A Valentine to remember.

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Harry had never really celebrated Valentines Day before, every other year he had been bombarded with requests for a date or some such from witched all over. This was the first Valentines Day he had been out as gay and had a partner to boot. It also helped that he was supposed to be in a coma, so, hopefully the mail was not full of the same requests and attempts at spelling him as it usually was.

Harry was spooning Draco when he woke up, his arm draped over the blonds middle, he smirked to himself, he knew exactly how to wake Draco up on this fine morning. He proceeded to snake his hand down to his boyfriends cock. Draco woke up with Harry pumping him slowly, blinking and groaning, Harry pumped faster when Draco looked like he was waking up. He received a sharp intake of breath and Draco rolling his hips to grind against Harry.

"Good morning love, Happy Valentines Day." Harry said low in Draco's ear.

"Hmm, I never really fancied this holiday before." Draco replied between panting and moaning. "But, I'm starting to see it has its merits" Harry cast a lubrication charm and slipped his cock between Draco's thighs.

"Oh, well let's see if I can make you love this holiday more." He matched his stroking with his thrusting. Draco reached back twisting to kiss Harry and gripping the back of his neck to anchor himself while Harry worked them both.

By the time they were dressed and on their way to breakfast they were both grinning like loons and blissed out from a spectacular orgasm. When they got to the dining room Narcissa was there sitting in her seat with tea and the paper.

"Good morning Narcissa." Harry said kissing her cheek as he passed her. When he sat he conjured a single red rose and handed it to her. He was in a very good mood that morning. "Every beautiful woman should be acknowledged today. Happy Valentines Day."

"Oh, how lovely. Thank you Harry and I hope you two have plenty planned for the day." She chirped at them.

"I'm sure Harry has something planned." Draco said to his mother shooting Harry a suggestive look over her shoulder before leaning in and kissing her cheek and presenting her with a box of French chocolates. "I had Pansy get you favorites, Happy Valentines Day mother."

"Thank you Draco dear, I'm glad you two can spend the day together. I'm probably going to spend most of the day in the library or my bedroom doing research. I'm sure I've narrowed the possibilities of which bonding ceremony they used, once we have that known we can sort out what binding magic was used on Regulus to hopefully reverse it." She explained. "So, I won't be in your way I too much I hope. Though I'm happy to spend the day with Andy, or even check in on Molly and Arthur. I don't want them thinking I hold a grudge for young Ronalds poor choices. Yes actually, I think I will do that." She concluded.

"Yes mother, don't worry you won't be in the way whatever you choose to do." Draco placated, seeing the slight panic in his mother's eyes at the thought of being a nuisance to them. Thankfully Harry had thought of her and anything he had planned for the day at least she would not be disturbing them. But, just as Harry was about to reassure her himself, the mail arrived and half a dozen owls flew through to the table, dropping their burdens at the recipient they were intended for. Narcissa got two and Draco got three, Harry got seven, he groaned.

"I was hoping people wouldn't bother because I'm in a coma, apparently I was wrong. At least my wards don't let anything dangerous in." He said exasperate. He looked at the two blondes who were eyeing their prizes in suspicion. Draco moved first, picking up a package and unwrapping it. Inside was a book on wizarding surrogacy with a note saying that if Draco needed a witch for his seed she was happy to volunteer. Draco read the note out loud cringing at the words he spoke.

"Revolting! Honestly, besides Luna and Ginny have already offered to surrogate for us if the need ever arose." He seemed to realize what he had said because his eyes widened as he looked between his mother who was beaming and Harry, who smirked.

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