Chapter 5

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Luke's pov:

I felt my shoulder being lightly shook hearing "Luke bubba, you need to wake up, your wet" my eyes pinged straight open. Looking at my crotch and bed I felt the tears starting for flow again. I feel so pathetic. Jacob spoke up, "come on ill run you a bath and I'll strip the sheets once your in and get a wash on ok" "okay" I responded, I really should protest that baths were for babies but it sounded nice to soak in warm water and not these wet clothes.

I walk behind Jacob into my en-suite, he started running the bath the turned to face me grabbing the hem off my top "ah what the fuck are you doing?" I scream as I push his arms away "I'm getting you undressed so I can wash your clothes" Jacob respond while trying to pull at my top again "no stop! I'm not a baby I can undress myself! Get out!" I screamed and received a heavy sigh from Jacob as he pushed past me. Once alone I peeled the clothes off me quickly jumped into the bubble bath and felt myself sinking down closing my eyes. I could hear Jacob moving around the room outside the door. He's probably changing the sheets.

That's so embarrassing, my 1st nap after test as I wet myself. I feel like crying again but hold it in. It then dawned on me that I never peed after I woke up this morning as I was in such a rush. That was the reason! I said somewhat to try and convince myself. I seen the door push open and I scurry to cover myself with bubbles. "Sorry Luke I'm just leaving a pair of pjs here for you to pop on ok bud. There's a pull up as well that I want you to wear" he said calmly as he picked up the wet clothes, I tried to reason with him trying to explain not going to the loo when I woke up and all the stresses. He told me to "zip it, I don't want excuses, you either wear that or I'm putting you in a diaper. You can pick" I felt tears streaming again as I meekly said "I'll wear the pull up". "Good boy, now do you need a hand to get washed up or". I cut him off shouting "no I can do it!". He just turned and walked out. I gave myself a good scrub as to not smell like pee.

Pulling the plug and standing up  pulling a towel over me  I screamed as I looked down stepped out of the bath. All and I mean all of my body hair was gone, looking back at the tub I could see it all washing away. With that I broke down to the floor again crying, god why am I crying so much. Jacob came bursting in shouting "wow hey what's wrong baby, shhhh your ok, tell me what's wrong" "my my body ha -hair all gone" I said through sobs. I tried to cover myself up with the towel but as I went to do that I could feel the towel being wrapped around my body like a cocoon and being picked up bridal style. Before I could protest I was sitting sideways on jacobs lap as he cuddle me into him rocking me back and forward as I continued to sob. I couldn't free my hands to push him away.

I could feel myself settling and my eye lids dropping, today as exhausted me.

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