Chapter 33

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Jacobs pov:

Coming up to bed I pop my head into Luke making sure he was ok, his paci had fallen from his mouth so I replaced it softly stroking his cheek before turning to leave, I saw Ryan standing in the doorway "everything okay?" I asked coming over to him. "Everything perfect look at this" he said with a smile, as he walked over to turners room softly opening the door, the room softly lit from the hallway light peaking through, there he was snuggled up with a paci softly bobbing in his mouth. I look at Ryan who has a smile on his face. I pull the door shut gently, "well I think we confirmed our suspicions!" Ryan said quietly. I didn't mention the bed wetting I promised turner i wouldn't tell the others and I wanted him to trust me. "I still don't want to force him into a reclassification test Ryan, I don't think he'd forgive us" I said with a sigh. " I know, I know he just looks so adorable" Ryan said with a smile. "He'll let us in. When the times right, let's remember we pushed lukie to hard and we almost lost him. We can't risk loosing our turner" Ryan nodded "your right, sleep well Jacob" he said retiring to his room.

I'm wakened with a start at hearing faint crying, I quickly pick up my phone to look at Luke's monitor, "he's fast asleep?" I look confused maybe it's laggin I said getting up going into the hallway. Poking my head into Luke he's still out cold, I still hear soft crying, turner! I think turning around. I softly knock pushing the door open. He's sitting up in bed with his covers pulled back in a obvious wet bed. He's paci wasn't in his mouth. "Leave me alone!" He said through his cry's, his voice cracking. "Shhh turner you ok let me help you get back into a dry bed. "I don't need help!" I said raising his voice. "Shhhh your right but help will make things go quicker, now up you get" I said guiding him out of the bed, noticing a sag in his pants. "Turner did you wear the goodnight I gave you?" He just nodded. "Ok go in and get freshened up, I'll change your bed" I said and he just stood there frozen. I looks slightly smaller but that just could be my disturbed sleep brain, he was originally always the smallest before Luke dropped.
"Turner, did you hear me?" I said stroking his arm, "don't touch me!" He said sharply before going into the bathroom shutting the door.

I strip down the sheets noticing the stain on his mattress, I'm really going to need to get a mattress protector I said getting the few sheet back on after laying a towel on the wet patch. As I shoot out his duvet the paci dropped out, picking it up I noticed that it was one of Luke's I placed it on the bedside locker.

Turner emerged in just a towel, "can I get your wet pjs? I'll add them to a wash" making turner just nod as I walk into the bathroom, picking them up before I glanced over noticeing the drenched goodnights, he's a heavy wetter, I think to myself sighing. I come back out to find him reaching under the bed pulling out another goodnight. "Turner I don't think there thick enough for you" I said knowing I'm going to be left with resistance. "There fine" he said pulling them up with the towel still around his waist still. "Turner you'll be in another wet bed my the morning!" I said firmly making him glance up at me with sad eyes. "Do you, have, thick, thicker ones" he said as his eyes began to water again. "There the thickest pull up turner" I said causing his face to pale. " no! no absolutely not! I'm not wearing a diaper!!" He whisper shouts. "Shhh your ok, no one else needs to know, only us two, it's only for at night ok?" He breaks down into full sobs, struggling to catch his breath, i pull him to sit on my knee as he sobs loudly, I hope he doesn't wake the others. I glance at the locker and reach over for the paci, I place it at his mouth. "I not little!!" He sobs out. "That's ok turner you just need something to help calm you" I said as I place it in, he glanced at me as it bobbed in his mouth with a sad look on his face, I hug him tight. "All will be ok turner" I said stroking his back as he reduced to just sniffles. Once he was calm enough, I got his attention again, "turner can I help you get on a diaper, your mattress is starting to stain" I said in a soft voice his crying increased but he nodded, I placed him down on the bed still in his towel. I pop across the hall and quietly pull one of the adult sizes diaper that don't fit Luke anymore, trying to pick the one that was less babyish, not being to successful. I grab some wipes and talc and sneak back across the hall. Turner glanced up at it crying again, "dat babyish!" He said through the paci, I know T it's all I have now I'm sorry" earning a nod and a sob.

I softly push him to lie down, opening the towel around his waist. I rip one side of the goodnight and go to do the other when his hand's grabbed my wrists "shh turner you don't have anything Iv not seen ok, I'll be quick and gentle" he reluctantly let go nodding allowing me to rip the other side folding the front down I notice he had no hair, I didn't even notice that his legs were hairless before. I quickly raise his legs pulling the pull up out and place the diaper in. Spurting some baby powder on his smooth bottom before lying him back down spreading his legs, sprinkling some on the front before pulling it up tight closing the tabs. I pull him up to sit as he still softly cried behind the paci he tried to squeeze his legs shut but was unsuccessful "tooo thick!" He whined out. "I know buddy, you need it though, let's get these pjs on, I said pull the top over his head and then fed the feet through the holes " stand up T" I said and he followed as I tugged them up, the bulge very noticeable and the waistband clearly visible. I pull back the cover of the bed "right in ye get bud" I said and he quickly got in. "You want some warm milk to get back to sleep? I'm going to make Luke some for his warmer he'll be up soon I think". I said as I could see his internal battle with himself. "T don't worry about wetting, the diaper will do it's job" I said trying to reassure him. He just nods, I smiled walking out of the room.

Returning with the sippy cup he whined. "It's only so you can drink it lying down T" which I think he understood as he quickly replaced the paci with the spout. Crying started up across the hall, "I'll be back T" I said stroking his hair.

"Hi baby boy is my lukie hungry" I said lowering the rail to pick him up. I quickly change his diaper before re snapping him up and sitting on the rocking chair to have his bottle, lulling him back to sleep. I placed Luke back in his crib after burping him, replacing his paci and ski in his hand. "How did I get so lucky" I said looking at Luke but Also thinking off turner across the hall. I quickly make my way over there to find him asleep, sippy hanging from his lips. I quickly swapped it out for his paci before turning the lights out, yawning as I got into my own bed.

Turners pov:

I roll over with a groan, thinking of the dream last night, I could still feel the paci in my mouth, fondling it with my tongue before going back to sucking it. I rolled only my back with my legs spread. "Omg no! that was not a dream Jacob diapered me, I'm never going to be able to look at him again, I sit up in bed about to pull the covers back to get up where I heard the door knock and open, can't anyone wait for an answer before they come in as I quickly shove the paci under the covers!! "hey tuner just making sure your up! Let's go!, Troy made his amazing french toast!" He said coming in opening the curtains. "I'll be down in a bit!" I said tightly gripping the duvet. "Come on lazy bones you went to bed early! We're all in our pjs! No class remember! He said quickly pulling back the duvet ! I looked down and seen the bulge in the pants and the white waistband out over. "RYAN!! GET THR FUCK OUT!!" I shouted starting to cry. "Oh I'm so sor-" he tried to speak but I just pull the covers overextended them to go over my head curling in a ball. "Just, leave, me, alone, I hate you!!" I said sobbing struggling to catch a breath. "Im sorry turner" he said as the footsteps disappeared. I just lie there sobbing ignoring the paci beside me pushing it away. I hear other food steps, little and big through my cry's, I hear a soft "turner?" He was Luke, "go away please lukie" I said not bringing my head up, then I hear Jacob "turner your ok Ryan didn't know, I hadn't told anyone". "It's to late now!" I shout under the covers, "I'm a neutral I shouldn't be doing this !" I continued. "Maybe it was wrong T" Jacob said softly, "I don't want to be a stupid little!!" I shout out again then relise what Iv said. I hear lukie breath hitch, "I a supid littol daddy?" He said starting to cry. I lift my head out looking at look as he curled into Jacob's legs. " no not you lukie! Your perfect I'm a neutral the test said soo!" . We both just start sobbing hard, I heard Ryan come in "hey you managing Jacob?" He asked "not really". Jacob said in a panicked voice. I'm sobbing into my arms when I felt myself being picked up and placed on a lap  I look in front to see Luke on Jacob's lap, " nooo off" I said realising it's Ryan. "Shhhh bud your ok" he said stroking my back then I felt the numb of the paci he be placed in my mouth. I can imagine how stupid I look right now

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