Chapter 52

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Ryan's pov:

Turner is leaning into the side of me drink on his sippy cup as the others set up the board game. Lukie was sitting in jacobs lap as he sat his legs crisscrossed, lukie was sucking on hisbottle of juice, "I think me and lukie will be the same team, what you think pumpkin?" Jacob said wrapping his arms around lukie kissing the top of his head, so adorable. I think it's probably because Luke's to little to play without jacobs help anyway. Lukie just nodded while continuing to drink. "Wee T you want to be on my team or do you want to play yourself?" I asked looking down at him for an answer, his soft childlike features looking up at me as he lowers his sippy, "I wan be big an pay, I not need papa" he's still floating between his headspace, "I'm sure the others won't mind if you want to be big and play yourself and papa will help you, right guys?" I said looking at the 3 'adults' "oh of course not T!" Jacob said and Troy and Ben nodded.

Settling in to play turner couldn't count his spaces correctly so would then look at me to count, as I hold his little hand in mine we move his little figurine. I don't think lukie was quite grasping the game as he just would clap anytime jacobs moved theirs even when it was sliding backwards on a snake, making us all chuckle when he hissed, "good boy lukie that's the sound a snake makes" Jacob said making lukie bounce happily in his lap.

Troy ended up winning and lukie was clapping but turner was looking down all sad, "it's ok T it's only a game" I said trying to reassure him as he started sniffing and tears came in his eyes making them look glossy, I knew he struggled to loose when in little space after playing Mario kart. "Come here baby" I said pulling him into my lap. "No baby!" He sobbed. "Turner I know you feel sad you lost but in this house we're happy when our friends win and succeed, okay buddy?" I said gently as I stroke his back. "O otay I I sowwy" he said snuggling in to me. "It's ok my tiny turtle" I said rocking holding him closely.

"Anyone hungry yet?" Ben asked. "all you think about is food!" Troy laughed nudged Ben playfully. Right after lukies tummy made a large rumble making him giggle. "See lukies hungry arnt you?" Ben said tickling Luke's side getting a squeal as he squirmed in jacobs lap, wiggling himself away onto the floor and crawling to the door. "Din ur?" He turned sitting on the floor at the door making us all coo at him, "your right lukie you lead us to get dinner! Ben said jumping up and walking over to the door pulling it opened letting Luke crawl ahead to the kitchen. We all followed behind with turner in my arms. Lukie sat on the floor holding his arms up to anyone who wanted to take him saying "up pease!" Troy was passing him and scooping lukie up holding him up above his head Luke was in a fit of laughter.

Turner looked over in wonder and Luke being swung down between Troy's legs and back into the air keeping a firm grip on the littles torso. Lukie was letting off high pitches squeals and giggles. "Not to much I don't want him sick!" Jacob said smiling. "Papa I twy?" Turner said in a whisper to me, I change my grip in my hand to around his torso, "and upsidasie!" I said catching him by surprise. Soon there was 2 giggling boys as they caught their breath as they got placed into their highchairs. Jacob removed Luke's clothes down to only his onsie and diaper and bib making me look confused. "Dude there having spaghetti Bolognese" I chuckled, "say no more". Lifting turner out and doing the same but with more protest. "No papa look like baby!" Turner said making me smile. "Let's get your bib on then some yummy dinner!" I said clasping it behind him as he pouted.

Two small plates off chopping up spaghetti and sauce was placed on their trays and suctioned down. "Want to use a fork or spoon or your hands?" I asked turner as he looked at luke tucking right in with his hands smearing it over his face. "Spoon pease" he said taking the small baby cutlery from my hand. He tooked in with some difficulty as the rest of us do, out of the corner of my eye I see he glance around and take more food up in his other hand placing it in his mouth.

Finishing by up we all look at the 2 littles, lukie is sucking on his saucy fingers with it smeared arocross his face arms and body where the bib doesn't protect "wow I think it's bathtime for daddy's messy baby huh!" Jacob said as he wiped down the excess from the highchair before lifting him out and holding him at arm length as Luke kicked his bare legs gently. I lift turner out similarly but held his back to my side and my hand supporting in between his legs, getting sauce on my arm as it sits against his clothes. "I think a bath time too, how about a little play together?" To which turner just nodded.

I looked back at Troy and Ben, "go ahead and get them bathed and in their pjs we'll tidy and pick a movie, Troy said smile and Ben already started to clear the table. "Thanks guys!" I said as I open the gate as I still have a free hand and Jacob his still holding the wiggly lukie.

We both go into Lukies bathroom as it has the larger bath and place them both onto the floor. Lukie sitting and turner standing beside him. "I'll get the bath running to temperature and bubbles, you want to get them stripped?" Jacob asks me and I nodded. I attended to lukie first as I feel turner will probably protest to being nude. "Come here you little rascal" I said to luke unsnapped his bib and onsie stripping him off to just his diaper, "water ready? I don't want to leave lukie without his diaper to long?" I asked. "Yep all ready hand him over. I strip him off his soggy diaper and hand they naked baby across. "Ok papas boy next! Come here my Prince" I said smiling warmly at turner as he shyly stood below me as I kneeled. He let me strip him down as I pick him up placing him in him in amongst the bubbles. I quickly follow jacobs Que and start scrubbing turner down and washing his hair from sauce.

"Ok boys, you to play nicely ok?" Jacob said as we finished up. I stay beside them at the bath watching over them as Jacob gathered up the dirty clothes and gathered two towels. As the water cooled I suggested them getting out earning 2 whines "come on you too you'll be shrivelling away, lets get yous out and cosy for a movie" I said lifting turner out quickly wrapping him in a towel Jacob doing the same. I carry turner over to his room placing him onto his changing table and dry him softly and place a diaper on him, i gently rub some lavender lotion into him , the scent causing him to yawn, I placed a paci between his lips as he suckles on it, "good boy, now let's get you in your footsies" I lifted him placing him down on a navy footsie with small planets on it snapping it closed, I attached his paci and then pick him up as he rested his head on my shoulder, "fancy some milk?" I asked as I come into the hallway as Jacob emerged with Lukie in a white onsie with small animals on it. "Bottles?" Jacob said quietly and I nodded.

Carrying them down we walk into the living room to Ben was cuddled into Troy jumping apart as we entered I smiled at them, "you don't have to stop! Although can you hold these two tired boys while we make some milk?" I said handing them down turner and Jacob the same with Luke as we head to kitchen. "It takes 2 to make bottles now does it?" Jacob said laughing. "So I was thinking about nursery, we really need to sort it I was wondering could we take the boys to the zoo tomorrow but before we go explain we will visit 2 nursery the day after?" I proposition. "No your completely right Iv been putting it on the back foot with Luke being unsettled, I'll email the 2 we narrowed down to later, the one in the Uni and the one that's on the way" he said. "Perfect, well tell them about the zoo and that in the morning, I don't know about you but I don't want to try and get an excited boy to bed and to sleep!" I said laughing. Jacob chucked handing me a bottle, "that's for sure!" As we walk back into the room. Turner holds his hands out for his bottle as he sat propped up in bens arms. Troy looked at Jacob smiling, Luke was cradled in his arms as he gently massaged Luke's small covered foot, "well that looks comfortable, you want to feed him his bottle?" Jacob asked Troy who nodded eagerly pulling Luke in closer pulling his paci out making the boy groan until the bottle was placed in.

Me and Jacob sit on the opposite couch watching both our boys start to sleep in there best friends arms, tomorrow is going to be both exciting and scary telling them about the nursery, it's not going to go down well. Both boys stand holding the sleeping boys, "right uncle Ben and troy, guesss yous are on bedding duties!" I said laughing as me and Jacob stand " come on, I'll show you how to work their sleep suits", Jacob said quitly, I guess no movie for the two tots.

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