Chapter 42

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Jacob pov:

The delivery men had all the bits in the house in no time at all and the guys made quick work of dismantling his old furniture to be taken away. Ryan had picked some monsters inc bedding for the crib and stickers for the wall, which he'll hopefully like. I kept popping down to check on the boys playing in the living room, there was toys spilled everywhere. We will have to teach them to tidy up what their finished with. An hour had passed when all the boys had appeared downstairs sitting at the table to get some lunch which I had prepared sitting out.  Turner came running out from the living room up to me. "Jayup lulu stinky!" Before holding his nose running up to Ryan who picked him up easily placing him in his new high chair that he didn't seem to notice.

I walk into the living rooms to see lukie sucking on the circle shape to go in the holder. "Ah ah lukie that's yucky" I said pulling it out of his grip making him whine and kick his legs befor I quickly replace the paci dangling from his top in his mouth. It's not often he's this little. I pick him up and know he's messy, he wiggles in my grip. No baby let's get you changed and some milkies. I walk into the kitchen with him wiggling on my hip babbling. "Can someone put the bottle maker on? Iv a stinky bottom to change" I said poking Luke's nose making him giggle and shout "Baba!!" While jumping up and down on my hip. "On it!" Troy said getting up from the table walking over to us tickling Luke's side making him squeal before we turn and held upstairs. I make quick work of getting him changed and into a fresh diaper putting a soft footed sleeper on ready for his nap after his bottle.

Getting downstairs I sit down with lukie in my lap. I don't think we'll have much Luck trying to get him to eat. I place the warm bottle between his lips as he snuggles into me, his hand opening and closing in fists. I take a bite of my salad sandwich every couple of minutes. At the last quarter of the bottle Luke's eyes were flicking shut. I slowly took the bottle from his mouth placing him to rest on my shoulder softly rubbing his back getting a small whine before a little burp . I place a paci in his mouth standing up bring him up to his room placing him down in his crib with ski turning the mobile above him to gently twinkle closing the blinds making the room be dimly lit by his little night light.

Coming back into the kitchen Troy and Ben are cleaning up as I go back to eating my sandwich. Ryan is tooking into his sandwich as turner is feeding himself a bottle of milk sitting in his high chair. "God your such a big boy turner drinking your bottle by yourself letting your papa eat!" I said between mouthfuls. Turner blushed and smiled keeping the bottle in his mouth as he turned to Ryan earning him a smile from his papa as Ryan pinched his cheek. Finishing up Ryan picked up turner who rubbed his eyes. "Nap time i think for this little sleepy turtle" Ryan said as turner lay his head on Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan's pov:

Carrying turner upstairs he's snuggled in, opening the door I had forgotten about his nursery. Turner looks confused around his room. "Lukies room?" Turner said  looking around confused. It was same furniture with a different layout and accessories. "No buddy this is your room" I said not knowing how this conversation would go. "No this baby room, I'm in big boy room?" Turner said looking around slightly panicking as I placed him to sit on his changing table. His glazed look fading from his eyes. "You, you took my room away?" Turner said sounding big but his voice cracking with tears brimming. "It's still your room turner, we just had to make sure it's safely more age appropriate for you." I said slightly trying to lay him back with little success. "But, I, my room was fine? I might have been misclassified again? It already happened once!, maybe, maybe it wrong again. I don't want to be in here!!!" Turner said raising his voice towards the end Swatting my hands away any time I tried to hold him.

"Turner honey, it's not a mistake this time, you've already shrunk to little size, your just slightly bigger than lukie. You've been in little space all morning!" I said softly and calmly. "Noooooo I can grow!, pease I want my big boy room!" He said reaching out to me clearly slipping between his two headspace's. "I know it's hard adjusting buddy but it's all for the best baby" I said picking him up holding him tight to my chest bouncing him placing a paci between his lips settling him down. "Good boy turner" I said kissing his temple trying to avoid saying baby. I place him down on the changing table and quickly change him out of his soggy diaper and place him in a footie sleeper aswell picking him back up sitting on his rocking chair going back and forth as I hold turner in tight. Softly tracing shapes on his back, his paci bobbing gently in his mouth and his eyes flickering closed. I sat with him a little while just holding him. How our lives had changed so much just from the retest. Picking him up I place him down in his new crib watching him snuggle down as I placed a blanket over him, closing the curtains leaving a mall green glow from his Mike nightlight placing sully by his side i back out of the room.

Coming down to the other I sit in the living room. Jacob spoke up "well there wasn't to much screaming?" As I sat down. "No it didn't go as badly as I though it would. He was floating between headspace's but he had a bit of a cry wanting his 'big boy room' but he let me change him and have a little cuddle on the rocking chair for him to fall asleep, it's not to say he won't be an angry at the nursery when he's big so I don't think the battle is over yet" I said sighing. "He'll learn to be ok with it, look at Luke, he doesn't pay any notice to it really." I just nodded leaning back into the sofa to relax. "Have you guys decided on nursery's?" Ben asked looking to me and Jacob. I felt panicked. I completely forgot about it, I should probably take time off like what Jacob did with Luke but we probably need to find somewhere. I'm looked over to Jacob as he spoke "Iv 3 picked out that cater for both boys ages that they can stay together, we will need to go see them the start week coming" I nod again as he continues "I'd like to bring the boys to see them, I mean it's them that are going to be in there." Jacob finished. "You know there not going to agree to going to nursery?" Troy said looking at me and Jacob. "I know but look we have no choice we need help while we're in uni, it will be good for them to meet other littles" Jacob said before his phone tinkled with Luke's nursery motion sensor.

Jacobs pov:

Looking at my phone I see that Luke's sitting up in his crib looking around while holding ski. "Looks like Luke's awake I'll go get him" I said getting up to head upstairs. Pushing the door open "hi lukie you have a good nap?" I said approaching the crib lowering the sides. He spits his paci out. "I feel big" he said looking down at his hands "that's ok, you were quite little before your nap, shall we check your diaper?" Luke Just nodded holding his arms out to be picked up. Changing his wet diaper I asked "are you wanting to put on clothes or do you want to stay in your sleeper?" I asked before snapping him back up. "I should put on clothes if I am big shouldn't I?" Luke said unsure. "No petal you can stay in your sleeper even if you feel big" I said but he still looked unsure. "But will the others judge me?" He said looking down at himself as I snapped his legs back in. "No lukie no one here will judge you" I said finishing up and sitting him on the side picking him up and sitting on the rocking chair with him in my lap. "Are we not going down to the others?" Luke said looking confused. "I just wanted to have a little chat if that's ok lukie?" I said stroking his legs. "Oh ok daddy what's wrong?" Luke said worried. I slightly smiled at the fact he had called me daddy while in big space. "You've done nothing wrong petal, it's more just to chat about what you saw on your phone" I said and Luke's eyes go wide. "You, you looked at my phone?" But not in an angry way. "So Ryan had told me about you sitting crying on your phone and that he glanced to see you read not very nice things on it and Troy said you went very quite in the garden reading your phone so, I just looked at your phone to see what made you so upset" I said and Luke's eyes watered slightly. "People were, were making fun of me" he said looking down at his lap. I pull him in for a hug, "baby that's not the type of people to listen to, you have us all and so many more that love you so much. Those people are just not use to the though of being little, remember you weren't happy with the idea at 1st, those people have never been around someone like you, now I'm not making excuses for them. What they said was disgusting and I rather you not read it." I said slightly rocking him while stroking his leg. "But they on all my social media's?" He said looking up at me. "Would you consider deleting your social accounts? Then we could get some good games on it so you can keep your phone? I just wouldn't feel good letting you read stuff yourself without supervision?" I asked sensitively. "I but even when big?" He said looking up with big eyes. "You were big when you read them last time and you had a nightmare baby" I said making Luke just nod slightly, placing a finger in his mouth nervously speaking around it " if you think I should daddy okay" I kiss his forehead and pulled his finger out placing his paci that's hanging from his top in his mouth and he gently sucks. "Daddy will do it on your phone ok baby then I'll give it back, shall we go to the others?" I asked waiting for his guidance. Getting a nod standing up. Walking into the hall with Luke in my arms I heard screaming from turners room and Ryan running up the stairs.  I give him a nod and Luke looks to me confused "turner got a nursery today" getting an "oh I see" understanding the crys.

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