Chapter 30

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Luke's pov:

I feel silly asking for a bottle when I'm big especially to drink while being pushed in the stroller but I'm thirsty and daddy just makes the best ones. I'm also not sure why I'm calling him daddy when big but it feels right and I seen jacobs smile when I say it.

Leaning back in the stroller sucking on the bottle as the sun shines down through the trees. This isn't actually that bad, I mean I would much prefer to be dom  for mine and the others sake but I can't imagine going through this without them.

Pulling up to a bench in the park close to the playground daddy sits on the bench pulling me up to him as he takes the empty bottle from my mouth. "Would you like your paci Luke ?" Shaking my head no I glance over to the play park to see other littles running around none with pacis. Jacob spoke up, "it's ok to use one even if the others don't, your a much younger little Luke". "I know that but they might make fun of me" I said nervously.

"You don't have to have it but it's there if you want it, now how about we get you out and we can go play?" Jacob offered. "But I'm big remember?" I said confused why I would play. "So are you wanting to sit in the stroller and watch daddy play all by himself?" I knew what he was doing, it was kinda working. "Em I'll play if you do?" I said still looking about.

I'm lifted from the stroller and placed in the baby swings before I can object I'm being push. I couldn't stop laughing it feels so high, I could feel a warm pee rush into my diaper with excitement. I'm then lifted out and placed me in the sandbox, "hmmmm how about a big castle and a mote!" I just nod smiling as I start to fill the bucket. Daddy's phone beings to ring, "baby I'm just going to stand right there and take this ok. Just wave if you want me. After I nodded he stood up walking away starting to speak smiling over at me.

"Hi! I'm George! What's your name!" There was a boy in overalls standing over me "oh em hi? I'm Luke" I said going to turn back to making my castle. "Can I play?" He said sitting down, I just sigh, I can't be bothered with littles right now!
" em sure but my da- Jacob is coming back soon" I said pointing toward daddy. "That ok my daddy here too! I not seen youu here befo! Can we be friends?". Ugh he can't be for real, "no thank you!" I said politely then turning away. Next minute he starts to cry running over to this bulky man pointing at me. "See this is why shouldn't go to the park!" I mumbled to myself then groan.

"Excuse me little boy, my Georgie tells me you were mean and didn't want to be his friend" I looked up at the adult talking to me. I glance over at daddy who was still on the phone. I sigh turning back around looking up at the tall figure with the little tooked behind him still crying "Yes that is correct, I do not want to be friends with someone I have just met"  I look at the boy who starts crying harder again. " that is not very nice, I'm sure your daddy wouldn't be to happy with that!" The adult spoke out. "omg listen here, I'm well within my right  say no thank you, to being friends. I was polite about it, now can you please kindly leave me alone!". I say frustrated. "That's no way for a little to be speaking! Especially to an adult!" Daddy comes back over in the right time before I lost my shit."what's going on here?" Jacob asked. "Excuse me sir but your little has been incredibly rude and is talking back to me. My little Georgie just wanted to be his friend!" The big man said rubbing George's back. Jacob stood beside where I was sitting asking "ok and what did Luke say?" I turned and looked at him why is he entertaining this!! "Well he said no to being Georgies friend!!" The man said firmly! " ok and? Luke can decide if he wants to be friends with whoever he wants." I smiled at jacobs then turned to the man with a smug look on my face. "Honestly that's no way to bring up a little! He's not even speaking like a little!" The man said not liking that Jacob stood up for me. "Listen I don't know why your still here. Luke can speak how ever he wants and interact with who ever he wants. And honestly? I'm glad he's not taking 'your Georgie' as a friend because I wouldn't trust him to be around a daddy who confronts a little without their caregiver present. Now if you'll excuse me we have a castle to build!" Jacob said kneeling Down to me not entertaining the other man anymore who just huffed walking off with the sniffling George. I whispered a "thank you daddy" he just kissed the top of my head and smiled.

My tummy let's off a rumbles " oh shoot food! I'm so sorry Luke! Let's get you something yummy in your tummy" I give him a deadpan look. "Sorry I know big space" he said defensively laughing. He picked me up placing me back in the stroller. "Em could I maybe have my paci please?" I asked feeling embarrassed. "Yes of course baby, you sure you feel big or is there a little lukie trying to peek out?" He said poking my tummy causing a laugh. Through the paci I said "I fuzzy in middle".

Coming into the cafe, they set us up at a twin table, bringing over a high chair. "Ugh do I have too?" I said pointing at the chair taking the paci out. "Yes lukie, you'll be fine!" He said picking me up and feeling my legs into it and pulling me into the table. A young girl comes over she's about our age and is good looking, by cheeks burn red as she is definitely someone I would have flirted with before all of this. "Hey what can I get you both to drink and here's some menus!" She said with a smile putting down a colouring page menus and crayons for me. I just push them away frustrated that she thinks I need that. "I'll have a black coffee, and could I get some warm milk in this for him please?" Daddy said while handing over the baby bottle. I rest my face down on the table in embarrassment as the girl walks away. "What's wrong lukie"  daddy said stroking my back. "You didn't have to give her the bottle, embarrassing !" I said turning to him still head down.  "Awh does someone have a little crush hmmm" Jacob teased poking me in the side. I turn my head into the table and start to cry. " hey hey hey Luke shhh what's wrong?" I could hear him asking as he picked me up and placed me on his lap  straddled facing him. "I sa saaaddd" I said through sobs. I was trying to keep quite as I was probably gathering attention but I couldn't hold it in. I here the women coming over, "Awh poor little guy! I'll give you more time for deciding on food, here his bottle!". Great now she thinks im crying wanting my milk. I feel myself being flipped and cradled into his chest as he placed the nipple in my mouth causing me to suck as I slowly calmed down looking up at Jacob. "How about some French toast and fruit lukie?" That sounds nice so I nod. I feel so embarrassed to be getting bottle fed in-front of complete strangers but they just have such an addiction for me.  Finishing up daddy burps me cause me to spit up some milk onto my top. " sorry baby I should have brought a burping cloth" I just looked at him, " no that's for baby baby" I said with a whine. "Good things your daddy baby baby, now what got you so upset hmmm?" He asked still holding me cuddled into him. "I not baby baby! I sad but it silly, but she pretty and I not get to be with a girl again" I said shyly. " ah I understand now, that's part and parcel of being little I'm afraid, I don't know what to tell you to make it feel any better pumpkin" I just nod, I still feel sad I'm never going to have a connection with someone like that.

"Hey guys, is that better little man? What can I get for yous ?" Daddy ordered two French toast and another bottle for me. "Are you wanting to say snuggled into daddy lukie?" Ugh when he talks to me like that I feel like I going to drop. "I think I'm going to be little soon I sorry I can't help it" I said apologetically. "That's fine baby boy you can be little when every where ever ok?" He said kissing my head rocking me back and forth in the chair. Food came and he sat me up a bit and cut my French toast up, he fed me a fork at a time inbetween his bite. As I was almost finished I could feel my eyes dropping fighting to stay open. I open my mouth to have another fork and feel the paci be put in, I peaked at Jacob through the smallest gab in my eyes " shhh baby, you go for a nap, daddy will get you home" he didn't have to tell me twice

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