Chapter 57

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Bens pov:

I stood washing dishes as I felt arms snake around my waist and a body press up again me, I warm breath on my ear making the hairs on my body stand up. "Hey baby" Troy said before kissing my neck. "Hi, you better not distract me, I'm trying to get the place sorted before the two Tasmania devils arrive back!" I said with a chuckle. Troy stepped back and grabbed a tea towel to dry the dishes, "how do you think they got on?" He asked. I had a think for a minute "I'm really not sure, I hope one of the places work out for them, they guys really can't afford to miss much more classes before they'll flunk the year!" I said before turning around to the front door opening and Ryan shouting, "turner come get your shoes off please" and the small sound of running making me smile as we both turn to look at the door, no screaming which is a good sign.

Soon a bouncing turner came through the door running up to us in his small grippy socks. "Hey scamp! How did your visits go?" Troy said lifting him up to sit in his arms, "no like furs pace but next pace the bestest! And made fwiemds and Emily der, and man who smell like papa! And and I colour and play and they have big space spot and I get to jump in puddles!!" He said frantically giddy, we both laughed and smiled at him and then the others as they walked through the door.

"It seems like you found the perfect place!" I said to turner before turning to Ryan and Jacob who's holding a sleeping Luke. "It honestly is the perfect fit for them!" Ryan said smiling. "Did lukie like it?" I asked looking at the small boy sleeping with his paci bobbing in his mouth, "he seems to have, he's so very little, I think I'm going to pop him down for a second nap to get him through the afternoon and evening!" Jacob said smiling and heading towards the stairs.

"I told teachw the wight milk for Lulu cause he little baby, he cuddled her most time I payed but it otay, Lulu can pay too when he big boy like me now!" Turner said making all 3 of us laugh as he then yawned. "Come here big boy, you were a great big brother to lulu huh? Now I think this big boy maybe needs a change and some cuddle story time to unwind?" Ryan said taking turner from Troy's hands. "Otay papa, bye bye!" He said to us as he was walking upstairs.

"Oh I'm so happy for them both! It's so refreshing to see them so comfortable and happy in themselves and I'm sure being around other littles will only continue to help!" I said with a slight tear in my eye feeling like a proud uncle to them. I think Troy noticed, "your so cute Ben!" He said wiping my tear and pulling me in for a tight cuddle. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard a throat clearing, pulling apart we see Jacob standing at the coffee machine.

"I suppose I could have walked in on worse then a cuddle" he said pouring himself a coffee before looking at is my cheeks pink. "Yous look good together, are yous 'official?'" He asked and I looked at Troy, "yes we are" he said putting his arm around me pulling me again his warm side. "Good for you guys, I'm happy for you both!" Jacob said as Ryan entered the room after presumably getting turner down for a nap also "why we happy for them?" Ryan smiled asking. "Their officially boyfriends" Jacob said, the term made me blush hard and Troy kissed my temple. "Oh exciting!! We'll have to celebrate!" Ryan said enthusiastically!

"And we'll have to celebrate the boys aswell! That's great news" I said trying to deflect. "I know, it wasn't fun to see them in the 1st place, poor turner was so distraught, we hadn't even thought about them not wanting to be on the uni campus as littles." Ryan said looking disappointed in himself. "Look yous can't think of everything, I for one wouldn't have thought of that. The main thing is that you have found somewhere where you know they will be safe and cared for while you are at classes." Troy said and I nodded in agreement.

We sat and chatted about it for another while before jacobs phone chimed, once he clicked on you couldn't hear a faint "daddy?" Through the camera. "I'm guessing the nap aged him up a bit, you guys think of ways we'll celebrate both of the news!" He said before heading for the stairs.

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