Chapter 40

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Turners pov:

What have I done. I block out Ryan scolding me, I just watch as big Luke walks out. I glance down at the teddy Iv my hands, massacred, arm discarded on the floor. I quickly let go of ski, not that it makes the situation any better, I scream cry. "Hey hey hey buddy you need to breathe for me, in and out, ok thats it!" I could hear Ryan say, but it felt like miles away. I'm picked up and placed snug into Ryan's lap as he rocks us back and forwards. I short while later I'm down to a couple of hiccups.

I glance over to see jacob sitting in the other sofa with his hands in he's head crying softly. "I sowey papa" I said making eye contact with Ryan as I gaze up to his face. "Thank you for apologising turner but it's Luke you need to apologise to, you've really hurt his feelings, that was Luke's teddy and you snatched it. He loved ski and he saw it getting tore apart." I looked down at my lap as tears formed again. "I don't know why I did it I wanted to see teddy, I didn't mean to hurt it, can we fix it, I give Luke sully! I really sowwy, Luke hate me!!!" I said leaning into Ryan's chest, "I'm sure he just said that in the heat of the moment, we will try and fix ski, I don't think he wants your teddy turner, I think he just wants ski" Ryan said stroking my back softly. He was right, giving sully not going to fix this. I don't know why I wanted ski so badly, it just this big instinct to grab it.

Cuddling into Ryan, I heard the door shut Jacob slam down on the sofa again with blotchy eyes. "Everything ok Jacob?" Ryan asked what I was thinking. "Iv messed up again with Luke, he won't speak to me, he's getting Troy to change his diapers! Man has never done one before!!" Jacob nearly shouted.

Ryan spoke up "I think you were a bit harsh on him Jacob, he's only small with big emotions, his 1st teddy was ripped, and then you scolded him. It was turner here that was naughty for grabbing out."
I turned my head into Ryan's neck as he talked about me being naughty, he was right but it's not nice hearing someone say it out loud. "But he needs to learn about sharing?" Jacob said. I looked up at Ryan interested in what he has to say next. "Jacob their babies when their little, they don't understand sharing. Try and fix ski and apologise to him after dinner, I'll deal with this scamp" Ryan said tapping on my bum making me feel nervous. Is he going to spank me?

Jacob said "your right, I'll go get dinner started" getting up to leaving. Ryan pulls me away from his chest so I have to face him. "Right turner, what you done was very naughty and really hurt Luke's feelings" I could feel my breath hitch. "Now now turner no tears, you need to apologise to Luke. Yous are in this together, it's not nice for yous to be fighting. I think 10 mins time out will do for now ok buddy?" I just nod happy to not get spanked for making Ryan mad at me, "I sowwy wyan"  "come on baby" Ryan said as he picked me up and sits me in the corner on the floor. "Ok turner no turning around. I want you to sit and think about what you've done and think about how your going to make it up you Luke. Papa will come and get you when your time is up" I just nod and face the wall crying softly.

Ryan's pov:

I walk out of the living room it was difficult to listen to turner softly crying, and not being able to comfort him setting a timer on my phone. I walk into the kitchen to see Jacob making dinner his eyes red and blotchy. I was about to speak up to him when Ben walk in followed by Troy guiding Luke. Ben sat in the kitchen and Luke and Troy kept walking to the stairs "hey lukie you going to have some dinner?" Jacob asked going to follow Luke when Luke just said "no" and kept walking. Jacob just looked broken as he walked back in to cook. There was a heavy silence in the room, no one knew what to say.

My timer broke the silence when Troy returned back down the stairs. I walk in to turner and see him still crying in the corner. "Hey buddy times up, come get a cuddle" he quickly stands running over forcefully throwing himself into my arms. I sway back and forth to try and shh him " I sowey papa I hurt ski, I weally am! Ski has boo boo can't he be fixed? Will Luke still be my fwend? I weally am sowwy!" He sobbed out in one breath. "Shhhhh buba Jacob going to try and fix him. But have you learned your lesson? You can't snatch other people's things, you can ask nicely but if they say no you have to respect that okay?" I asked still rocking him. "Yesh papa I undu stand!" I wipe his eyes with my thumb and start walking into the kitchen. I sit him on my lap afraid to use Luke's high chair incase he appeared and was afraid we replaced him. Placing a bib on turner made him whine but he accepted being spoon fed once he noticed he wasn't being watched.

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