Chapter 9

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Luke's pov:

They're not even listening to me is all I could think off as I sat crying. As I slowly calmed down. I had a proper look around the room. It didn't even look like an adult had ever lived in here. It's not fair, how can my lift be taken from me all based on 1 test. I hold the bars are stand up, they rest at about stomach height. Looking back at the door I swing my legs over the bar and then the other, silently hopping down. It was then that I noticed the thickness between my legs. "Fuck sake I can't believe he put me in a diaper" I poked at it, it felt wet, giving me a shutter. "Great now I'm bloody pissing myself, so pathetic" I say out loud to myself. Waddling over to the closet I looked inside, all my normal clothes were gone, I could see on the top shelf one or 2 t shirts and pants but I could no longer reach. "Dam I actually am shrinking" I whisper, feeling tears wet my eyes again. "NO! Stop bloody crying, they'll defo think your a baby if you keep crying" I said firmly to myself.

Looking around the room I see a wooden box, i padded over to the box gently opened it as my eye went wide, "omg so many toys, I wonder are they all for me?- duh of course they are." Pulling out a toy truck and a couple of cars my mind started to wonder, creating elaborate stories in my head as I played them out in front of me giggling before I catch myself and look back at the door.I made the excuse that I was bored and had to do something to occupy myself, I felt hungry as my stomach made a large rumble, I be dame if I was going out there to them t get food. They probably try and give me mush or a bottle I say Acting disgusted but subconsciously aware of my mouth salivating. Quickly shaking my head a empty that though from my mind concentrating on the warm sensation in my crotch. I poked at the diaper again before being completely disturbed by myself. I just wet myself awake. That was it the flood gates opened again.

Jacobs pov:

I felt uneasy leaving him in the room to self soothe. Going into the kitchen where all the other are, I stroked my face and sighed. Ryan chuckled "I'm so thankful I'm not a daddy dom, you have the patients of a saint jacob" Ben spoke up at Ryan "dude you try being Luke, the man's been told he's whole life I'd changing. You try being patient". "Sorry your right, I didn't mean anything badly". Silence fell among the kitchen. My phone bleeped breaking the silence, it was a motion detection in the nursery. Opening up the camera and audio I seen Luke swing his leg over the bar. I got to stand up afraid he will fall, Troy sitting beside me pulls my arm back down. We continue to watch, I felt myself release a breath when I seen he was safety on the floor. Watching him waddle was so cute. I could hear his soft voice talking about his wet diaper, mental noting to change him soon. The boys had all gathered around the phone peering in as he had walked over to the toy box, I could see them all smiling when he seemed excited about his toys pulling out the trucks and cars, softly babbling to himself. I could hear a tummy rumbling and him mention the though of a bottle. I could make out him poking his diaper again befor breaking down crying again. I looked at the others. "Go to him" Troy said softly the cry's being heard through the phone and from upstairs. Nodding i quickly make my way to the stairs taking two at a time.

Opening the door I felt so terrible for him, he turned around with 2 fingers in his mouth with a mix of tears snot and dribble down his face and top. He held his other hand out to me opening and closing his fists, "jay uupp" he tried to say my name with an evident lisp. He's slipped.. I rush over picking him up off the floor setting him into my arms bouncing him as a paced the room. Pulling his fingers out of his mouth I replace it with a fresh paci which he accepts. Stroking his back he slowly starts to calm down. " shhh good boy, your ok Jacobs here" I'd love to say daddy but I think that would be pushing it this early on. "Jay-up stay?" He says around his paci. God he's so cute. I kiss him on the forehead and say " yes baby I'm staying, your ok, let's get you into a dry diaper and fill that tum of yours I say as i lay him down rubbing his stomach. I receive a small whine at the lack of contact "shh let's do this quick then all the cuddles you want baby" I quickly get him into a fresh diaper and snapping him back into the onesie and pulling the pj pants back up. Picking him back up he snuggles right into me. He's definitely shrinking fast. "What would you like to eat baby? Sandwich? Fruit? Yogurt? Bottle?" I asked quizzically. Leaning his head on my shoulder he lisps out behind his paci "fuut an baba" "fruit and baba it is baby let's go" . I'm going to make the most of him while he's In little space. I don't think it's going to last long being his 1st time.

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