Chapter 41

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Luke's pov:

I was sitting on the floor in a big room dressed in shortall with my paci in my mouth there was a crowd around me with faces I recognised from uni. They were all standing staring me shouting insults down at me, laughing at me. I feel myself crying and wetting myself.

"Lukie, lukie, wake up lukie your ok baby, daddy here wake up, your ok pumpkin" I flick my eyes open still sobbing and looking up seeing daddy over me, he was rubbing my chest. "Dada mean people" I cry out. I feel myself being pulled onto his lap in bed. Snuggling in a realised I'm in his bed not my crib which made me feel safe. I see ski on the bed and grab out to him and daddy hands him to me snuggling him in tight. Still feeling upset and sad about what everyone saying.

"Your safe baby daddy's here, you want a bottle?" I just nod into his chest. "You want to stay here while I make it in your room or you want to come with me?" "Stay with dada" I was afraid to be alone. I'm picked up and held on his hip walking out to my room, daddy put the bottle maker on then took a baby wipe to my face making me squirm "there gotta get all them yucky tears away so daddy can see your pretty face" making me blush leaning my head into his chest.

"I think while we're up let's get you checked and changed" I whined missing the warm comfort. "Shh baby we need to get you dry" he quickly change me and it was much cosier picking me up again. "Want to come back to daddy bed?" Jacob asked. "Ye dada" I said yawning. I'm placed into daddy's arms drinking my bottle. Daddy was gently stroking my cheek as I drank "shh good boy you have your bottle daddy will keep you safe you go to sleep" I nod letting my eyes drop snuggling into daddy's warm side holding ski.

Jacobs pov:

I wake up hearing Luke's soft snoring cuddled into my side. Paci hanging from his mouth ski wedged between us both. I stroked his back and he wiggled in closer "Morning my little guy" I said continue stroking him. His eye peaks up and quickly shuts tight. "Are you pretending to be asleep huh buddy" I tickle him in his side earning a giggle. "Stawpppp dada, seeping" I tickle him lightly again. "I guess daddy's got to go eat breakfast by myself. He gets up quickly jumping on me. "Noooooo I breakfasss" "ugh so heavy! Let's go pumpkin!" I said picking him up.

Walking into the kitchen bens already in there sitting drinking a coffee. "Morning guys! How's lukie this morning?" Ben said taking Luke from my hands swinging him in a circle making Luke giggle hard. "Hunggggyy!" Luke said through his pack when he was finished giggling. "What would you like bubba?" I asked bringing him a bottle of Juice "eggs pease" he said smiling. "coming right up!" I said kissing the top of his head as he sat in bens lap tucking in on his bottle. Troy came in "morrrning dudes, little dude" he said ruffling Luke's head making him go cross eyed looking up as he continued to drink his bottle.

"Breakfast ready pumpkin!" I said turning to luke picking him up and place him in his high chair. "Noooo chairrr! Benny!" Luke said reaching his arms to Ben, "hey lukie you eat all your breakfast and Ben will still be there when your finished!" Luke just smiled nodding as I put the bib around his neck. I went to hand him a fork before he pinched up a piece of egg eating it. He looked so adorable eating.

Ryan appeared down the stairs with turner cuddles in his arms. "Morning guys, look at you Luke being a big boy eating your eggs by yourself!" Ryan said passing Luke petting his head makings Luke look up dropping egg from his mouth onto his bib. "Morning T! Do we have a tired guy on our hands?" I asked rubbing turners back making him turn to face me with his head on Ryan's shoulder still. "No little" he said muffled behind his paci. "That's ok big boys can be tired too, you want to have some eggs like Luke" getting me a nod making me go start to cook.

Luke finished and I wiped his face and hands. "Want some milk lukie?" I said lifting him back out "ye dada pease" I give him a kiss and then hand him to Ben. Ryan lifts turner into the high chair "no papa no baby" turner is saying while kicking his leg. I walk over with the plate of eggs, turner clearly fighting his little side. "Hmmm I guess turner not going to eat his eggs in the big chair maybe he wants a bottle?" Ryan smirked at me as turned stopped wiggling "I eat egg" turner said sitting still.

Cleaning the kitchen up both boys are brought into the living room with ski and sully tucked into their arms. "Want to pay with the cars?" "Yesh!" They both said excitedly. Setting them up and I crouch down to them. "Now guys, no grabbing each others teddy's and cars. You ask nicely and respect each others answers. Now can you be trusted to play nicely together?" I said looking between them. They both nodded rooting in the bucket of cars and different colours. I backed out of the room smiling walking into the kitchen to the others. Leaving the door open to the boys.

"Em Jacob can I speak to you?" Ryan said as he sat with his coffee at the table with Ben and Troy. "Oh sure ye what's up?" I said pouring a coffee sitting down. "Eh last night after dinner when T went to apologise we found Luke crying on his phone. I eh looked briefly at his screen and there was a not very nice comment on it" I look blankly at him then Troy spoke up. "I'm sorry Jacob I gave Luke his phone yesterday when he was big, he was on it in the garden then walked under the tree with it, I should have noticed he got quite but I though he was just sad about ski" Troy said looking down sadly. "I em, where's his phone now?" I said standing up. "I put it on the shelf in his room out of reach" Ryan said making me turn climbing the stairs.

Returning to the kitchen I put in Luke's password, 1234 super private. Clicking into his social tabs. There's was multiple notifications on all of them. As I read through them my eyes started to water. These must be the mean people from his dreams. "Omg I, em, Luke read these?" I stuttered out trying to blink away the tears, how can people be so cruel. "I'll have a chat when he feels big, I just can't believe he's seen all the horrible things, there so far from the truth. He's beautiful" I said wiping my eyes with one hand and I feel a hand be placed on mine on the table. Looking up I see Ryan stroking my hand. "We know that Jacob we just need to convince him of that, we have to show his that's the minority opinion and that he's loved" I just nodded.

I hear a soft pat of feet behind me. "Wyan? Tunu sad" it was Luke, you could heard faint crying in the background, "ok lukie thank you!" Ryan said jumping up running towards the living room. "Dada sad too?" Luke said approaching me with open arms for a hug. "No daddy happy to see his perfect boy" I said kissing his forehead cuddling him in tight.

Ryan's pov:

I walk in to find turnur sitting in the Matt. "Hey bud, what's the Matter?" I said walking towards him. "Noo stay away" he says loudly making me stop walking. "Ok I stopped can't you tell me why your crying?" Making turner shake his head. "I can help you if you tell me." He sobs out. "I big! I can't happen I big!!" He said going to smack his head making me quickly walk to him. "Hey hey hey no hitting" turner sobs more then I noticed it. "Turner it's ok we'll get you changed" his first messy diaper. "I not mean to! It appended but I big!" He choked out sobbing. I pick him up careful not to squish his diaper. "Come on let's get you all cleaned up and you'll be fresh as a daisy" he just sobs into my neck as I carry him to the stairs. Troy had come into the hall and I just pointed to the back of turners diaper making Troy give a knowing nod!

Going in to Luke's nursery I lay him on the Matt. He continues to cry hard. Hiccuping trying to catch his breath. "Hey turner here baby. This will help I'll get you clean ok"  I said placing a paci in his mouth "I sowwy papa, I didn't mean too!" He sobbed trying to sway my hands away from undressing him. "Shhh I know but that's what your wearing your diaper for, come on let pap change you you'll feel better all clean." He just nodded. I made quick work getting him all cleaned and redressed.

I go to pick him up and he said around his paci "tan you papa" I give him a kiss on his forehead making him blush. "Were you having fun playing with Luke?" I asked as I walked us down the stairs.  "Yeah papa fun! Can play again?" He asked smiling. "I can't see why not how about you ask him?" I said walking into the kitchen. I place him standing on the floor and he toddles over to Luke who's sitting on Jacobs lap. "Lulu play?" He said holding his hand out for Luke to hold. Lukie nodded hopping down holding ski in one hand and holding turners hand with his other as they walk away to living room babbling to each other. I turn back to the others who are all smiling. "We'll if that's not the cutest thing ever" I said smiling so hard it hurts.
We're brought back to reality by the doorbell going, "oh that will be the furniture for turners room! Who's ready to get building?" I said with a chuckle as they all got up ready to get started.

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