Chaper 13

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Luke's pov:

I continue to cry as I tug on the straps as I'm pushed towards the entrance. I could vaguely see Ben and Ryan standing waiting "what happened?" Ben asked when he seen me crying. "I don't want be pushed! I want to go home!" I scream out as I kicked my legs. I felt the stroller be swung around so I was face to face with Jacob. "Now listen to me Luke. That's enough of your tantrum, I know you've got big emotions in your head and it's hard to control them all but kicking and screaming isn't going to change anything. I'm not letting you being a little turn you into a hermit and not go out. We're going to have a nice day out as a group and if you behave you might get a toy! Throwing tantrums will only draw attention to yourself ok pumpkin?" Jacob says as he wipes my tears and snotty nose. "I want be normal again" I say as I look away with my lower lip quivering as I pop my thumb in my mouth. "Your perfectly normal the way you are baby, here have your paci and try relax and enjoy being pushed about, I'll take you to build a bear before we go home" Jacob says as he popped my paci back in and kisses my forehead before he disappeared out of my line of sight again.

I lean my head back and suck my paci as we go through the doors, I can hear the others making casual chat around me out of my line of sight feeling a bit left out.  As we head towards the stationery store where we needed to get something for one of the boys classes. My mind drifted off to my classes. Will I be able to still go to them now that I'm a little? I'll need to remember to ask Jacob that when we're home, I think as I add it to my mental checklist.  My mind then drifted to build a bear. Will I get to pick what one I want, will Jacob let me name him. I stick my hand up out of the stroller to get Jacobs attention. "What's the matter lukie ?" He asks softly. I pull the paci out of my mouth holding it in my hand as I ask "can I name my new teddy myself or do they come with a name?" I ask seriously. Jacob gave a light chuckle then said "no you can name it what ever you like" I nod happily leaning back and continuing to suck my paci. 'This isn't to bad actually getting pushed around' I thought to myself as I hold my socked foot in my hand.

We moved onto the next shop which was for big boys. 'I don't know if I'd fit them anymore'. I stick my hand up again and jacobs head pops into view again "yes baby what is it?" He asks. "I not fit in big boy clothes no more?" I ask tilting my head. "No baby, you've got your special clothes, there alot nicer then these big boys ones! Yucky!" Jacob says as sticks out he tongue causing me to giggle and put my paci back in. As we go to more shops as I start to feel a bit tired. "How about we take a break and head to the flood court?" Troy asked. Receiving a couple of "yeah sounds good" reply's.

As we pull up to a table I notice it has a high chair. "Noooooo I no wan sit that I stay!!" I whine out as Jacob goes to unbuckle me. "You can't eat in your stroller baby it will get dirty" he offers and he tried to swipe my hands away. "No no food then I just have milk bottle!" I say trying to bargin. My head doesn't quite feel fuzzy but I'm hidden in my stroller and Iv embarrassingly enough come to enjoy the bottles. It would be better then being placed in a high chair for all to see and laugh at. "Hmmm ok" Jacob answered. Routing out a bottle and handing it to me. It's not as nice cold but it's drinkable.

I could feel my crotch grow warm as I sucked on my bottle, whining slightly and squirming. Causing a bit of milk to dribble down my chin. "I should have poped a bib on you" Jacob says softly as he wiped my chin and placed the napkin on my chest. As I continue to drink my tummy gave a rumble and I felt a light pressure but it went away again. Finishing my bottle with a burp I placed my paci back in I felt embarrassed using it when big bit it was so addictive.

"So I think a particular little boy here deserves a special teddy for being so well behaved" Jacob says around the table to the others but he didn't look at me. Does someone else deserve the teddy more then me? Was i not good too? I feel like lump in my throat sit there as I fought to cry. I asked quietly " I not been a good boy? I not get teddy?" I could feel my eyes watering. Why am I getting upset over this! Jacob looked at me and his eyes soften "of course it's you baby you've been so good your the one getting the teddy" I could feel myself relax and my stress level lower.

As the other finish up we head towards build a bear I smile behind my paci. As we walk in we're greeted by a young girl whose probably a similar age. " hey there guys my name is sammy! And who is this absolute cutie we have here, what's your name sweetie" she bends down in front of me, I get really shy and hind my face behind my hands so she can't see me. "This is Luke, he's a bit shy and is a new little, he is here to pick out a teddy for being such a good boy" Jacob said. ugh god why do they make me sound so pathetic. "Wonderful we'll you've came to the right place! Any particular colour of bear you want?" She offers me smiling down, my mind goes blank I can't remember any colours names. I start to feel upset again when I remember I like the colour of the sky. That's a colour right? "Want sky" I say pulling out my paci to try and speak clearly. "No baby pick a colour" Jacob says coming into view and crouching down beside me. "Want sky colour!!" I say raising my voice slightly, why isn't he understanding!!! "Ohhhhh I think he wants blue?" Jacob says as sammy picks up a blue teddy shell. "How's this colour Luke?" She says. I smile and nod 'finally' I though. "Perfect let's go fill his tummy with cotton candy stuffing! She says as she sticks a pole up a hole in the teddy "noo don't hurt him" I shout with a sniffle! "No pumpkin it not hurting your teddy, this is Just to put something fuffy inside to make him super cuddly!" Jacob offered. "Oh ok sorry" I said feeling stupid.

"And here's your teddy!" Sammy announces as she hands it to me. I just look at him in Awh and give him a hug, he's perfect. "What do you say baby?" Jacob questioned. "Oh sorry thank you!" I say shyly peeking out from behind the bear. "Your welcome! It's all on the house! All new littles get there first bear free!" She announced. Daddy I mean Jacob offered his thanks as we walked back to where the others were sitting. I felt silly holding the bear in front of them. "Omg cute bear Luke! I'm jealous!" Turner said "what's he going to be called?" Troy asked.
"Em sky" I say quietly in reply. "Sky is perfect name baby good job" I felt a warm sense of pride in me. That wasn't the only Thing warm as I felt a fresh burst of pee hit my diaper and warm mush hit the back. "Oh no not again" I sob softly as I broke down crying once more in the middle of the mall in my stroller.

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