Chapter 6

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Jacobs pov:

And he was asleep. He looks so broken, I couldn't imagine what he was going through right now. I set him down on the bed. Going back to the bathroom to fetch the pjs and pull up. Unraveling the towel i noticed what he was crying about, there wasn't a scrap of hair on his body, i quickly dress him. I settle him back into the covers, making sure to tuck him in closing the blinds I give him a light kiss on the forehead.

Heading back downstairs to the other I find them all in the living room. "Ben I'm really sorry for not getting to throw you a party tonight" I start. "Don't be silly, that would be totally unfair on Luke given his news" Ben was so considerate, I gave him a sincere smile.

"So he's quite a young little I start looking down at the sheet, 12-24 months range. Iv got a massive shopping list of stuff I need to have in place for him within the next 2 weeks, a social worker will be calling and I don't want them to take him out of my custody". "It's not all on you dude I know your the daddy but we're all here to help, we can all do the shopping" Ryan spoke up. "Thank you that means a lot, we won't be able to get much clothes for him until we know what he's going to shrink to". I hand them the shopping list that was given to me and watched them scan down it, "wow that a lot!" Ben spoke up, "we could break it into smaller amounts" he continued "me and turner could order the nursery furniture, Ryan and Troy you could get the bottles pacis and other small necessities and jacob you could order some of the clothes/ diapers etc since you'd have an idea size wise?" Ben finished. "That would be amazing, are you all sure your ok helping with all this?" I ask making sure. There was a chorus of "sure man, yes dude, of course" "right we'll make a start on it then" turner said getting up to leave, they all followed suit. "Thanks again guys" I repeat as they all file out of the room. I open the laptop to start shopping. Great next day delivery should be good.

I spent the guts of an hour online shopping, before I finally settled on what to buy. I left some smaller items in my basket incase he shrinks more. But I got a good range of sizes to keep us going. Looking at the clock I decide to go up to check in on Luke.

Cracking the door open I peer in to see he's awake sitting up in bed scrolling through his phone. "Hey bud just checking to see if your awake" I said smiling walking towards the bed. "I am" Luke replied not even looking up from his phone. "Do you want to have a chat about everything?" I ask perching on the edge of the bed. "There's nothing to talk about" he continued, still looking at his phone. "Luke, put the phone away for a minute please so we can chat". Still silence as he scrolls. I reach out and take the phone easily from the loose grip in his hands putting it behind me. "HEY! That's mine!, give it back I don't give you permission to take that, your not in charge of me!" Luke said folding his arms across his chest and looking with a frown in the opposite direction. "Now, now no tantrums please" I start as he continues to look away, "I want to have a big chat about this and what's going to happen" . Luke turned to me giving a unreadable expression saying "Listen here, nothing is going to change, my results change nothing. I'll get retested in a year and I'll get the correct results".  I know I'll need to be firm, I don't think he relised the repercussions of if we don't treat him like a little when the social workers come. "Right now enough of that, you are little, you will be treated as a little. There's someone who will be coming to the house in 2 weeks to make sure we are caring for you properly. If not you'll be going to live with strangers who might not be kind and let you be big sometimes" I say truthfully as a scare tactic.

I see tears in his eyes as he looks to me. "I'm sorry Jacob, I'm scared. Please I don't want be little." He says as he reaches out his arms to me, signalling to be held.
"Shhhh I know Lukie, I know" I pick him up and place a hand under his bum as he wraps his legs around me. Carrying him downstairs I feel his grip tightened. As if I would ever drop him. Settling down on the sofa  turning him to sit sideways on my lap and popping the tv on I switched it to kids channel which resulted in a groan but no verbal complaints as he watch it with his head still on my shoulders.

About an hour later I heard the other return home. I felt luke squirm off my lap to sit beside me, pulling the blanket off the back of the sofa to cover his pull up bulge in his pj crotch. I didn't say anything to him as I knew he was nervous and embarrassed. They started walking past the door holding multiple bags. Some being brought upstairs others to the kitchen.
Soon they were all coming into the living room. "Sup Luke" "hey bud" "hi dude" "good to see you Luke" they all offered as they came in, looking at like his cheeks were pink with embarrassment. Ben spoke up "all the furniture will arrive tomorrow Jacob" I smiled back at him offering thanks. Luke asked softly "what furniture?" Looking around the room until someone offered an answer. We all looked at each other until he asked again a bit more abruptly "I asked, what furniture". I winced a little knowing the tantrum he was going to have once he found out what it was.

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