Christmas Eve.

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Last day before Christmas.

Waking up on Christmas eve was chaotic, as he woke up once again to a flurry of panicked sounds, shouting and feet running up and down halls and stairs, he kept his eyes closed and his arm around the naked Draco in his bed. It was a loud experience but he loved it, having had his house full of people he cared about for the last week, he was worried he would miss it when it was gone. The fact that there was no looming threat of evil hanging over their heads was the best part, he felt like this was the first real Christmas he had without a shadow dampening the whole thing.

There was a knock at their, Harry rolled over and called,

"Who is it?"

"Hermione." Came Hermione's muffled voice.

"C'm in." He called groggily. Draco turned and looked at what was going on.

"Sorry for waking you both, I brought a peace offering." Hermione said softly in the dim room as she entered, levitating two mugs. They both sat and leaned against the headboard, Harry gestured for her to sit at the foot of the bed through a yawn, while Draco adjusted their bedding to cover the necessary parts of their nakedness. Draco had slightly pink cheeks at Hermione seeing them like this but Harry had shared a tent with her so there were very little secrets between them.

During their extended camping trip Hermione had walked in on both himself and Ron in the middle of a wank and with morning wood. They had walked in on her while mid dress or undress, not that he would ever mention it to Ron but there had been a week when he left that it was raining so bad he and Hermione couldn't give each other privacy. In that time, he had seen her completely naked and she had seen him the same, it was unavoidable. It didn't have any sexual context at all but he knew at the time that Ron would not have seen it that way.

Now sitting in his bed mostly covered it didn't bother him but he hadn't thought about how Draco might have felt at the exposure. Hermione seemed to sense the touch of embarrassment because she smiled at Harry apologetically for the intrusion, she hadn't thought of Draco either.

"I'm sorry Draco, here." She handed him his tea. He took it and sipped, sighed and relaxed, Harry chuckled at the sexily dishevelled blond.

"I'm beginning to think you two don't have boundaries, but then again Pansy doesn't have any either so it's fine. I'm kind of used to it with her, so I'm sure it won't take long for me to get used to this too but," He looked imperiously at Harry. "You should be prepared for Pansy to do this to you at some point."

Hermione sniggered at Harry's groan of resignation.

"So, what can we do for you at this early hour?" Harry asked yawning and taking the coffee Hermione offered.

"I'm about to leave to go to Italy Harry and I am shitting myself." She said bluntly. Draco choked on his next sip of tea, staring wide eyed at the language from Hermione. Hermione did not acknowledge him, staring at Harry with panic in her eyes.

"Hermione, just be yourself-" He began but she made a noise that cut him off. "What?"

"I'm muggleborn Harry, Blaise is ... well his family." She nervously looked at Draco not sure how to word it without offending present company.

"Were blood purists?" Draco offered with a shrug. "Listen very closely to me, you have nothing to be worried about. The Zabini family put on a lot of airs while the wars were going on. They remained neutral and stayed out of it for the most part. The Zabini family work on a Matriarch system as Blaise mentioned, so show your strength and intelligence. Blaise's mother will care more about whether you are fit to be a leader of her household not the purity of your blood, particularly in the current political climate, it will not be a factor at all. Now Mrs. Zabini is a very strong and independent woman and she wants to make sure who ever does Marry Blaise isn't going to use him, or kill him for his family ties when she is gone. She has a history of missing and dead husbands for a reason, Blaise is all she has, she didn't have a daughter and now she needs to protect the son who will marry an outsider to take over, she will be picky. However, Harry is right, just be yourself and she will love you. You are more than capable of doing the things she would want you to do in her position as head of house and as long as you really care about Blaise she will see that." Harry had been nodding along to everything Draco said.

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