Chaper 19

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Jacobs pov:

I hand him his bottle, plop sky in his lap and attach his paci to his top for after. Sitting down beside him on the matt I couldn't help but admire his cuteness as he suckles on his bottle looking up at paw patrol. "You enjoying your show baby?" I ask softly. He just turned glanced up at me nodding then went back to his show. Finishing up I stroke his back as he lets out a brief burp turning pink in the face.

"So Luke, what are we going to build?" I ask tickling his side making him giggle. "You going play with me?" He says back. "Well of course! How else are we going to build the biggest tower?" I say back animatedly. "Yaye!!! Yes the bestest biggest tower ever!!" Luke yells back! Chuckling we settle into playing.

About an hour passed by as I played with Luke he had definitely slipped, sucking on his paci as he built. I checked his diaper as the bulge in his shorts had grown, it could hold out another while, it's at if he didn't even noticed I checked him. Going to Stand up to get another coffee for me and a water bottle for Luke the doorbell rang, then again and again.

'That's weird nobody ever calls over, probably cold caller' I think to myself walking towards the door. As I open it a tall blond girl walked in past me, turning I noticed who it was. Katie, Lukes on and off fling. "eh Katie? What are you doing here?" I ask looking at her as she craned her neck looking about. she spoke up, "where's Luke, he's not text me back in days! it's not like him. I want to see him! He had his classification? What was his results?". "Katie I really think you should go, if Luke wanted to speak to you he would have. His results are non of your business unless his wants to tell you" I offer trying to guide her out the door. She pushed my arm away walking into the house. "No Katie stop! You need to leave!" I raise my voice as she walked into the kitchen. "Why do you have a high chair?" She asked looking around. "Eh because I have a little, I'm a daddy dom remember? Now can you please leave?"  I say getting irritated. "Hmmm ok, Luke never mentioned a little being here before" she says walking back into the hall. I though that she was finally leaving, when she quickly darted into the living room door slamming it open before I could grab her. "What the fuck!! Luke ?!!" She says then turns back at me "the fuck have you done to him!" She shouts walking towards him.

Luke jumped with a start as terror plagued his eyes as his paci fell out of his mouth. "Luke why are you so small, why are you dressed so ridiculous? Jacob what have you done to him" she continued. "Katie I've asked you to leave. Now go" I say loosing my patience. "Daddy?" Luke said holding his hand up in the air to me as tears brimmed his eyes. "Shhhhh baby your ok, shh" I said to him softly as I picked him up onto my hip resting his head in the crook of my neck as he tried to hide. "Hahahaha did he just call you daddy? Omg is he wearing a diaper? I can't believe I ever thought he was a man. Haha pathetic" she said turning and walking out slamming the door. I can't even process what just happened.

"Your ok baby, the mean lady is gone" I say sitting down on the sofa as he's crying into me "am I pa pat tect tic?" He said between sobs. "Oh not at all pumpkin your just so perfect. She's just a big meanie" he doesn't say anything back just continues to cry softly as I stroke his back resting my cheek on his head. Shortly all can be heard is snores.

I place him down on the sofa, placing pillows along the outside beside him and his paci in his mouth. Closing the living room door gently I walk into the kitchen to grab that coffee I desperately needed. After about an hour, a couple of the boys come back home filing into the kitchen. "Hey guys! Keep it down a bit, Luke is napping in the living room. How was class?" I say greeting them. "Hey dude sorry! How is the little guy?" Ben asked as he raided the fridge. "Oh he's ok he's not long gone down, Katie called over." I say causing Ben and troy to stop what they were doing looking at me. "What? How did that go?" Troy asked. "Horribly! She just made fun of him I tried to stop her coming in but.." I say as I give them a synopsis off the events. "That fucking bitch!" Tory shouts back.

Luke's pov:

I wake up when I hear shouting from the kitchen. Groaning and stretching I remember about Katie being here. I forgot about how much she made fun off of littles when I was with her, I mean I kinda did also. But for her to be so nasty to my face! Such a meanie! I though. One thing I did notice when she was here is how little I was attracted by her even though I know she's soo hot. But all that went through my brain was 'look at her boobs they look yummy', I quickly shut that out of my head though.

As I go to stand up off the sofa I went to put pressure on my foot forgetting about the sprain causing me to yelp. 'Nooo this means I need to crawl! As if I don't look as ridiculous enough already' I though to myself as I turned around, slowly lowering my self off the sofa to my knees. As I began to crawl on all 4s I felt mush releasing into my diaper with force. 'Not again' I think groaning out loud. I don't feel as disgusted by it as previously, I must be getting use to it but a change would be nice.

I continued to crawl reaching the door, reaching up to open it. After a bit of a struggle I managed to open it and continued to crawl towards the voices in the kitchen. 'Ugh this is so embarrassing crawling in with a messy diaper on' I think as I approach the doorway. As I entered they all looked at me. "Hey Luke! How are ye buddy?" Ben asked crouched down in front of me. "I eh Im ok" I say around my paci. I see him slightly sniffing the air. "Did you have an accident bud?" Ben continued. I just shook my head no I was to embarrassed.

Jacob had walked up to me at this point also giving the air a sniff. "Hmmm are you sure Luke? Can I check you?" Jacob asked towering over me. I just lowered my head as I nodded, feeling myself being picked up under my arms and placed on jacobs waist supported by one are squelched under my bum. He gazed over my shoulder as he pulled the shorts and diaper waste band out as he peaked inside causing me to squirm and say "noooooo stop don't pease!" He let go of the waist and softly patted my mushy butt. "Come on Luke, let's get you tidied up then you can do some colouring?" Jacob says as he bounces me walking towards the stairs" I just sniff and nod, colouring sounds fun.

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