY bear! Get ripped open. I stand up wiping my tears "fine if turner wants to be a big baby over a teddy he can keep ski. This is pathetic, if he wants ski that badly then he should have it" I Said throwing the teddy arm down and walking out of the living room. "Stupid fucking baby" I muttered as I glanced down at turner sitting there with tears in his eyes holding ski. I stormed out as I heard Jacob follow me telling me it wasn't nice to speak like that and I should apologise. "Jacob can you please just give me a minute" I said looking away from him pinching the bridge of my nose.  "No luke you need to apologise for cursing"  Jacob said, he's really testing my patience. "Jacob I'm big I can speak how I want. Where's turners apology? Why am I the one in trouble as turner ripped my property. Ski was mine. He destroyed it. I ain't fucking apologising." I said angrily.  "We'll let's go and speak about it with turner" Jacob said as he reached down for my hand as I wiped it away before he could take it. "I'm not going in to reason with a baby, I want some alone time, now please go away Jacob ." I said getting annoyed by his presence. Hearing a sigh Jacob walking back into the hall then living room as screams were heard when the door was opened. I walked to the back door to the garden. Noticing it was open I creeped out noticing Ben and troy sitting out there on a blanket in the grass.

"Hey buddy where you off to?" Troy said in a sickly sweet tone. It was clear due to my red eyes that is been crying. "I'm big, can we cut the baby talk? I just want peace" I said half waddling over and plonking on thr blanket. " oh em sorry Luke, have you been crying?" Troy asked again and I look up a him with a sigh. "Yes, turner tore skis arm off as he ripped him out of my hands and I was told to apologise for cursing" I explained truefully. "Wait that doesn't seem right? Why would you apologise?" Ben asked confused. "Exactly!!! I cursed cause i was angry, ski was my 1st thing I liked in my little space and he's broken by the stupid baby. I ain't apologising for shit." I said picking up a chocolate chip cookie from the plate between them before munching down sitting in silence. 

After a short while I feel my diaper wet more, I knew it needed changed but I was mad at Jacob right now. I looked up at Ben and Troy feeling embarrassed. "I em eh? Never mind" I said chickening out fidgeting as my diaper starts itching. "Ah I see, Luke do  you need a change?" Getting a sigh and a "yep" from me. "Do you want one of us to do it or do you want me to get jacob?" Troy asked making me smile when he said jacob instead of daddy, respecting my big space, even if my little body was portraying me. "Em you please if your ok with that? I'm still upset with Jacob." "No problem." Troy said as he pulled me into a standing position but them let me walk in front of him towards the stairs. Opening the gate i Heard jacobs voice as I start to climb the stairs on all 4s "everything ok?" He said as I ignored him. "Ye all good Jacob, just going to help Luke with a change he's still big" Troy said staying closely behind me. " oh I can do that for lukie you go back and chill Troy" Jacob said trying to follow. "No I want Troy this time" I said continuing to climb.

Troy lifted me up onto the changing table and there was an awkward silence. "Em can you talk me threw this Luke?" Troy said as he scratched the back of his next. I pointed to the pile of fresh diapers, wipes and powder. "Need them and em I lie down and you take my pants off and diaper. I can wipe tho! I just can't manage the tapes myself. Oh god this is embarrassing" I said as a lump formed in my throat. "Sorry Luke, I can't imagine what you are feeling right now but you would do the same for any of us, we're like brothers, ok let's do this" Troy said placing the nessasary bits on the mat beside me before slightly pushing on my chest to lie down pulling down my clothes.

As he undid my diaper the cold air hit, he grabbed out a wipe and started cleaning me down. "Oh I can do that part" I said reaching down for the wipe. It's ok Luke I got you, I should probably learn now that we have two of yous in the house" he said with an awkward haha at the end. Placing the fresh pampers under my bum and a sprinkle of powder he pulled it up and done the tabs up. "How's that feel?" He said starting to pull on the clothes again. "It actually feels ok! You done good" I said smiling reaching out to be picked up and placed down.

Walking to the stairs he picked me up again surprising me which troy picked up on. "Sorry I know your big but I don't want you falling on the stairs" he said as he concentrated walking down. "Thank you Troy, do you know where my phone is?" I ask, it's been so long since Iv been able to go on it. Especially since the last time I asked it ended in a big fight. "Yep I seen it on the counter! Here you go Luke". I could feel my eyes light up with excitement, why didn't I ask them earlier.

Joining Ben back outside on the blanket they start to chat as I turned it back on. I logged in to my social media accounts. I had hundreds of notifications amongst them all. My heart skipped a beat. So many of them where bring tagged in comments. People who I though were my friends. Girls Iv been with. All dragging me, making fun of me, about being a little, waste of space, basically a baby. "God I can't believe I ever went with @Luke, he's basically a baby" "I seen him playing in the park when out for a walk! Can't believe we ever though he was a man" "no more party's for the baba! Early bedtimes haha" "I'm so glad they don't let littles into the class in uni, imagine him crying wanting his diapers changed in the middle of lectures!" "Baby will settle right into his daycare nursery where he belongs" "I can't believe he though he'd be a dom, what a liar." "Prob to try and get girls, I mean who wants to be with a little" . They were endless.

I became numb. Do the boys feel the same way but feel they are stuck with me since I have no one else. Now they have turner aswell why would they want me. I get up from the blanket. "Luke? Where you going?" Ben asked quietly as he watched up stand up breaking up the conversation. " em I am just going over there I just want to sit alone for a little bit ok?" I said back holding the tears but the quiver in my voice was blowing my cover.

"Ok Luke, well we will be right here ok?" Ben said looking sympathetically at me. I walked over to the back corner of the garden sitting at the base of a tree. I just sat staring at my phone. I don't want to look at social. I look at my camera roll, I think that's just made everything worse. I see pictures of me a couple of weeks ago. "Why" I feel a stray tear drip down my face.

I feel like I'm in a daze. The night had started to creep in and the garden had a slight darkness to it. "Hey Luke you coming in?" Troy said crouched down in front of me. "Sure, can you bring me upstairs?" I asked. "Em ye sure, what you wanting?" He said pulling me into a standing position.

"Em I just want to go to my room please?" I said hoping he would allow me. "Oh ok, do you want some dinner? Bottle? Want Jacob ?" He said as he guided me into the house. I ignored all the questions that were being flung at me. "Lukie you going to sit down for dinner?" Jacob said walking towards me. "No" I said avoiding eye contact, Troy followed me to the stairs, guiding me up them. Getting to my room I just stood in the middle unsure of what to do, it doesn't even feel like my space. "Thank you, you can go now" I said turning to try who gave me and unsure smile but followed my order.

I sat over in the corner sighing my brain filtered through all of the messages in my head over and over. Like a tape on loop. God i really hate my life.

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