Is it Good to be Back?

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Harry and Draco walked up from the dungeons together chatting peaceably about Quidditch, Draco was still unconvinced that Potter would not be able to convince McGonagall to let them play, Potter was confident and had been thinking of what to say to the stubborn Headmistress. The prat seemed so confident that Draco hoped he was wrong, Potter had a way of making one hopeful, it was just who he was, hope personified. Potter told him he was welcome to come and witness his magic at work, then offered Draco a position as his scribe, imperiously stating he could watch and record all of his good deeds. Draco snorted. He was still mystified by the events of the day before, everything was a whirling mess in his head and he felt like he must be dreaming, he had not had a chance to really process what had happened, the ease in which they had shifted from enemies to friends. He watched Potter as they walked and talked, Potter's eyes were sparkling, vibrant, amused and calculating as he told Draco about the last year or so since they had seen each other at the trials. There was just one thing missing, that raw fire, it was a look that Draco had only seen directed at him in anger but he knew it wasn't anger that fueled the fire it was passion, or something akin to passion. He had always craved the fire behind Potter's eyes, it why he relentlessly teased Weasley, or mentioned the boy parents, that brought a whole myriad of reality dawning on him. Thing was he knew he hated Weasley, still did, he knew he had more or less been obsessed with Potter, wanting to be friends or to be close to the golden boy and lashed out when the ginger rubbed it in his face. As he got older and saw more of the friendship between the golden trio, he had come to the conclusion that he hated Weasley because the ginger didn't deserve Potters friendship, at the time he didn't either. Now he was in a position of friendship with Potter and he didn't, wouldn't betray that covenant but did that mean he deserved it, maybe he could earn it?. He was worried Weasley would be a thorn in his side in regards to his budding friendship with Potter, he wasn't worried about Granger, he never hated her, he admired her actually, for many reasons but he felt guilty about throwing in the insults he had to her, he was going to make sure she understood that he respected her and would treat her accordingly. It would be easy as it was genuine, Weasel, was another thing, he knew he would have to be nice to him for the sake of Potter, maybe he could just be indifferent that would be easier, Malfoy mask it would have to be.

They were about to enter the hall and Potter smiled at him,

"Ready to make a spectacular entrance." His voice was jovial, it struck him, they were actually going to give being friends a go. For real, not a dream. He nodded.

"To your adoring fans" He smirked making a sweeping gesture for Potter to enter and begin. He tried his best to ignore the anxiety, Potter seemed sure that he wouldn't immediately be attacked for somehow coercing him into his pocket. Before he could dwell too much Potter opened the doors and they swept in together. The hall fell silent and Potter mouthed "1...2...3" then a furious hushed whisper fell across the hall, followed by glances that were meant to be inconspicuous but weren't. Potter grinned, clearly amused at his accuracy, Draco laughed.

"How did you know?" He asked still grinning at the bewildered, suspicious and in some cases interested looks they were receiving as they made their way to their table. There were 8 round tables one for each year level so that all student of the same age were together instead of being divided by house. As they got closer he saw Weasley look up from where he was seated next to Granger, there was two seats left between Granger and Pansy with the new Slytherin lads being a buffer between the other new student from other houses directly across from the empty seats.

"What the fuck!" Weasley exclaimed rather loudly and McGonagall took 10 points, just as Potter predicted, Draco raised his brow in question again.

"What can I say, I know my people." He said haughtily reminding Draco of his younger self, the statement dripping with arrogance but also mirth. Draco laughed again, Weasley was scowling at him and for a moment he understood maybe why the git would rub it in his face that he were friends with Potter. He felt like doing just that but, no, he was better than that and he wasn't the antagonist he had once been. So, he ignored the glare and sat next to Pansy who slipped him a knowing smirk, Potter sat next to him. Granger turned to Potter,

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