Chapter 3

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*Time skip*

Luke's pov:

"I can't believe it's test day tomorrow man, that's been so quick!" Ben said at the dinner table. I can't lie, I did feel very nervous I don't really know why. Jacob spoke up "so your tests are at 12pm ye? Usually takes about 2 hours, so how about we get food out about 2:30, then back here to set up for the party and to celebrate both of your birthdays !" All the others cheered and hollered around the table. Ryan slapped me on the back gaining my attention "come on dude! It will be fine it's just formality! You'll be Neutral or dom what's there to be worried about". I just gave him a lob sided smile, that didn't do a lot to settle my nerves.

I couldn't really sleep, I wonder if ben was the same. I felt like I tossed and turned constantly until I felt vigorous shaking off my shoulders waking me with a start "Luke! dude wake up your going to be late" turner was the culprit. "Ahh what the fuck man I'm awake" I shout back jumping out of bed, running around the room to get ready. 3mins must be a new record until I was sitting in the back of jacobs car, turner in the front. Troy had already driven ahead with ben and ryan as Ben hates to be late.
Jumping out of the car Jacob shouted after me "good luck bud you'll do great we will all be waiting out here!". Pushing through the doors into i large waiting room there's maybe 7 other people here. I quickly sit beside Ben right as they begin speaking. "Good afternoon everyone, and happy birthday to you all, are you excited to get tested?" A light murmur was heard around the room. I briefly looked around at the others there. It's very easy to spot most people classes due to size and build, the girl sitting in front of me for example was maybe 5ft 0. She's clearly a little. God, that's one class I don't want to be, I couldn't think of anything worse. I was brought back to attention when the speaker announced that we will be split up into individual rooms for testing, Ben gave me a light smack on the shoulder, " see the on the flip side dude then we'll get our party on!!" He said while trying to do a cheesy dance move making me chuckle.
I get up when my name is called and follow a massive man into a room, he's quite intimidating if im being honest. He startled me when he spoke up, "right Luke, firstly im Charles im going to be your tester today. Now im going to have a nurse come in and obtain a blood sample and get your heart checked and blood pressure done then we will start with the poly test, alright?" My mind kinda shut down at the thought of getting a blood test. I vaguely recall someone coming in and putting a something tight around my arm, i couldn't make out what was actually being said, everything was muffled. I felt panic rising in my chest as I started to hyperventilate, tears forming in my eyes a lump forming in my throat. I felt myself being picked up by the large build man as he set me on his lap and spoke up, "shhh your ok, just breathe, deep breaths, that's it good boy, I'm going to hold you while the nurse takes her sample. It will be over before you know it!". I felt the cold alcohol wipe drag over my skin then a sharp prick. Tears streamed out of my eyes as i leaned into Charles chest. I could hear him whisper in my ears "shhhh good boy your ok, shh that's it stop crying, the nurse is gone!". I peaked up with bloodshot eye as it dawned on me where I was sitting. "Oh shit, fuck sorry man, I just fucking hate needles you know?" I say as i lightly scratch the back of my neck. I feel a smack on my upper outer thighs "ah ah, naughty language".. the fuck? Did he just spank me... this is going to be a long day..

"Great that's the polly test done, you can remove the wires I'll be back into you shortly with your test results" Charles stated while getting up from the table. That was the longest hour off my life. So many questions were so irrelevant for a Dom, why bother. I start to pace the room waiting for him to return.

He comes in with an envelope and a bag in his other hand and a lady standing beside him. "Right luke, this is Louise who was watching from the other size of that mirror to ensure a fair test was conducted. Now here's your results for you to open" he said with a somewhat sympathetic smile that made we uneasy.

Ripping open the envelope I scan the page down until it says the classification. I could feel my face pale quick.

Congratulations your a: LITTLE
Age range 12-24 months

"This is got to be a sick joke surely, I can't be a little! I'm to big to be a little. I'm ment to be a dom or at most a neutral. Nope I need a re test! You had me in for it from the start as soon as I was afraid of needles!!! Dom can be Afraid of needles aswell!" I shout as tears brimmed my eyes once again.
"You can't do this to me, I'm in university! I can't move home to my parents their dead l live with my friends!" I scream! "Are any of them a caregiver dom? If not we will need to put you in foster care program." Charles said trying to stroke me arm as I swiftly pull away.

I tried to drown them out again, Jacob and the boys won't want a little around the house, I wouldn't put that on, they love to party. Maybe I can just lie to them all and just say im a neutral.. ye that would work.

"How am I little though, they need to be small?" I ask quizzingly. "Well you see you do know that although rare, tall people can be little too, they start shrinking!"
" when can I appeal this, im really not happy!"
"We'll if you still feel in a years time that you are wrongly classified then you may take a resit on your 21st birthday. Now to begin with here's your starter pack. Inside you have a pack of pull ups. A couple of thick printed diapers. Paci, books, wipes etc. now buddy this is your diaper bag. Shall we go outside and try find your bigs ?" Charles asked.
"No please you can't tell them, please no, Jacobs  a daddy but he won't want me in the house we love parties, please this is a hugh mistake!" I scream into my hands. I look up to see the women leave the room.

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