Chapter 56

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Turners pov:

Well that felt traumatic for no reason, I'm not sure why i didn't say all that to them from the start. As we drove out of campus I felt happier, i couldn't hear papa on the phone organising the next place. I couldn't feel myself dropping after the stress of the morning catch up on me, I wanted to be big so I can properly take in the next place, although I'm not sure what the alternative plan would be if we didn't like it. I look over at Luke and whisper "are you still big?" He looks over and shrugs and then puts his paci in his mouth. Dam I was really hoping that one of us could be big here as I try to shake the fuzzy warm feeling in my head.

The car stopped and the other get out and unsnap us again, "okay take 2 guys! Now we would like you to try your best to like it but we understand that it might not be the case and we can go back to searching for a new one." Jacob said making us nod.

There's a man in his 30s at reception. "Hi there guys! Is this Luke and turner?" He asked with a smile. "Yes it is, thank you for letting us come earlier!" Jacob said. "No problemo! Always happy to accommodate newcomers! Come with me and I'll show you too the room, we have the nursery spit into 2 grades rather then more, we feel littles have a wide range headspace so why restrict them to a small portion of it! So we have our older littles 3 and up in there, and we have under 3s in here!" The man said opening the door, honestly even not being confined to a baby room was already a plus.

Walking in there's loads of groups doing different activities, finger painting, colouring, story time, in bouncers. There was a fenced off area with a games console and iPads. I smiled looked over at Luke who's paci had fallen out of his lap. I women walked over to shake daddy and papas hands, "good morning I'm Ellie, I'm this classrooms head!" To which both guys introduce themselves and me and Luke. I see there's loads of adults a mix of both male and female which makes me feel at ease, I'd much rather a man like papa change my diaper then a women.

"Ok so As you can see we have a wide variety of activities to keep them entertained, we have a big area fenced off for if your feeling particularly big, one of the teachers will supervise there just to make sure you don't slip, we understand that's not everyone feels little all the time and want to make a inclusive environment, although we don't let students stay in that area all day as it's not good for their health, but a little break is just what the doctor ordered!" She said with a chuckle.

I feel safe here, as I look around I see Emily, the girl from the park who's daddy use to go to our house to party. "Papa is Emily!" I said pointing. "Ah so it is would you like to go and play with her?" He asked gently, "ye come lulu!" I said as I'm lowered to the ground and Luke is lowered also, he lets out a whine from missing daddy's contact so I place his pack in his mouth and hold his hand. "Let's go play!" I said walking him slowly to Emily as his legs are wobbly.

Ryan pov:

I feel positive about this place and so do the boys, turner seems content. Luke look like he's fully dropped and to watch turner be gentle with him and put his paci in and walk him slowly he's just the best big brother. The women spoke up again, "well arnt they adorable! Their lucky to have each other, tell me how are they fitting into their headspace's?" She asked walking us over to the fenced off kitchen area to make us a coffee, "they both still struggle with it at times, Luke particularly, he's under a psychologist at the moment, he is improving but I think actually being around more littles he's see how normal it is!" Jacob said as he smiled over at him sitting on the floor with turner kneeling beside him playing with some army figurines as Emily held a barbie. "Turner is coping better then Luke, we still have bad days we're he misses his old life which is understandable" I said taking a sip of coffee. "Oh this is so true, I take it they weren't suspected to be littles?" Ellie asked sincerely.

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