Ready, Set, Movie Night.

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Harry and Draco had slept like babies after staying up giggling over stupid shit that popped into their heads at random. In the light of morning or really mid morning they were glad for the easy rest and they awoke in good moods. Getting ready for the day Draco was once again floored when Potter dorned a Slytherin green silk shirt over tight black jeans he didn't tuck the shirt and he left it loose around the collar, he wore cufflinks, he seemed to enjoy the style of the Black family jewels because the raven haired bloke wore something from the collection he had with him everyday, granted this was only the forth day he had witnessed this routine but it was a routine never the less. He was left in a tizzy when he had turned to see, like a stuttering schoolgirl, he couldn't find words, and had to avert his eyes from the way the green silk played compliment to his bright eyes, so vibrant without the glasses. It was hard to believe that this man was the same person he had bullied and ridiculed for years, he didn't deserve to look at Potter that way he reminded himself, he said it like a mantra in his head to stave away unwanted intrusive thoughts, Potter deserved more than an ex death eater, he Draco, didn't deserve the happiness that even the fantasy of such endeavours would provide. It was utterly impossible and Potter was straight. Pansy could have him. Potter could have anyone.

Draco made it a habit to dress in the bathroom, because unlike Potter he had nothing special to show, he was slender and built but the Sectumsempra scar across his chest from the main wound was visible and the stain of the Dark Mark on his forearm was disgusting, he didn't even roll up his sleeves anymore, and he had not yet discovered a way to fade it, remove it or even cover it up. It was the visual reference to the stain that lingered on his soul. The painful process etched into his mind as the dark magic creating it seared his veins and shattered his bones, leaving him wishing for the mercy of Crucio. So he chose not to show his body and covered his arms at all times. Scars might be considered sexy to some but the ones he possessed were more like the physical displays of his dark soul, his unworthiness of love and happiness. He needed to stop thinking, he dressed quicker trying not to see his reflection until it was time to do his hair, then came out ready to ask Potter what he had planned for the day, but Potter was reading a book, so it seemed pointless to ask a question he knew the answer to. He was about to join Potter by grabbing a book but Potter spoke up, apparently the reading was just to pass time while he was in the bathroom.

"Hey Malfoy?"

"Yes Potter?"

"I wanted to grab my music player from home today so I could make sure it works here at Hogwarts, and if it doesn't I have a week to figure out what changes to make." He said.

"Ok, sounds reasonable." He said trying to think how he could help.

"Did you want to come with, help me out I mean?" Potter asks.

"I don't know how much help I can be, I don't know anything about muggle technology." He quipped not wanting to refuse but also not wanting to be a burden.

"Well that you even pronounced it technology, and not temolegy gives you point in my book, besides you probably won't have to do anything I just .... well you don't have to come." He shrugged non-committally.

"Are you inviting me back to your house Potter, for company's sake?" Draco asked, because that's what it sounded like but he did kind of want to be sure. Was this the next level of their friendship, a peek into behind the scenes of Potters home life. He had not noticed the genuine shock and hope in his voice when he said it but it was evident when Potter nodded assuredly.

"Um.. ok. I've never seen a muggle music player before, it could be interesting to see. You can show me how it works so if you need any help adjusting your magical barrier I might be able to help with that." He offered not wanting to be useless.

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