Chapter 55

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Jacobs pov:

I'm not sure what got turner so upset about the university nursery, it was honestly our top choice but we thought it would be good to have a second opinion. If he's not little this morning I think we will be in for a battle.

Getting out of bed I walk over to Luke's crib in my room, honestly it's much better having him in here at night to be right there when he needs me. Lowering the bars he's just lying on his back his arms bent with his hands resting on each side of his face, his paci bobbing in his mouth. "Morning sleepyhead" I said stroking his tummy gently to rock him, he wiggles and groans stretching out his limbs, "time to wake up buttercup" I said as his eyes flutter open squinting at the light. "There he is, good boy, shall we get some breakfast in your tummy before we go on an adventure to see where your going to make new friends and play with new toys!" I said trying to sound positive about todays visits.

Luke nodded holding his arms up for me, i unzip his sleep suit and carry him in his footed onsie down stairs. I place him in his high chair as Ben sits beside him tickling his covered feet making him giggle. I'm not sure where in little space he's sitting but I know he's not big. "What you want to eat baby, baba? Cereal? Pancake?" I didn't need to say anything more. "Pan pease" he said behind his paci making me smile as I go to make up a small batch figuring turner would probably like it also.

"Noooo stop I look babyish In this onsie papa!" I could hear turner say before I see him, coming in he looks so adorable in that onsie covered in bears, he's clearly not little meaning we were in for a battle this morning. I bring over both plates and 2 bibs, "ok 2 pancakes with syrup and strawberries!" I said placing it on both highchairs. Lukie went straight in with he's hands making them all sticky, turner used his small utensils.

Both finish up I took a wet wipe to lukies hands and face, I pick him up grabbing his bottle and carrying him upstairs. Placing him on the changing table I hand him his bottle to drink as I get to work changing his diaper and then dressing him in a baby blue snap crotch onsie and a navy soft cotton dungarees, this being my go to outfit for him recently. I place some socks on his small feet as he finishes his bottle. I gently burped him before bringing him to the bathroom to brush his hair and his teeth.

Going back down stairs we waited for Ryan and turner. He's dressed in his usual matching full tracksuit with a pay patrol dog embroidered on the chest. His paci hanging from his top as he held a pout. Lukie just sucked on his paci as we pulled away in the car, Ryan spoke softly to me mentioning that turner is still adamant he's hot going into the 1st place. We were both perplexed as he hadn't given a reason for the decision.

Pulling up to the car park at the university myself and Ryan get out and open the door, both boys car seats tilt them back so they can't see out of the window fully, once the door was opened and turned got a glance of the campus, he started screaming and batting Ryan's hands from unclipping him. "Stop! Please! No! You can't make me go in there! Please no! Please! Leave me here! I don't want to go in there!" Ryan looked at me confused, I was also confused, I can't think why he had such a distaste towards this nursery towards the next one that we are visiting this afternoon.

I continued to unclip luke who was frantically sucking on his paci looking over at turner. "Tuwne it otay, we go togeder!" Lukie said as I freed him from his harness. "No Luke you don't get it! If you were big right now you'd be against going in there too!" Turner protested through sobbing. I lifted Luke out as he took a long blink and shook his head, he spat out his paci letting it hang from the clip attached to his shortalls. "What's he mean? Can I talk to turner?" Luke said, dame he snapped out of little space, it would have been perfect for him to be visiting this place when little. I sigh a little frustrated by turner pulling Lukie bigger. "No lukie, we need to get turner and you inside ok" I said holding him away from turner open door as Ryan pulls the screaming turner free from the car, he's kicking and trashing. "Why won't you both fucking listen to me!!! I don't want to go here!" He screamed. I really don't ever remember seeing him like this.

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