Chapter 18

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Luke's pov:

I wake up so cosy, I look up at the window seeing light shining through behind the curtains, I was snuggled into the side of jacobs, my head on his chest and he had an arm wrapped behind me. I gently sucked on my paci holding sky tightly, I could probably get use to this, my mind keeps nudging me to reject the littleness to save my pride but this feels right as hard as it is to admit, I would never say it out loud though.

Jacobs gravel voice vibrates underneath me, "are you awake Luke?" As he strokes my back. Spitting out my paci, "yeah I am, look I'm really sorry about my behaviour I'm just so overwhelmed with all this" I say as I sit upright but avoiding eye contact as I look as I turn to face him. "No I'm so sorry Luke, I think I just expected you to love being little, I know I forced things on you to fast to soon. I can reign it back, forget the rules I said, you don't have to call me daddy etc. I just want you to be happy and content" I look up at him as he was lying leaning on the headboard. I held my shrinking hands out to him and I'm quickly pulled over him to straddle his waist and cuddling into his bare chest "thank you da-daddy" I say shyly snuggling closely. "No thank you lukie, now do you feel big or small?" He asked stroking my back. "I not sure" I responded truthfully, "I feel like I'm fluttering between but maybe more big" I finish. "Ok no problem, how about we get food in your tummy and then we can go to living room to play lego, the others are all at class today, we have the house to ourselves! Let's go" I feel myself being picked up onto jacobs hip as I'm told we're home alone, this will be nice.

Reaching the kitchen I'm placed in the high chair "no want sit in this" I wiggle slightly as I'm strapped in, "I know petal your not quite tall enough to sit at the table, we would need to get a booster seat. I hang my head in shame. He's probably right, I'm probably about 4ft now but I have no clue. " want some syrup pancakes?" Jacob asked smiling. "Yess pleassseeeee!" I nearly shout back. "Haha okay, coming right up your highness!" Jacob responded with a deep chuckle. I placed the paci that's dangling from my jammie top back in my mouth enjoying it while I wait,watching Jacob working around the kitchen, pancakes are placed on the tray in front of my and I drool as watching the maple syrup be drizzled over it. Pulling my paci out with a pop, "do you want to eat it yourself with your hands or be fed? And can I pop a bib on you?" I give a nod to the bib and say "I try" "ok Luke."

I attempt to use a fork before going in with my hands. By the time I'm finished my face, arms, hands and bib are covered in syrup, "that's was yummy, thank you !" I say smiling up, "you sure look like you enjoyed it, I think a bath is call for to clean this up!" He said with a deep chuckle, picking me up under my arms holding me out away from his body at arms length I kick my leg's gently.

Placing me down on the bathroom floor he starts to peel off the sticky clothes as the bathtub fills with water and bubbles. "You smell like sugar, I should just eat you up! Nom nom nom! Jacob says while pretending to eat my arm causing me to erupt in a fit of giggles "ahhhh no daddy noooo eat me heheh". "Haha ok pumpkin let's get this diaper off you" and he then plops me in the warm water. " you have a soak and play with your toys, daddy's going to jump in the shower here, so I can keep an eye on you" I feel shy as Jacob starts stripping off, we've all seen each other's naked before but it's more intimidating now as I look at him then look down at myself 'I'm really not a man anymore' I think to myself hanging my head in shame picking up a couple of boats and start playing letting my imagination wander. Before I know it I feel a warm wash cloth at my back making me jump and splash as I whip my body around "sorry lukie didn't mean to startle you, let's get you scrubbed up before you shrivel away on me" Jacob said and I nodded.

I'm placed down on the changing table wrapped in a fluffy towel. "What would you like to wear today?" Jacob said holding up 3 items, I like this being able to choose. "Em red one please" it was the least babish one, it was a red T-shirt with paw patrol character on the front and soft navy shorts. As Jacob diapers me up I noticed he's using different patterned ones then before but same thickness if not more. "Why diffent di diapers?" I ask stuttering. "Sorry Luke, the other ones are gone to big on you petal, Ive had to switch to a larger pampers baby diapers then the adult little ones" Jacob said with a sorry look on his face. "Oh em ok" I can't believe I fit in actual baby sized diapers. "What happens to all others" I ask curious, it seems like there was a lot of waste if I wasn't going to fit in them. "What do you think? Should I dress all the others up in them?haha" Jacob said laughing and shaking his head. "Hehe that be funny to see" I offered back knowing it was only a joke.

Once again I'm picked up and brought back down stairs after Jacob reapplied my bandage and gave me some more pain relief. Being set down on the living room floor with large Lego pieces set around me , Jacob flicked on the tv scrolling through until he found paw patrol. "Can I get you anything buddy?" He said crouched down in front of me. "Um yeah can I have, um never mind" I say realising what i want is babish. " don't be frightened baby tell me what you would like" he said reaching out to stroke my arm. " um can I have bottle, sky and paci please" I ask just above a whisper looking down. "Of course pumpkin! Coming right up!" Jacob kissed my forehead lightly standing up to walk out.

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