Chapter 44

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Jacobs pov:

"That's enough screen time why don't yous both have a play with your Lego?" I said to both boys patting there hairs. Getting gentle nods as they crawled/shuffled to the toy box to the side of the tv. Chatting with the boys waiting on the pizza I glanced over at the two playing turner getting tucking into building something but Luke looked like he was struggling to get the blocks to connect, a slight whimper could be heard across the room. I stand up walking over and crouching down to him "you ok baby?" I asked stroking his hair. "No work!" He said holding up the two large Lego pieces. "That's ok pumpkin, do you want daddy to help you build or do you want to play with something a bit easier to manage?". He just held his arms up to me to be held picking him up. "Are you feeling a bit smaller again baby?" I said holding him in my arms swaying. Feeling a gentle nod against my chest. "You want to just cuddle instead of playing?" I said smiling down kissing his head softly. "Ye pease, ski?" He whispered softly behind his paci.

"Could one of yous grab me ski?" I said sitting down on the sofa at the other side of the room to the others settling lukie sideways leaning into me as Ryan brought over ski and wiggled it up to lukies face tapping there noses together earning a giggle from Luke as he tuned his head into my chest "ah no papa!" He said nearly squealing. Me and ryan glance at each other "who's papa baby?" I ask pulling him in tight to a cuddle. His little finger pointed to Ryan shyly "no papa?" He said behind his paci with big eyes, looking between us both. "Of course I can be your papa pumpkin, now here's ski you give him extra snuggles from me, I better go see if turner needs a hand" Ryan kissed Luke's forehead before handing ski into Luke's hand walking off.

"You looking forward to some pizza baby?" I said snuggling in holding ski making him dance a little making Luke giggle "hmm baba?" I looked down to king his side. "Omg no pizza for lukie, call the police this is an imposter!" Lukie just flipped back wiggling his body in my lap like a fish. The door bell rang making Ben jump up running out of the room. "You sure you don't want a small slice? I can cut it up into little bits for you to pick and daddy can make a yummy baba?" I offered. Standing up with him on my hip. I walk over to Troy and Ryan could one of yous hold this little munchkin I need to make a bottle" Troy held his hands up "come her to me buddy I'm comfier then ryan!" Making ryan scoff and lukie giggle.

"Turner?" I said startling the boy quietly building in the corner. "I'm going to make lukie a bottle would you like one?" Turner blushed but nodded. Looking up though his paci before turning down to play again. I looked over to lukie sitting facing Troy, as Troy danced skis arms, lukies hearty giggles just warmed my chest.

Coming back with two warm bottles, bibs, and a little plate for lukie in hand I come into the living rooms. All the boys are on the floor around the pizza boxes. Luke sitting on Troy's lap with his back to Troy's chest. Turner was sitting between Ben and Ryan pointing to what slice he wanted. Walking over I handed Ryan tuner bib and bottle "noooo papa" turner whined when Ryan tied the bib around his neck. "Turner buddy you were a messy eater before you went little! Haha I'm not taking chances with your cute tracksuit set!" Turner just blushed as Ryan pulled his paci out with a pop handing him a slice which he quickly got shoved in his mouth.

I sit down beside Troy and take a small slice cutting it into little finger bite size amounts. "Lukie you want to come to daddy?" I asked looking over to him and he crawls between us and I pulled him into my lap "right baby want a couple of pieces?" I said holding the plate up his small finger picking up a a piece to his mouth he gave a couple chews then coughed and spat it out on the plate then looked up at me "baba dada?" "Of course baby boy come here to daddy" i said readjusting him on my lap so I was cradling him. I popped the bottle in his mouth and he eagerly started to suckle not taking his eyes off me. I gently stroke his hair out of his face, thinking I'll need to organise a haircut for him soon. "Guys keep me a few slices will you? My hands are full right now" I said not lifting my head.

Lukies eyes started to flutter shut when there was a small bit of milk left. I slowly removed the bottle and replaced the paci that was hanging from his sleeper. I the picked up slice of  pizza tucking  into it being careful I didn't drop anything on him. Slowly rocking back and forth. "Lukie sleeping? No more play? But early!!!" Turner whined. "Turner inside voice please!" Ryan said. "Sorry buddy, lukies very little so early bedtime for him playtime tomorrow ok?" Turner just nodded saying a small "sowwy." Before tucking into his bottle. I heard I small gurgling and the sound of lukie filling his diaper. "I guess that's my Que to get this munchkin to bed" I said standing up with Luke in my hands. Softly carrying him upstairs gentally placing him on the changing Mat, Luke started whining and wiggling making me shh him down. Quickly unsnapping his sleep suit and undoing his diaper, the clean up of a dirty diaper never gets easier. It's still wild to me that this is Luke, he feels completely disconnected from his old self but still him at the same time.

Putting his night time diaper on and snapping him back up. A grab his sleeper bag since he's to little for a blanket and snap him in. His paci is bobbing his mouth. He stirs as I pick him up and I walk around rocking him silent. I place him down in his crib turning his mobile above him. "Your so loved baby boy, sweet dreams" I said lightly kissing his forehead quietly pulling up the crib side with a click.

Ryan's pov:

Turner was leaning into me as he tipped his bottle up sucking gently. "You want more pizza buddy?" I said getting him glace up, shaking his head no. "That's ok pet come here, I said lifting him up and carrying him to the sofa sitting down with him in my lap. Placing his bottle to his lips, "still biggish do it myself!" He said turning his head from the nipple. "Shh baby let papa feed you" I said holding it to his lips again. I could see turner internal battle but relented and opened up sucking his small hands Just fiddled with each other and his feet lightly pushed back and forth. His eyes started to flicker, looking at the clock it was only 7:30, I guess it's an early night for this munchkin aswell I thought.

Carrying him upstairs I strip off his clothes making him stir and his eyes opened while he let out a whine"Nooo cold!" "Shhh baby papa just getting you changed and cosy" I said as I held a paci to his lips which he eagerly accepted. Pulling his matching tracksuit I opened his onsie, I changed his wet diaper rubbing a generous sprinkle of baby powder on him before closing his night time diaper on him. Closing his onsie snaps back up I grab a soft footed onsie snapping it closed. I see turner eyes just glancing down to me. "You want a little cuddle and maybe a story?" He gently nodded holding his arms up to me.

Sitting down on the rocking chair I opened one of his books and started reading, 2 chapters in and he was out like a light. I placed him in his crib covering him with a blanket and raised the sides coming out and head back to the living room.

I fling myself onto sofa feeling tired from doing nothing at all! "Ryan?" I looked up to see Jacob looking at me and at his laptop. "Ye what's up?" I said Leaning forward. "Iv pulled up 3 nursery daycares that are close to the campus that have good ratings, you want to have a look at them?" Jacob said moving over for me to join him on the sofa. I sit down with a sigh, "I think the boys should be involved in picking I mean there the ones who will be made go" I said feeling bad for needing to dump them somewhere with strangers. "No of course they will pick I've just narrowed it down to the 3 with the best reviews, I just wanted you to look at them and we will show the boys tomorrow!"Jacob said quickly. "Ah perfect, ok let's have a look!" I said taking the laptop.

"They all look good Jacob, the only thing is that non of them mention big space. Like you know the boys their not always little, I don't want them to feel forced little all the time their there if they are feeling big" I said feeling sad for them. "That's a fair point Ryan I hadn't thought of that, we can enquire as we view them?" Jacob suggested and I just nodded handing back the laptop. A faint cry could be heard upstairs and Jacobs phone chimed. "Daddy duty calls!" He said jumping up.

"Could we not all try work out our schedules together to avoid daycare for them?" Troy asked. "That would be ideal but for the times that non of us are available we need to have an option" I said back. "I suppose, I just can't imagine being around all those screaming littles when you feel in big space, I feel sorry for them both" Ben said looking down. "I know me too, a private babysitter could be an option but there so much more expensive and it's not subsidised by the state as well" I said with a sad look on my face. Crying can still be heard when the door opened and Jacob appeared coming in quickly and grabbing ski. "Sorry guys, little man wants company" he said holding him up before running back out of the room.

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