Chapter 48

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Luke's pov:

Daddy's lap is warm as I lean against him watching Toy Story, I feel small which is annoying me but I couldn't shake it. I take the paci out letting it fall onto the couch. "You ok buttercup?" Jacob asked leaning to the side to look at me. I just nodded and sighed leaning back into him. "You not want your paci?" Jacob asks to which I just shuck my head. I glanced over at turner who's sitting against Ryan same as me sucking on his paci watching the movie.

I wiggle "down please" I said pushing against jacobs hands that are cuddle around me. "Hey what's wrong, shhh" Jacob said turning me around to face him,  I push against his chest "down!" I said slightly rising my voice feeling frustrated. Jacob stands up holding me to his chest bouncing me and stroking my back. "Jacob" I said starting to cry. "Shhh baby your ok, want your paci?" I shook my head no, I did want it but I was fighting between little an big space right now.

The credit rolled on the TV at the corner of my eye, I could over hear Troy say he was going to make dinner and asked Ben for help. "You hungry little man" Ben said was he walked passed, I turned to look at him through my blurry teary eyes, thinking for a second before nodding my head. "Come on lukie you want to help me and Troy in the kitchen?" Ben said holding his arms out. I look up at jacob then lean over to Ben as I'm passed over. "Good boy!" Jacob said.

"Ok chef, let's get cooking!" Ben said carrying me out into the kitchen making me chuckle. I'm placed down into my high chair making me moan. "Nooooo! Down!"I moaned. "Ah ah here lukie Iv got a job for you!" Troy said distracting me while Ben fastened the straps. "Wa is it?" I asked looking at him. "Well I'm planning on making s'mores for dessert, can you do a big job for me and separate these marshmallows into 3 piles of the colour?" Troy asked opening the bag in front of me, it seems so trivial and pointless but I was happy to be given a task so I nodded.

"Good boy" he said spilling the large bag onto my tray. "Can you tell me the 3 colours?" He said petting my hair. I looked at the tray, I knew one is sky coloured but I can't think of the word "like sky?" I said pointing at it. "Yes that's right it's like your teddy sky, it's blue" Troy said smiling. Ah blue that's right. "Can you tell me the other ones?" He said continued to smile. My smile fell as I shook my head looking back at them. "That's ok, it's hard to remember all the colours, this one is pink, and this one is white, so you think you can divide them up?"  I looked up nodding, easy work! I though as he took a wipe to my hands cleaning them off so I could start.

I was halfway through when I glanced over to Troy and Ben who had their backs to me, Troy had his arm around bens waist stroking down to his bum. I shook my head eyes wide. Wait what? I blinked a couple of times before looking down at the marshmallows as Ben turned around. "Wow great job lukie, just a couple of them mixed up, Troy is going to finished up the dinner and we're going to make the dessert now!" Ben said all excited. I'm so confused, do they think I'm to little to notice. Or am I just supposed to ignore it, was my brain playing tricks on me. I shook my head again. "Alright lukie?" Ben said placing a dish in-front of me. I looked up at him nodding "thirsty" he jumped up and made a bottle of water bringing it back handing to me, "sippy?" I said not wanting to drink from bottle. Ben sat down, "shh lukie just drink from your bottle and we'll make the desert, it's easier to drink from your bottle with one hand to help me" Ben reasoned which made sense.

Ben layers crackers down on the base of the dish, "ok pop a square of chocolate on each cracker" I nodded while drinking, it was harder then I thought pinching a square and placing it, it took all my concentration to place 2 while Ben placed the rest. "Ok great job! Next well place a layer of marshmallow, which colour do you want to do 1st lukie" Ben asked smiling. I point at the pink ones and Ben asked "and what colour is that?" I thought for a second before pulling the bottle out of my mouth "pin" I said to which daddy says "well done!" From behind me startling me.

I felt a bit embarrassed to keep going but I was enjoying helping, we placed all the pink ones down then I had to pick the next layer colour and I pointed to one, I can't remember what Ben said it was called. It looked like fluffy clouds, "couds" I said. "Good boy, it does look like a cloud, that's white" Jacob said sitting down on a chair beside Ben. I smiled and placed the bottle back in my mouth. Finished on last layer i egarly shouted sky! Pointing at the next colour clapping my hands letting the bottle hang from my lips. "Amazing your so smart baby!" Daddy said making me smile.

"Thank you so much lukie for your help! I'll get this on the oven for after dinner!" I smiled at him. Daddy unsnapped me picking me up making me look at him confused. "Just going to change this little bum before dinner" he said tapping me making me squirm. We walk up the stairs with me on his hip, after he placed me on the table I asked. "Dada?" "Yes baby?" He said smiling as he got out changing supplies. "Dada toy like ben?" I said struggling to get my big thoughts out. He stopped what he was doing looking at me. "Troy likes ben? Is that what your asking petal? Of course he does their friends" he said smiling before undressing me. "Boy fwend?" I asked and he looked at me again. "No baby"  "bu bu cuddles!" I said getting frustrated. "Shhh your ok you don't need to worry about that pumpkin, there friends, not fighting" I just sighed knowing I'm not getting my point across.

Soon I'm re diapered a picked up again, outside my room Ryan is holding turner going into his room for Change. I'm replaced in my highchair, and a bib placed on me, I look down at my tray and there's a dish of cottage pie which I love "yaye!" I said going to stick my hand into it, "no no pumpkin, use this!" Daddy said handing me a odd shaped soft spoon. My hand was not coordinated from the bowl to my mouth. "Ughhh no" I said flinging the spoon on the floor as I got frustrated from hitting it to my cheek, I felt tears form, "hey baby shh daddy will help" Jacob said pulling up in front of me holding a small spoon to my mouth. I eagerly finished the bowl and seen turner eating his himself making me blush.

My mouth and hands are wiped and I'm handed a bottle to drink while the others eat. After cleaning up Ben lifts the desert out. "Right who want to eat Lukies amazing s'more?" He said making me continue to blush and smile.  Turner spoke up " why Lulu help? I want make!" He said frowning at me. "Now T you were playing with your toys while Luke was doing this" Ryan said wiping turner off as he still glared at me.

I got a s'more placed on my clean tray as I picked it up getting it more all over me then in my mouth but why I got in tasted great. "I think I need to get this messy boy in a bath!" Jacob said lifting me out of my hair heading upstairs. Sitting in the bathroom on a towel, daddy ran the bath placing bubbles and toys in. "Pay?" I asked excitedly, to which daddy said yes as I clapped my sticky hands as daddy undressed me Placing me into the tub.

We placed with the boats and ducks I felt like I was babbling but it was fun, daddy was being silly putting bubbles on his chin. "Omg look at theese little fingers! There shrivelled!! Let's get you out and dried!" He said making me moan. Iv been placed on my changing table to be dried and diapered, daddy then massaged some lavender lotion into me gently making me yawn and bring my thumb towards my mouth, " ah here's take this" he said placing my paci in, he goes back to rubbing the lotion into my legs and feet, this feels amazing as I yawn again inhaling the calming smells. "It's been a long day hasn't it? Do you want to go down and have a play and cuddle with movie or do you want a bottle and a story lukie?" I think for a moment before yawning again "tory" I said muffled behind the paci. "Ok pumpkin, let's get you all snug" as I'm closed into a footed sleeper.

I'm cuddled into him as a warm bottle is placed between my lips as daddy rocks the chair reading a book. It's moments like this where I feel ok about being little.

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