Chapter 23

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Luke's pov:

I wake up in my crib in just my tshirt and diaper, cuddling sky and pull my paci out  "Jacob?" I say "JACOB?" Shouting a little louder. I could hear footsteps approaching, "hey baby! Good nap?" He asked coming closer to the crib lowering the sides. "I'm still big" I say dead pan as he lifts me out. "Oh still ? You probably need to drop soon it's not good to stay big, let's change your diaper" Jacob says as he lay me on the change table. "Here have this" he said trying to put a paci in my mouth.  I turn my head from side to side trying to stop him "no stop! I said I'm big!". Earning just a sigh from Jacob. He quickly changed my wet diaper and then picks me up onto his hip. "Hey what about pants !! I don't have anything covering me!!" I say trying to wiggle out of his grip. "Luke stay still I don't want to drop you! I have your dungarees down stairs!" He said re adjusting me on his hip. 
'I didn't want to be seen in just a diaper infront of the others, I don't want to wear those stupid baby clothes. I don't want any of this !!' I think to myself. 'I'm going to go on strike they'll listen to my wants then! I'm not going to speak to them, eat or drink anything! Yes perfect they will listen then and let me be big' I continue to think as I'm plopped on the blanket on the living room floor if front of the  others sitting on the sofa. I swallow my pride as the dungarees are placed over my head and I'm lay down to get the crotch snapped. "There that better Luke? you play with your toys!" Jacob said moving the toy truck in front of me. I didn't look up to face him I just turned to look at the tv the guys are watching, getting engrossed in the program about car mechanic. I could hear Jacob say to the others "when this episode is finished can you put on paw patrol or something else, I'm trying to get him to slip, his been big all morning/ afternoon." I just turn giving him a death glare before turning back around finishing the program. When they start to change the channel I turned around so my back towards the tv and toys and I was facing the guys. Ben spoke up "you not want to watch your program little man?" I just raise my eyebrows staring at him and go back to picking a loose string on the hem of my dungarees.

Jacobs pov:
I have no clue what has gotten into him, he liked paw patrol yesterday. He's just looking down fiddling with a piece of string. The others look at me with confusion look on there face as to what to do. "Em ok you can stick the other program back on if you's want, he clearly doesn't want to watch tv" I say looking at him. When it restarts he spun back around on his bum to watch it again I think he's trying to stay big.

Walking over I pick him up and Sitting down on an empty sofa with him on my lap. He's forcefully trying to wiggle off me trashing his legs. "Luke tell me what's wrong please" I ask curiously.  I just looks at me then grand the opportunity to scoot off me shuffling to the other end of the couch sitting down with his feet barely off the edge Looking at the tv. I just sigh, not wanting to force the little space on him.

When that episode finished Troy got up "I'm just going to start dinner everyone ok with sweet and sour chicken" he said while stretching, that's Luke's favourite food but he gave no reaction just continued to look towards the paused screen. What is happening? Is he trying to give the silent treatment?  Ryan and Ben goes into the kitchen to help out with dinner, leaving just me turner and Luke in the living room in silence. I took the remote putting paw patrol back on and Luke quickly averted his eyes to look at anything bar the tv but turner didn't protest and just settled into watching. 

Ben poped his head in the door, "hey guys dinners up ! Luke it looks yummy your favourite!" But Luke didn't even glance at him. I sigh picking him up and  walked into the kitchen behind turner, mentally preparing for the protest of the high chair  whick never came. He just sat quietly as I strapped him in and placed the tray around him and bib on him. I look towards the others who look as confused as I did. "Here we go master Luke!" Troy says jokingly as he pops the small plastic plate with Luke's dinner on the tray and a small knife and fork.

He made no attempt to pick them up just continued to stare at the plate with a unreadable look on his face. "Luke, you going to eat your dinner or do you want daddy to feed you?" I ask picking up the fork trying to hand it to him with little success. I then try load the fork bringing it to his lips which he held firmly closed. "Come on Luke you need to eat something" I say with a sigh. As I eat from my own plate trying every so often to pop the fork in his mouth. "Maybe he's to little to eat?" Ryan asked. Getting Luke to lift his head to stare at Ryan.  I knew he wasn't feeling little but agree with Ryan to try and get him to eat. "Maybe your right Ryan! This is to big boy of food for him, he's probably just wanting his baba? Isn't that right lukie?" I asked tickling his side, making him jump and give him a dirty look. Finishing my dinner I clean off my place popping it in the dishwasher and take Luke's bowl poping a lid on it and into the fridge.

I make up a bottle and left it on the side unstraping Luke and lifting him onto my hip "say nini everyone! We're going to have a baba and story time" I say holding Luke's hand to fake wave. Reaching the nursery I strip off Luke's clothes. His diaper just barely damp so I don't change it, putting him in a soft footed sleeper.
Bringing him to the rocking chair I settle him on my lap, readjusting him often as he continues to try wiggle free. I tried to place the bottle in his mouth spurring some of the warm milk on his lips to encourage him to lick his lips so I can place the bottle in. But he doesn't budge. "Luke hunny please you need to eat something! You can stay big and watch tv with us but I need you to be little tomorrow, it's really bad for your health not to slip." I said trying to reason with him.

I soon gave up, sighing I popped him in his crib with the bottle paci and sky. He just ignored me looking down. He looked so defeated I felt like crying, I was failing so much as his daddy.

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