Chaper 14

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Jacobs pov:

I look at the others sitting drinking smoothies on a bench, I look back a Luke to try work out what's happened. Bending down in front of the stroller I start to unclip the buckles. Luke just started crying out of nowhere after he seemed so happy with his bear. "Shhhh what's the matter pumpkin?" I ask as I lift him out and he continues to wiggle, struggling to keep hold of him squirming and afraid of dropping him, I place him down on his socked feet noticing he's barely reaching chest height, against me now. I turn back to the stroller to grab his new teddy. Turning back around like was gone. In a matter of seconds, "guys where did he go!" I shout out panicked, they looked confused "where did Luke go! Omg he's ran off !" my heart was pumping non of them had noticed as been preoccupied chatting amongst themselves. They all jump up and run in different directions. He can't have gotten far he's in just his socks! I don't know whether to stay put incase he wondered back. I could hear crying in the distance. It was Troy barely containing Luke in his arms and he trashed about. My heartbeat settled a bit as I walk forward taking him from Troy's hands and putting the sobbing little on my hip. "Daddy's so disappointed with you Luke, don't ever do that again you can't go running off by yourself!" I scold him which caused louder cry to erupt. We were drawing a lot of attention to ourselves as the boys all started to return. As I shuffled him on my hip to reposition him my hand squelched on his diaper. "Ohh did you have another accident, that's not reason to run off, you just need to say baby and I'll change you straight away!" I said a bit more softly then I had been speaking. " want...other.... Boys.... Knooooowww" he said with a sob between each word. They boys were all around looking sympathetically. "They will never judge you for that pumpkin, right guys?" I say giving them a stern look. " of course not my little dude!" "Gotta go gotta go" they say while giving smiles. I give Luke a small bounce "right how about we get you all cleaned up and we will get an ice cream and head home?" Luke just nodded into my shoulder. I pick up the diaper bag and start to walk away from the guys and the stroller when Luke spoke up "I big but wan sky". I give a chuckle "sure thing baby, Ryan can you pass us sky?" Knowing fine well Luke's definitely not fully in big space.

We get into the family room and lock the door placing him done on the changing Matt after giving it a wipe down. I unsnap his short alls and onsie. And bit the body strap across his waist causing him to squirm, I put his paci back in his mouth and wiggle sky infront of his face causing him to giggle and reach out pulling him in for a tight hug, he was fairly distracted as I got him cleaned up and repadded with a diaper and stuffer as I was hoping to get him down for a nap once home. Re button up his clothes I pick up again but he's distracted by his bear slightly babbling. "You telling sky stories baby" I questioned as I place him on my hip walking back to the others. "Ok ice creams guys?" "Yessssss" turner almost yells. I give a hearty chuckle. "Ok what flavour you want baby?" I ask half as a whisper to Luke. "Chocie pease" god his so dam cute.

I got to place him back in stroller as we all que for the ice cream... " nnnoooo want dada cuddle" he says trying snuggle in closer. How could I resist that. Ordering our ice cream I got me and Luke a tub to share. Last thing I need is him on a sugar rush at nap time. I alternate the spoons between us. Some managed to escape his mouth but was quickly wiped up. After finishing up Ryan spoke up, "so home ? Ben you wanting to travel with me again ye?" "Sure thing" Ben replied.

Filing off into the cars we set off for home. Luke was squirming getting into his car seat. He was happily kicking his legs likely having a sugar rush.
Pulling into the house I barely got him out of the seat before he sprinted into the house skidding in his socks. "Luke it's naptime" "NO" was firmly shouted as he dragged turner up the stairs to him a room I briskly followed after standing in doorway watching him route through his toys. "Pay caws tunerrrr?" "Oh em just for short time I think jaco- daddy wants you to have a nap then we can play together again later?" Turner offered, not use to negotiating he turns to me, I nod and let him know that's ok, there's no way of getting him to sleep hyper I'll let him blow off some steam first. "30min to play then cuddle and story nap ok?" Luke offered only a pout before giving Turner the car he wanted him to have. I leave them in peace for a short bit and lie down myself this last couple of days has drained me.

Luke's pov :

We had so many cool cars out playing on my amazing road carpet! Every room should have these ! Turner kept making funny broom and crash noises making me giggle.
Daddy was definitely lying when he said it had been 30 mins and it's nap time. "Noooooo 5 more minutes? Peeeass! Turner tell him" I beg. "Sorry little dude, deal was a deal! We will play car again after your nap!" Turner says, causing me to huff until I'm picked up off the floor and put on changing table. My shortalls are removed and I'm in just my onesie, just a little damp we will change you after your nap. "Otay daddy, cuddle?" I ask yawning. He nods bringing me over to the rocking chair and sit me to lay across his lap. "Right a small story" daddy said before opening a book, sucking my paci a couple of pages in I feel my eyes drop.

I wake up feeling groggy and soggy, wiping my eye I stand up. 'In this stupid crib again, wait the bars seem higher then they did the last time' I think as I measure up against them almost at chest height, I could have sworn that was waist before. 'Fuck sake I really am shrinking' still having some muscle strength I slowly manage to climb over and make my way to the closet.

Pulling off the stupid pattern onsie revealing the thick sodden diaper. Pulling the tapes I let it flop to the floor, I know I better put some kinda protective knowing better that Iv not made it to the toilet in the last 2 days. Sighing I route through the shelves and find a striped pull up pulling it on, Perfect! No baby designs for once. I survey the clothes in the closet. God there so overly babyish, I manage to find a black T-shirt with a small shark on the left side of the chest. And matching shorts. Best of a bad bunch I think as I pull them on.

Looking around the room I notice that Iv actually not had my phone since my test day. After routing for a couple of minutes I decided to widen my search to downstairs. Walking passed the living room door wide open on my way to the kitchen, I can see most of the boys are in there, I had barely passed the room when I heard Jacob "Luke is that you?". Rolling my eye knowing I probably am going to get a lecture, I turn slowly and stand in the doorway "ye what's up?" I ask with a deadpan face. "Why are you up it's only been a hour! And why are you out of your crib? And who changed you ?!" He quickly asked standing up. "Wow, quizmaster chill!, I'm up because I woke up, I'm out of my BED because I wanted to get up and I'm perfectly capable of changing my clothes myself. Btw I'm going to need to go shopping for some new stuff." I say and turn to walk off. I feel Jacobs hand wrap around my arm, pulling me backwards and then feel the back of the shorts the pulled out. "HEY! The fuck you doing? Leave me be! I'm looking for my phone".

"Right Luke enough of the attitude or you'll find yourself in time out. I have ask you simple questions" Jacob trying to intimidate me standing over me. "OMG Jacob can you please just fuck off and leave me in peace for like 1 hour with shoving little shit down my throat!" I shout back knowing the others were all watching intensely.

"Luke as much as you try and not be a little you are and you will be treated accordingly. I feel I have been very lenient with you and clearly it has not paid off so it ends now. Now, listen up to the rules that I though you would have grasped but clearly not" Jacob says as he still held my arm as I tugged on it.
1. You stay in your crib/ playpen ethic when your placed in it and won't get out until and adult let you out, you can call out or cry to get attended.
2. You will not change your own diaper and clothes, and adult must do that.
3. Your closets is fully age appropriate therefore we won't be getting 'new stuff.
4. No wondering around the house, I will put baby gates up.
5. You will get your phone if you have been on good behaviour for supervised usage.
6. No cursing
If you don't comply with this you will get time out, early bedtime, no phone time and lastly spanks as a last resort, do I make my self clear.?"

I look at the others some look slightly shocked at Jacobs madness rules.

"Yep crystal clear Jacob, that you hate me with every being in your body to ruin my life like this. Thanks for that. Just know, I HATE. YOU. more then you can imagine. And for all of yous" I say looking into the doorway "Thank you for sticking up for me and letting me keep some strip of dignity." I say laced with sarcasm.

"All 5 of you can Go. Fuck. Yourselves" I said as I turned abruptly and walked back up towards my room as I'm clearly not going to be given my phone. I ignore the shouts of my name. I whip out of class text book thinking I'm going to need to get a head start if I'm going to be slower.

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