Paris. Why Nott? Pt 2

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Blaise had chosen the establishment they were eating at and Harry had to admit he had never been somewhere so fancy to eat, then again he had never stayed at a chateau before, or been to Paris. He felt a little out of place, while the clothes he wore were tailor made to fit him perfectly and he wasn't uncomfortable physically and he looked the part, he was socially uncomfortable. Everyone in the restaurant was obviously from wealth, and although Harry was probably the wealthiest person in the room, he still didn't feel like the type that 'comes from money'. Watching the other lads who were used to this type of situation, Harry really felt like the odd one out, even Hermione and Pansy seemed to be perfectly comfortable. He hoped he was succeeding in bluffing his way through, that was until the menus were given to each of them and Harry realised it was all in French. Blaise was helping Hermione, Theo was helping Ginny and Pansy, so Harry looked over at Malfoy.



"What does it all say?" Malfoy snorted, put his menu down and leant closer to Harry so their sides were pressed together. Harry's senses were overloaded with the combination of Malfoys scent and warmth surrounding him, and the way the soft lighting made Malfoy's features look both softer and more refined, his eyes darkening to look like storm clouds shifting through the sky. The whole thing made Harry think things not appropriate for fine dining, although at this point there really was only one thing he wanted to taste and it wasn't on the menu. Malfoy tried to explain the food to him but the git kept talking in French and it was distracting him from the english, meaning Harry had still not understood what the menu said and instead was resolutely thinking about what other things Draco's mouth would be good for."What are you getting?" he cleared his throat and tried to stop his train of thought.

"Homard Thermidor is my favourite."

"Ok I'll have that, what is that?" Malfoy chuckled, and gazed fondly at him before saying.

"In your terms Stuffed lobster." It was Harry's turn to chuckle,

"I'm sorry I was distracted by you speaking french."

"Oh is it so distracting?" the waitress came up to the table and looked doe eyed at everyone at the table, she flirted the whole time with Malfoy who took it upon himself to order for everyone, in fluent French. Harry knew he shouldn't be worried, Malfoy was not at all interested in girls but a possessiveness took over him and he found himself slinging an arm around the back of Malfoys chair, essentially around Malfoy and smiled at the waitress in a way that told her to back the fuck off. She took the order and left them to it, Malfoy went straight back to their previous topic.

"You were saying something about my speaking French?" Malfoy said innocently.

"It's distracting because it just sounds like you're saying something dirty all the time. Even when you're saying something like 'where's the bathroom' it sounds like your saying something entirely not that."

"Ou est la salle de bain"


"It's 'where's the bathroom', in French." Malfoy explained.

"I'll have to take your word for it as I wouldn't know the difference unless you actually said something dirty for comparison." Harry wasn't thinking before speaking as he had many times before and it backfired as these things do. Malfoy raised his eyebrow in that way he did when he felt he had been challenged and he was clearly going to rise to that challenge. He shifted a little closer and leaned to speak into Harry's ear,

"Je veux faire courir lentement ma langue sur ta peau et la gouter." Malfoy's breath ghosted over his ear and Harry shivered.

"And what does that mean?" Harry asked a little too breathlessly for his own liking.

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