Chapter 37

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Ryans pov:

I sit turner into the back of my car, I'll need to get him a car seat soon, I think to myself. Ben jumps in the back with him and Troy hops into the front. They see he look at them strangely as I buckle turners seatbelt as he struggled to do so "don't look at us like that we're coming for moral support! Luke's really little so Jacob is keeping him home" Troy says. I smiled and notice turner had a smile behind his paci as his cheeks glow red.

We set off for the testing centre, I could see turner fidget in the rear view mirror. I could hear Ben whispering to him "everything will be ok turner" as he stroked his leg.

Pulling up I jumped out and opened turners door since I had turned the child lock on, helping him open his belt he climbs out standing beside me looking around. The 2 others jump out, " we're just going to grab a coffee, then we'll wait at these benches outside!" Ben said as they walked away. "Ok T you ready ?" I ask with my hand on his back. He shakes his head no looking up at me with sad eyes. "I know buddy it's scary but it has to be done ok" I said looking down holding his hand. His bottom lip quivered behind his paci as a stray tear fell from his eyes as he tried to blink them away. "Ok Turner, come here" I said as I picked him up, he's getting lighter each time I do it. He wiggled again me for a minute but soon settled as I stroked his back. I walked towards the building as the automatic doors filled open leading me to reception.

"How can I help you today sir" I middle aged woman asked behind the desk. "Hi we're both here for a retest" she looked at me strangely, it's not a common thing to get retested. "Ok any what results did you receive the last time and why do you feel you need a new test?" She asked glancing above her glasses. "I was tested as a standard Dom ma'am but I believe that I am a caregiver" I explained. "Ok sir and why does your little in your arms need a retest?" She asked confused. "His original test said he was neural ma'am and well, he's clearly not neutral" this made turner wiggle and whine in my arms. she looked shocked at that. "Oh I see! Well yes let me get you both checked in" she said as she quickly typed into her computer.

Sitting down in the waiting room I turned turner so he was sitting sideways on my lap leaning into me. The waiting room was almost empty. A women in a while coat appeared from the doorway leading to the testing room. "I have a turner here for a retest?" She said looking down at her clipboard. Turner glanced up at me with wide eyes. "No pease" he said behind the paci. "It will be over in a jiffy bud ok? Everything will be alright!" I said standing up and placing him to stand holding his hand, walking over to the woman. "Hello there I'm dr Emma! You must be turner? She said slightly crouched down holding her hand out to his. He leaned into me as he too her hand, I looked down at him smiling. "Your daddy will be here after testing ok turner?" Emma said making me love the title but cringe as turner nearly shouted out "he not my da daddy!" Behind his paci. "Now now turner no shouting they doctor didn't know that, how be a good boy and get your testing" he nodded walking away with the doctor. Sighing a sit down wanting for my own name to be called which was only a matter of minutes. Here goes nothing I said shaking the male drs hand as he introduced himself before walking me into the testing room.

Turners pov:

Emma led me into a bright coloured testing room, it's a lot different from the room I had my original test in. Sitting me down on one side of the desk she goes to the other. "Turner do you think you could take your paci out for testing so I can make sure I hear everything clearly?" She asked. My eyes go wide, I completely forgot that I had it in! I was supposed to take it out at the car! I quickly tug it out shoving it in my pocket. "Thank you!" She said smiling.

"Ok so your original test said you were neutral, when did you start feeling little?" She asked. "I big!" I said crossing my arms. Sighing she leaned further into the desk. "Ok turner could you be a really big boy now and tell me the truth, only little boys lie!" She said. Shoot I don't want her to mark me as being a little boy I'm big! " I em my friend Luke tested little and I started em wetting bed, I like to play with him but he not like being little but he's really little, but I'm not little but I liked his paci" I said rambling on blushing. "Ah I see, thank you turner, let's get your testing done!" She said smiling.

I sit and wait for dr Emma to come back in with my test results. I wiggled in my chair as the need to pee increased as she walked in. "Hi again turner, so we have your test results, would you like me to read them to you?" She said as she leaned her bum on the desk at my side. I just nod nod wanting to know my results really. "We'll your a little! Congratulations! Your age range is 18months to 2.5 years falling most at 24month/2 year mark!"

" no no no no I said breaking down crying, releasing the pee I was holding in." "Oh hey hey no don't be upset turner this is exciting! "No I big! I big" I sobbed out. "Should we get his daddy?" A man asked who I hadn't seen before. "I no have daddy I big! I neutral!" I said screaming crying. The women tried to comfort me but rubbing my back I wiggle away from her putting myself on the floor as I continued to cry.

I felt another arm go around me as I tried to wiggle it away it spoke "hey buddy it's me Ryan your ok shhhh your ok, Iv got you bud" he said lifting me up. I lean into him continuously sobbing. I feel him rummage in my pocket then I feel the paci be placed between my lips, instantly quitting down my crying. I could hear Ryan talking to the women regarding my test results but I immediately blocked it out. "Yes I'm ok to take him I'm a caregiver now" I heard Ryan say. I forgot that he was getting tested also. Does this mean he's going to be my caregiver. Noo that's so awkward he's my friend, that weird!

I closed my eyes over as I block out all the talking. I'm awakened In the car by it pulling over. "Where are we?" I said glancing out the window. " the mall T, would you like to be carried or walk?" Ryan said hopping out of the car. "Why we here? I don't want to go in!" I moaned behind the paci. "Shhh now now be a good boy. We're going to get you a teddy in build a bear for being so good!" Ryan explained as he lifting me out of the car. I stood beside Troy and Ben to felt like they were towering over me. Ryan grabbed my hand and led me into the shops. Ryan led me to build a bear as the others walked away. "Where they go?" I asked as I seen them slip off. "They need to go pick up a few bit for us now that your little turner" Ryan said gently. "What no I don need anything everything ok!" I said whining out stomping my foot. "Now enough of your tantrum turner. Here will be some necessary changes that have to happen just like you helped with Luke's changes. I looked down, it's different when it's changes for yourself. Now I feel sorry for what we don't to Luke.

Walking into build a bear I got really excited, my eyes are directly drawn to the sully teddy from monsters inc. "omg can I have him ! Peeeaassse!" I shout putting Ryan towards him. A young girl come to help. "Hello there! And who might you be daring?" The girl asked leaning down to talk to me, "em turner" I said slightly hiding behind Ryan feeling shy about getting so excited about a teddy. "Well it's so lovely to meet you turner, did I over hear someone wanted a sully teddy?" I just nodded, sucking on my paci, wanting to take it out but I was needing it at the moment. " fantastic!" She said picking it up and heading over to the stuffing station. She asked Ryan what age I am and he explained that I am a new little and I'm 2. I frowned at this " I twenty!" I shouted back up! "Sorry buddy she was asking your little age T" Ryan said which didn't relax me. The girl finished stuffing sully, "here give him a cuddle before I seal him up to make sure he's snuggly enough or if you want him firmer" she said handing him to me. I felt silly squeezing him but he felt nice. "He's fine tanks" I said handing him back.

She handed him to me to leave the store after saying new littles get their 1st bear free. "Em can I ha a bag pease" I said looking down at the teddy in my arms. The girl looked confused " I don't want people to see me with teddy" I said handing him to Ryan. Ryan said "well I guess sully can just stay here if you don't want him" as he handed him back to the girl. "But no sully mine!" I said tears formed in my eyes. I just wanted Ryan to hold him! "Only big boy hold here own teddies anyway" Ryan said looking at the women. I look up between the two of them. " no my sully!" I said reaching for him. Ryan's goes to hand him to me. "Are you going to be a big boy and hold him tight" I just nodded whispered a "tank yo" Ryan thanked the girl and lead me out into the hall. Troy and Ben were standing outside. "Omg is that a sully teddy! Soo cool!" Ben said animatedly. "What will you call him?" Troy asked. It make me chuckle "sully you silly billy!" Which made us all laugh. I could hear Ryan asked his they got everything sorted. I looked up at them all. " ok let's head home see what the other two are up too!" I just nodded and took Ryan's hand heading back to the car.

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