Chapeter 25

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Luke's pov:

My throat is aching from crying but I can't stop, they just pulled the boys out of my room I'm nowsurrounded by complete strangers! "Leave me alone!! I want my daddy back in here" I scream. "Shhhh baby boy, your ok! I'm dr smiles, the nice lady just has to speak to your daddy about how he was silly to leave the medicine out!" He said stroking my leg. I quickly push his hands away! "Jacob did nothing wrong it was me that done it not him!" I scream still crying "don't be silly little boy you didn't know better your too little!" He says before directing the nurses to take up me to the ward before I had time to argue.

I'm stripped of my pjs by these stranger and my wet diaper is changed for a rough hospital one. Daddy is alot more delicate at it. I'm left in just the diaper in a crib as I'm still hooked ip to the IV line. I hold my arms across my chest, the room is warm but bit feel so exposed as another nurse comes in with a bottle. " hello baby, oh your just the cutest! Yes you are! Your so cute" she said in a sickly voice. Let's get you a baba and so you can go beddy byes!" I slap her hand as she goes to pop it in my mouth. "Ah ah ah no hitting little one that's not nice! You need this num nums to grow big and strong!" I gag at the words she was saying. "Oh fuck off and leave me in peace will you." I said lying down and facing away from her. "Omg naughty boy, your too little to know words like that!" She said trying to roll me over to face her and me being no match for her strength, "Jesus Christ lady! take the hint I don't want to see you! I'm fucking 20! Im not in little space right now so treat me like an adult and fuck of." She just gasps and scurry's out of the room.

Finally sighing lie down. Reflecting on all the memories flooding back in my brain saying to myself 'great work, Luke, you can't even kill yourself right. Now you've royally fucked up your chances of seeing the boys again'.

The doors burst open with the dr standing there with a stern look on his face and the stupid nurse standing behind him with a middle aged woman with a clipboard.
"So what is it the nurses telling me about you being a naughty boy and not taking his baba and saying bad words!" I just roll my eyes and look away from the door. I need to be polite to get to see daddy again I though,"I'm terribly sorry dr but I don't think forcing a 'little' to drink from a bottle when I have clearly indicated I don't want said bottle isnt the correct approach. Now if you'll excuse me I would like to go to sleep and see ja- my daddy in the morning please" I said turning away from them all as I could hear them muttering to themselves about the inappropriate little behaviour and my adult vocabulary. What do they expect for me to just be a stupid idiot all of the time? I wake up to someone rolling me over to change my diaper, I can smell the mess I made. Groaning I patiently wait for them to finish. I feel hungry and my tummy gurgled but I know not to give in and accept a bottle that she was holding to my lips. Before sighing and walking out of the room leaving the door slightly ajar. "He still won't take the bottle" one women said "if he doesn't take it in the morning we will try breastfeeding" my eyes go wide. No absolutely not!, I think even if I was in little space I would recoil at the though of that.

Waking up in the morning to my diaper being changed again. "You know you should ask permission before you do that! Consent is important" I said deadpan as that's what Jacob has though me. "Don't be a silly sausage little one babies can't give consent" I think she's deliberately doing this to piss me off and it's for sure working! She tried to pop a bottle in again and I quickly hold my lips closed. She pressed a button on the wall, making another women come into the room, "ah perfect just the person I was looking for, our little Luke here doesn't want his baba, I think he might prefer the mommy milk" she said to the new lady. What the hell is mommy milk I say to myself before I quickly relised what is is as the women zips open her scrub top. " no no absolutely not I'm not touching those things!" I say almost gagging. " I'll take the bottle if my daddy can give it to me!".

I feel myself being disconnected from the Iv and picked up, I start trashing around until I feel a smack on my bare legs as I'm placed on the woman's lap facing her boobs. I hold my mouth and eyes shut as her nippled brush my mouth. "Open up baby, let's get you fed" she tries to stick a finger into the side of my mouth to pri it open "hhmmmmm" I said trashing my head from left to right before I feel another slap on my leg causing me to open my mouth as I say ouch, she shoved the nipple in. A drop of milk touched my tongue I gag and vomit straight onto her chest causing me to be shoved into the other nurses arms as the one who tried to breastfeed me ran crying into the bathroom causing me to laugh.

I'm placed into the crib again and a wet wipe is smeared around my face roughly by the other nurse. "That was naughty Luke you need to eat" she said. "I told you I didn't want to breastfeed, I said I would take a bottle if my daddy would give it to me" I argue back. "I'm sorry Luke we don't take orders from infants" she said harshly walking out of the room.

Later on before lunchtime the dr and the lady with the clipboard came back in with a middle age couple. "Em what's going on?" I ask looking at the 4 adults standing at the other side of my crib. "We'll take him" the women who was part of the couple says. I'm starting to worry now, what do they mean they'll take me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked to them all. The man spoke up, "speak when spoken to baby" in a harsh tone. I'm getting really worried now " I want my daddy" I say as with a quiver in my voice.

The women with the clipboard says "lukie these nice people are going to take you home while I carry out investigations on your daddy and house". I start to cry harder now, what have I done, I feel myself slipping as I'm picked up by the harsh man. "No pease I want my daddy, I sorry!! I not mean to! I want my daddy!" I break down crying.

I'm walked out in this man's arms catching a glimpse of daddy sitting out side the ward, " daddy! Dadddyyyyyy! Help pease daddy!" When I had a large slap on my bare thighs.

I can't be a Little? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now