Revelations and Rewards

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Author's note: Some shorter chapters coming up.

Harry stalked up to Draco who was lounging in an armchair in the dark, drink in hand. Harry had always been one to distrust authority figures, having been manipulated by a few of them in the past. Draco in a military generals uniform however, made his lower region's beg for attention, Harry had never come close to feeling the way he did with Draco, with anyone else. Then again Draco had always seemed to have that effect on him, even as kids, Draco could get under his skin but it was still only skin deep. Now it was like Draco was deeper than that, he had somehow burrowed his way through a gap in Harry's armor and made his way through flesh and organs all the way to his heart.  He just wished the git would see it for what it was. As he approached Draco he noticed a steelyness come over him, Draco was retreating, hiding behind his occlumency walls. Harry wished he would stop doing that it made Harry feel cold when he did, like the fire inside Draco's eyes was being suffocated and Harry could somehow feel it happening. 

Everyone who was left was suitably drunk, Ron was way too drunk and had passed out on a chaise near the fireplace and had been asleep for almost three hours with no notice of the party around him. Harry had been able to talk to Ginny, she gave great advice, even if she didn't follow it sometimes. Ginny had been updated, as well as Neville and Pansy, on the Ron problem and if it wasn't for everyone telling her it was for Draco's sake they had not outwardly done anything, she would have hexed Ron in his sleep. Ginny's face had gone so red it blended with her hair when they told her about the unbreakable vow that Draco had been forced to take to not tell Harry anything. Now it was time for Harry to get his plan into action, he had been drinking liquid courage to do what needed to be done, he knew it would hurt him to push Draco but he had to do it for the greater purpose of making Draco inevitably more happy in the long run. 

"Hey you!" Harry said sauntering through the chairs and slumping down on Draco's lap. Draco looked around frantically to see who was watching Harry's outward display of affection, thankfully everyone was doing their own thing.

"Hey to you." Draco said. Harry leaned down to Draco's ear knowing that the next few things he was going to say was going to shock Draco.

"You know there's been something I've been very curious about..." He purred into Draco's ear allowing his breath to ghost over his skin, before pressing his lips to the area. Draco shivered and gasped, fighting to stay 'responsible' as Harry tried to get him to lose it.

"What's that?" Draco responded breathlessly, swallowing hard. Harry adjusted himself so he was stradling Draco and placing the blonds hands on his hips and continuing with his ministrations on Draco's neck he said between kisses.

"I.." kiss, "Want to.." Kiss, kiss, back to Draco's ear "Taste your cock!" Kiss. Draco groaned low in his throat and gripped hard on Harry's hips, obviously finding the teasing hard to resist.

"You're drunk and should go to bed."

"I'm not drunk Draco." He said playfully looking at Draco in the eye. He was drunk but not so drunk he couldn't make a decision like this. "I'm suitably buzzed."

"Well your heads messed up. You don't really want to do that." He muttered probably thinking Harry was too drunk to hear it properly. Harry looked petulant and pouted at Draco, before smirking and saying seductively,

"You don't want me to suck your cock?.... You don't want to know what it feels like to have my mouth wrapped, warm around yo-".

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