Chapter 31

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Jacobs pov:

I placed him back in his stroller fastening him in, "he's very cute!" The waitress said as she came over to collect the plates. "Yeah he's the best, still getting use to outings as a little" I said looking down at him sprawled flat in the stroller sucking on his paci. "Awh is he a new little? What's his little age? Omg sorry I'm prying to much ignore me!" She said as she went to pick up the plates. "Don't worry your not prying ye he's quite new and it wasn't expected so we're still having an adjustment period but he's getting there slowly but surely! Oh and he's about 18months only so quite little" I said smiling. "Omg that's just adorable iv not met a little so young yet! Your very lucky to have him and he's hit the jackpot with a daddy from what I can see!" She said smiling back.

Ok ok be brazing, fuck "so are you a caregiver?" I ask trying to continue the conversation, she's very beautiful. "I am ye but only for the last month, I haven't had a little yet I was going to look once I finished school, with work and coursework it's hard to find the balance."
"Ye it's been difficult to juggle Luke here and uni, Iv taken some time off to get him settled first." I say glancing down at him. " we'll looks like it's working, we'll if you ever need a babysitter for a break I'd be happy to spend time with that little cutie!" " oh em ye sure! We have another 4 friends living with us so never short on sitters but could I have your number anyway to maybe chat again?" God why am I so nervous. "Of course let me pop it in your phone!" Omg omg "ok ye sure" I sit in silence as she types it in, handing it back she said she has to get back to work, I look at the phone 'lana💕'. Smiling I root out cash popping down a decent tip.

Getting Luke out off the stroller at the bottom of the stairs he whined " mmmm dada" Awh my heart. "Shh baby daddy just going to change your diapie and you go nap" I didn't get a response just a whine when I placed him down on the Mat carefully removing his dirty clothes and sodden diaper, give a wipe down and dust of baby powder and a night time diaper on with a shorts soft romper with snaps. So so cute I place him down in the crib placing his sleep sack on him and giving him sky. Lowering the blind I back out after making sure the monitor was on.

I was cleaning up the kitchen when Ryan and turner came home from class, "hey guys! How are yous? Fancy a coffee" knowing Ryan will be a yes "em no thank you" turner responses,"you sure? You look tired?" I said. "Ye tough class my brain is fried I'll maybe go have a lie down" he said getting down form the island stool. "How about a cup of warm milk then? Help you rest" I tempted him. " em oh ok ye sure if not to much work. I don't want the sippy again tho" he said giving Ryan I dirty look as Ryan holds his hands up in defence "I told you take the lid off, can't blame me kiddo!" Ryan joked. Turner turned serious " don't call me that" and turned to the stairs getting stuck at the gate, struggling to open it he shook it in frustration. "Ugh stupid fucking things" giving it a kick. "Hey no turner! That's not nice! you just ask for help if you struggle," I scolded. "I'm im sorry! I'm just tired" he said making excuses for the tantrum. "We'll here" I said handing him a cup as I opened the gate for him following him up to get the top one aswell, if you want to come down go into Luke's room and speak into the monitor and I'll get you. "Sure eh thanks" he said walking in and shutting the door.

Ryan gives me a knowing look when I came back down, " I know what your going to say, we're not forcing a reclassification test on him" I said. " I didn't say anything!!" He said defensively.
"Your eyes did!" I chuckled.

Over coffee I tell Ryan about our outing in the park and the other little George and daddy. And then about the cafe Luke crushing at the girl then dropping, our interaction and then getting her number. "Do you not think it's weird you get the number of the girl lukes crushing on? Like I know he doesn't have a chance but if you go on a date that might be weird for him. And I think Luke would struggle with her diaper changing him during babysitting?" Ryan stated. Dam I didn't even think of all that. I think the babysitter is a no go but I might speak to Luke when he's big about me giving her a text.

I hear gurgling and cooing on the monitor looking at the camera feed Luke he sitting up looking at his teddy in his arms playing . " if you'll excuse me I have a certain happy little baby to get!"
I slowly open his door to see Luke playing with ski mumbling to himself. "How's the bestest boy?" I said lowering the sides startling him making him jump.

Luke's pov:

I jumped with the noise and a figure standing beside me. I start to cry, "dada?" I said through sobs as I'm picked up. All I hear is "yes lukie it's dada, yes go down to see Ryan! Ben and Troy should be home soon!" I tired to respond but it's coming out all jumbled making me whine. "Does my little lukie want a baba?" Oh he's talking so babish to me, but I'd love a baba. "Baba baba!" I say as we walk into the kitchen where the others are all sitting around the table.

"Hey guys! We missed yous! Lukie is feeling very small just now, could one of you hold him while I get a bottle sorted?" Jacob said. Nooo I don't want to be with others I want dada, I think making me cry. I'm scooped into someone's hands as I continue to cry. They bounced me which felt nice soothing me.

I feel them sitting down and I stair at their face "wawa?" It's Ryan. "Omg isn't that the cutest thing ever, yes lukie I'm Ryan!"
Dada is standing over me as I'm cradled on Ryan's lap, "do you want to feed him?" Dada asked. Wait no I want dada do it, making me whine out Getting the nipple placed in my mouth. Oh yummy I said flexing my hands open and closed with happiness, holding eye contact with Ryan " he's just adorable" he said stroking my head with his free hand. I feel my eyes dropping until I'm being sat up with a hand and cloth heald to my chin. What the? I though as my back is rubbed causing me to burp an spit up some milk on the cloth with embarrassment. "All the windies up? Such a good boy" dada said picking me up. "Let's go into the living room" he said walking into it with the others following. "Can one of you's pull out the mat?" Dada asked before I'm placed down with all these toys dangling above me. I tugged them and lightly smacking them with my hands and kicking my feet hearing chatting going on on the room. I feel wetness in my diaper and then a sludge explosion in the back pushing everywhere since I was lying on my back, nooooo  not feel nice! I just start to break down crying, feeling myself soon be picked up "Awh what's the matter Luke he said holding me up under my arms. I heard Ben speak up, "em Jacob I think he's had a blowout". Oh god! why in front of all them I think crying harder as daddy flips me over looking at the damage "oh baby it's gone up your back, let's get you washed up. I feel myself age up as he continues the hold me out away from him "sowwy dada, sowweweyyy !" I sob out as I'm carried up the stairs. "Not your fault pumpkin pie let's get you clean".

Jacobs pov:

Wow im not sure where to even start. I open the neck buttons so I can pull the romper down that way as to not bring the mess up to his head. I assess the diaper, I'm definitely going to need to get thicker higher capacity ones. I wipe off as much as i can with baby wipes before bringing him in to the bathroom running a bath placing a chair for him to rest on since he's feeling so little. I scrubb him all over as his sobs quieten down. Picking him up I wrap him in a green frog towel. And place him back down, lotion him up and pop talc before diapering him back up. I pop a plain white onsie on and then a baby blue footed pj. Brushing his hair and pick him up again. "All better bubba?" I asked as he just leaned into me for a cuddle. I think it's a dinner and early to bed tonight?" Earning me a groan.

Walking out into the hall I see turners door is slightly ajar and looked at his bed expecting to see him asleep. I see all the sheets Are stripped from the bed in a pile with his PJs, faint smell of pee. I continue to walk down placing Luke on the sofa with troy as Luke leans into his side sucking his paci. "I'll be back in a moment, Just going to tidy up upstairs" I said going back to climb the stairs. I see turner in his room with a towel around his waist, I knocked lightly then pushed the door " just checking your ok turner, you've been asleep a while", "ye sorry I'm good" he said but was being standoffish.

"Everything ok turner, please speak to me I can't help if I don't know the problem" I said softly still standing close to the door. "Ye I said I'm good!. No problem!" He said becoming agitated. "So you didn't strip the bed because you had an accident and that's why it's smells like pee? There's nothing wrong with it and we don't need to tell the others" I say trying to be supportive. "Ew noo! Leave me alone! get out! I'm not a bed wetter!!" He said holding the door open. Sighing I leave as the door shuts behind me headed back down the stairs.

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