Chaper 22

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Luke's pov:

Jacob hands me a bottle of milk after he orders himself some coffee. "Can I have some coffee too?" I ask after looking at the bottle. "I don't want a baby milk bottle I want coffee or coke!!" I say a bit louder. "Shh Luke your making a scene!" Jacob says and continues "littles can't have coffee or juice it's not good for you, drink your milk." I just huff and fling myself back into the stroller and throw the bottle on the floor. "No I not want bottle!" I shout as tears brim my eyes, as I kick my legs in frustration. "Luke stop the tantrum right not or we will be bringing your big boy sippy cups back to the store!". I stopped trashing immediately "no please I'm big! Don't give back I'm big". I try to reason. Jacob continues, "I think a certain big boy is going to need a nap when we get home!". I just whine, "I don't need nap when big!" After placing the bottle in my mouth slowly drinking it holding eye contact with Jacob as he drank his coffee, he finished it before me so started wheeling it towards the family changing rooms.

"Omg Luke?, is that you?" My eyes shot up to look who was speaking, my eyes popped wide as I pulled the bottle out of my mouth. It was Jason with harry and Keith, I sit with the  three of them in my university classes. "Omg Luke I didn't know you were a little!, look at how cute you are!" Jason continues as the other two Just smile down at me. He turns to Jacob behind me holding out his hand to shake it, saying "hey I've probably met you before at parties, I'm Jason, I'm in Luke's class in uni, are you his daddy? How old is he?". Hey I'm right here you don't have to talk over me! Im 20!" I shout up trying to push against the stroller harness. "Awh sorry luke, I didn't mean to talk over you to your daddy!" He says ruffling my hair as he stands back upright.

My face is red with anger! "Im big god damit!" I shout out trying to open the stroller straps!. Keith spoke up next looking at Jacob " I take it he's still getting use to being little then?". Why do they keep talking as if I'm not here!! "Not really but he's dropping into little space more frequently now which he's adorable in!" Jacob says. What the fuck why is he giving them answers. Harry is the first to direct a conversation with me, " I'm really going to miss you in class Luke, your leaving me with these to bums!" He laughs. I pause from trying to open the harness looking up at him "what do you mean your going to miss me?". They all just stared at me blankly. "Hello can someone answer me please?" I continue, "I take it he's doesn't know,?" Jason said in hushed tones that I could still hear. "I don't know what?" I shouted.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said anything!" Harry says looking guilty. "Don't worry Harry, he'd have found out soon enough!" Jason said before continuing, "littles can't stay at uni class you'd be going to play group." The colour just drained from my face. Jacob spoke up, hey guys stop please I was going to tell him at a more suitable time. He's not old enough for play group. He's 18 months." I turn around as best as I can screaming at Jacob. "I'm not 18months I'm 20 years old! and I'll be going to my classes! Iv been studying!" I can feel tears brimming in my eyes. Jason continues "Awh 18months that's so little I can't believe it! And to think we all though you were a going to be a dom, I'll call in to see you in nursery group when I'm leaving my little off in play group!, we'll need to organise a play date.

I just burst into tears I can't hold In anymore. "Oh no I'm sorry Luke!" Harry said sympathetically. I just screamed back while continuing to unclip the hardness making me more and more frustrated. "Just fuck off all of you! I never want to see anyone of you again !" I say through my sobs.

I faintly hear Jacob say buy to the others but I was blocking it all out, turning into the family changing rooms I continue to sob hard, screaming and struggling to catch my breath. " shhhhh Luke your ok!" Jacob sats as he easily opened the harness and picking me ip to be in his arms " go away!" I said lightly pushing on him but not enough to actually get away. "Shh I'm sorry I hadn't told you let Luke, I new it was going to break your heart, I wish you could still get to go to class, I really do but I don't make the rules. Me and they boys can work out our class schedules to make sure you don't need to be in the nursery long, but you can't be left home alone".

A whole new batch of tears erupted. It wasn't just my own life I was fucking up  it was all the boys aswell. Just because their friends with the loose there free time to babysit me. " I sorry, I really sorry, I ruined my own life and all of yours!" I slowly say through sobs. "Shh baby nobody's life is ruined. We love you big and we love you little." Jacob says wiping my tears and snotty nose with a baby wipe.

After my sobs calmed down, Jacob put a paci in and although still felt big it was helping me as a suckled on it, Sitting me on the changing table with a squelch I relise how wet i am , squirming. " I think we sprung a leak, I'm going to need to change your short, sorry I should have checked you earlier." Jacob says as he pulled down my wet shorts, "I'm sowwy" I say I'm a soft voice behind the paci. "You have nothing to be sorry for baby this is daddy's fault" Jacob said as he wiped down my bare skin before he placed a fresh diaper under me powdering it and pulling it closed. He pulled out a pair of short dungarees I whine at how baby they look. " sorry pumpkin it's the only spare I have in the bag, it's better then your diaper on show". I just nodded continue to suck my paci. Popping me back in the stroller we head to the car. My eyes start to drop as I we pull out of the car park, 'maybe I'll have a nap after all ' I think to myself.

I can't be a Little? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now