Chapter 11

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Jacobs pov:

I know it seems like I'm pushing this little thing on him but I'm so afraid of loosing him to the social worker next week, I think to myself as a carry the squirming little into the kitchen. Only turner was in there cleaning up after dinner. "Hey dude" he said as he heard us coming into the room. "Hey little dude, you look super cosy in that I'm jealous!" He continues as he pats Luke's hair causing him to  grumble and lean his head into my shoulder while whining "away!". His eyes looked droopy, almost 7:30pm and it's been a tough day on the baby. " hey turner you don't fancy popping a bottle of formula in the heater do you please? I say softly as he nodded back. "Don't want a bottle" Luke protested softly still head tucked into the crook of my neck. I sway softly trying to sooth him, "shhh baby it be all cosy in your tummy before bed and will stop you from being hungry" I say softly as a turn kissing his forehead causing him to turn pink.

The machine beeped signalling the bottle was ready. "C'mon champ, how baby no going to into the boys tonight? We can have a cuddle and you can have your Bottle while I read you a story? What do you think?". I could see his brain working overdrive deciding between the 2.

"Stowy and baba please" he said barely above a whisper wiggling back into my neck out of sight to avoid embarrassment. "Story and baba coming right up!" I say giving turner a wink and him looking at Luke lovingly. "Enjoy you two, night night lukie, sweet dreams little dude".

I think he must be slipping slightly, or else just doesn't want be seen in his sleeper infront of the boys having a bottle. Who knows but I'm glad we get to bond.
Getting to his room I walk over to the bookshelf, "any story you fancy baby?". I feel him turn his head slightly to look at the self. " whinni the Pooh, pwease" he said softly. "Of course baby" giving a smile, he's so cute.
Sitting down in the rocking chair turning him onto my lap sideways so he was leaning into my chest, "do you want to hold your baba, and I'll read pumpkin?" Nodding back to me he takes the bottle in his 2 hands, they look a good bit smaller.
As I start his story to the soft suckle noises, as he looks at the book, I tilt it up so he can see the picture. Just as his bottle finishes his eyes were drooping, I replaced the bottle with his paci and he continues to suckle. Putting the book down on the side table I snuggle him in closer just enjoying every minute of his as he drifted to sleep as a rock him.

Luke's pov:

I vaguely remember falling asleep on da- jacobs lap I think as a roll over feeling the bars. Great I'm back in this stupid thing, I look around the room, it's still dark outside, the room is dimly lit by the nightlight. Looking at the alarm clock across the room it reads 01:30am. I could feel my diaper was Luke warm and puffier. I must have wet in my sleep. Great. I see shadow move in the room, from the window. My breathing hitched, shaking my head I try convince myself that it's just the trees moving in the wind. As I lay there I heard my tummy rumbling, I think I'm hungry again, I felt a pressure in my lower stomach and then an uncontrollable mush appeared in my diaper.. "no no no no no this can't be happening!" I say out loud as I almost gag at the tough I just had a messy accident. I start to lightly cry, tears blurring my eyesight as I look to see a distorted shadow moving again.

Ok now im terrified " daddyyy. Pwease daddy, jay up" I say over and over between sobs. I could vaguely make out the door opening through my sobs as a figure approach's my crib. "No no away! Pwease, want daddy! Daddy! Jay up!!"
I hear this figure say "shhh baby it's daddy here, it's Jacob baby, what's the matter?" I feel my brain is so fussy, I hold my arms up to be held whining. The bars got lowered as I felt myself being picked up under my arms and brought to daddy's chest snuggling tight. "Ahh I see what's wrong" I could hear him say with his sleepy gravel voice. "Let's get you change pumpkin".

I whine out as I'm placed down on my mushy diaper and lay down on the cold Matt. "Shhh I won't be long baby then you can have a cuddle, and maybe another baba? Hmmm what do you think?" I nodded that sounds nice. As Jacob starts unbuttoning my jammies at the crotch I look down seeing my paci dangle. I shyly pick it up an place it in my mouth enjoying the comfort it gave me in my fuzzy head.  The tapes got undone and you could smell my mess. "I sowey" I say feeling my eyes water. Jacob didn't look phased. "Don't be sorry baby that's what your diaper is for, you'll be clean in no time".

He wasn't lying I felt a clean cosy diaper be pulled up between my legs. And the button getting closed again on my sleeper. I get picked up and we walk over to the rocking chair again. I noticed a machine sitting on the side cabinet that Jacob was using. Next thing there was a bottle ready like magic!! My tummy gave a loud rumble in anticipation. "Someone's hungry hey baby? Let's get this warm milk in your tum tum" I give a light nod as he held the bottle to my lips as I snuggled into his warm bare chest. This is bliss.
At the end of the bottle, I feel myself being picked up and placed over his shoulder as I gave a light burp before I'm picked up and placed into the crib again and a warm blanket pulled up to my shoulders. "Night night baby boy see you in the morning". "Ni ni daddy" I say softly through my paci drifting off to sleep.

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