Chapter 16

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Jacob pov:

Getting into the kitchen with the other we were laughing and joking when turner stopped abruptly infront of me causing me to bump into him. "Heyy why you sto.." I say glancing over his shoulder to see Luke sitting on the floor legs spread open, clearly wet diaper and yougert covering the floor, his legs, hands, top and face, I could even see a splodge in his hair. Turner starts, "hey Luke, didn't know you were up, are you hungry?" Luke just looked like a deer in headlights staring up at us all his eyes glassy fighting tears. He looked down staying silent. Ryan spoke next "would you like me to fix you up anything yummy, I could make you some scrambled egg and toast?" He said as he walked closer. Luke just nodded, poor little thing must be starving. I'm afraid to speak up incase it deters him from eating so I just stand back and allow the others to help him. Troy had a warm wash cloth as he went up to Luke, "Luke is is ok if I touch you to wipe off all the yougert?" Again Luke just nodded still keeping his head down. Troy slightly raised Luke's head to wipe his face clean. His eyes look red. My poor baby, I contributed to that.
" food is ready Luke, would you luke to sit at the table? " Ryan asked holding the plastic plate with cut up toast and eggs. Luke just shook his head no, I think Ryan was afraid of him not eating anything either so he just placed the plate down between Luke's legs. Luke ignored the small fork dug straight in with his hands. I looked at the plate and then his smooth legs. 'Wait why does he have swollen ankles, is that bruising? I question to myself. I think turner seen what I was staring at and to looked concerned. "Hey Luke? What happened to your ankle?" Turner asked. Still silence as he continued to stuff his face. The others were all looking concerned also now too, "Luke did You hurt your ankle?" Troy asked. Luke just nodded and kept eating. "Can you tell us how you hurt it?" Ben asked. "Fell stairs" Luke said softly barely above a whisper as he finished off the plate of food. "What? Wait what ? Omg" I say pacing out of the room. Walking back in I walk up to the others circling Luke. "Gway! Leave alone!" He says kicking his legs and flapping his hands. "Luke we need to get your ankle checked at the hospital!" I say loudly causing the others to turn and look up at me as I towered over them.

"Luke's pov:

He looked really scary standing above me. I tried to stand to stare back but it hurt to put pressure on it. Tears pricked my eyes again, 'no stop! breath through the pain, come on just walk on it you've done worse' I say in my head motivating myself. I go to stand again I almost made it fully standing before it gave way, before I hit the ground I am caught and picked up, opening my eye I see it it's Jacob and I scream "no away, away now! Down ! Down now. No you n no meanie no!!!!" I try to fling myself into the nearest persons arms that wasn't Jacob. "Luke please stop im trying to help you" Jacob says with a sniffle. 'Is he? Is he crying' I think to myself looking at jacobs face. "No you huwt Luke no help, I hate youuuu" god dam it why is my voice coming out all baby like! I'm not even little right now! "Fine" Jacob says handing me off to Troy. I look confused "I'll leave you alone Luke, I care to much about you to see you hurt and not let me help, the others can get you sorted bring you to hospital or whatever I'm out I'm not watching this" Jacob says while grabbing the car keys and walking out the door. Oh no what have I done.. I look confused at the other. Who have similar looks on their faces. "Ok then Luke let's get you changed and over to ED to get your ankle checked" Troy says carrying me towards the stairs, lays me on the Matt. God this is embarrassing, it was bad enough Jacob changing me I don't need Troy looking at my shrunk body now too. " no no change! Only jay-up change" I shout out as he lays a diaper out some wipes and a pattern shirt with snap crotch. "Luke dude I can't leave you wet the hospital might report us if you not look properly cared for." Tears pricked me eyes he was right, I moved his hands to allow the tapes to be undone swallowing my pride. He actually made quick work of it but wasn't as soothing as when daddy done it. Changing the tops over he snapped it at my crotch. I'm then picked up . " wait pant!!" I say trying to look back at closet. "I don't want to pull anything up over the ankle, I'll wrap a blanket around you. Here have sky" he says handing me my bear I must look stupid in a diaper, onsie holding my bear but I didn't stop me holding sky close.

Getting out of the house Ben said " hey that's the car set fitted, might need to tighten the straps cause he's got smaller. I juts look the other way and huff. I'm fastened in and the straps are pulled tighter. My hand reaches up as I pop my thumb into my mouth. "Oh shoot, that's yucky Luke, can someone grab Luke's diaper bag and a paci please" he says pulling my thumb out and shouting back to the house. In a couple of seconds I had a paci between my lips giving a happy sigh, snuggling into sky and the blanket placed over my lap. My ankle was throbbing I really hope they well give me a pain killers here.

Sitting in the waiting area waiting to be called was so Boring, Troy had my sitting on his lap which made my cheeks go pink.
"Little,Luke?" 'Great just announce it to the whole room I'm a little' I think, ignoring the fact that my look probably already gave it away. The doctor spoke up "I can only take 2 adult in with him". Troy spoke up "I'll stay with him, Ben do you want to stay aswell, Ryan and turner you can wait out front?". "Yep no problem, see you soon Luke" Ryan said ruffling my hair.
Sitting down on trolly troy pulls the sides up and stands beside me. "So what seems to be the problem here little man, did you get a ouchie?" The doctor says crouching down to my eye level. I roll my eyes and look away. I'm not answering to baby talk. I fold my arm's across my chest. "Sorry he can be a bit stubborn, he's struggling with his little classification. He had been put to bed by his daddy and we were all down stairs, Luke woke up and must have climbed out of his crib he's just said fell stairs and his ankle is sore to walk on slightly swollen and bruised" Troy gets out barely taking a break. " oh so your not is daddy?" The doctor questioned. "No sir we are all friends before Luke became little, his daddy couldn't make it to the hospital". Troy finished. I felt bad for daddy for excluding him. "Daddy?" I say with glassy eyes at Ben. "Your daddy will see you soon baby" Ben says stroking my hair.

"Ahem right, let's look at your ankle. Ohh that looks sore Luke, your being such a brave boy! How about we get some X-rays?" My face flushed when he said I was brave! The doctor turns to Ben and Troy, i you bring him to X-ray and then straight back to this trolly and we will take it from there" the doctor says and turns to leave. "Ok little man, let's get some pictures of your pretty little feet!" Troy said picking me up. I want to snuggle in but not same as daddy. I'm placed on trolly but then this mean man started touching and moving my ankle. "Ouchie. Nut away!" I say around my paci. "Shhhhh Luke, the man only doing his job to get the best picture" Troy comforts me as I start to cry.  "Sir you can stay with him if you like I just need you to put on this lead suit top" the mean man says to Troy. "Thank you" Troy said quickly pop it on. I'm still crying it hurts to hold it in this position. "Ok that's us, thank you Luke!" The man said as Troy picked me up after stripping off the lead top. I cry into him shoulder. I can hear Ben say "I think he's probably tired aswell, it's passed his bedtime" I had seen a clock not to long ago and it only said 8:30pm, surely I can stay up longer then that.

I'm placed back on the trolly whining at the lost contact, still crying with the pain. The doctor approach, "oh no Luke is it sore?" I nod softly. He turned to the nurse saying "infant calpol painkillers please"and she walked off.  "Not infan! I big! I big!" I sob out around my paci. " I know big boy you've been so good, it's just for the dosage because of your size" he tried to reason with me. He turned to turner and Ben, so there's no breaks but he does baba bad sprain. I'd advise bandage it up and no walking on it for a week, only carry him or let him crawl, may I also suggest crib video monitor and stairs gated to avoid this happening again as it could be more serious. The boys nods and the doctor walks away. 'Wait a minute I'm going to be videos in my crib not be allowed to walk up and down stairs myself and I have to , have to crawl or be carried. No this can't be real, that's the tiniest bit of dignity gone' I think as I start crying hard and trashing back and forth on the trolly, the nurse came back with the bandage and a bottle of the infant calpol handing them to troy. I scream out as she goes to touch me "I wan my daddy!" I shout and scream again, "want dadddddyyyy!" I'm picked up and brought outside as I trash in Troy's arms, I screem over and over again as I'm strapped into car seat holding sky tight. "Daddyyyy, pease wan dada!" "Shhhhh baby I'll phone dada to meet us at home" "dada dada daddyyyyyy!" I continue sobbing.

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