Geminae flammae aeternum

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Geminae flammae aeternum

Geminae flammae aeternum

Geminae flammae aeternum

Geminae flammae aeternum

Geminae flammae aeternum

Geminae flammae aeternum


He heard it over and over, he recognized the incantation as if it were from another lifetime. Maybe it was, he could only remember Draco, his love, his life. He knew he was waiting for Draco, he just didn't know how long he had been waiting, time didn't seem to exist here just the embers of a dying fire. The whispering incantation though kept repeating itself over and over, always in the same voice.

Harry felt as like he didn't have to worry about anything really, Draco would find him just fine. Draco always finds him, it was just how it was supposed to be, so he just waited looking into the embers glowing in front of him, listening to the strange chant that was filling the nonexistent space around him.

He could feel Draco, he could feel the peace, the panic, the frustration and the anger and sadness. He wanted to make sure Draco knew that Harry wanted to be with him, that he was waiting for Draco to find him.

They needed to be together here, after that wonderful night, this was supposed to be their time together. Harry didn't know why Draco didn't come with him.


Draco was back at Grimmauld place, after telling McGonagall about the situation.... Well the part about Harry being out cold again not the why part. Hermione and Blaise had gathered the rest of the crew and now Pansy, Neville and Luna were there with him, Regulus and his mother in the Black library pouring over bonding books written throughout the centuries.

Everyone had a theory and they had pooled their information on the 'symptoms' of the bond to refute them all so far. Nothing was sticking and Draco was beginning to feel useless. It was a bond that affected him and yet he still didn't know what kind of bond it was. He had thought about it half a dozen times over the span of their relationship and even acknowledged how the bond would appear to intensify or become... More, every time their relationship progressed. The fact they had not thought about what the consequences for them might be for going to that next step made Draco feel very stupid.

As it was everyone here now knew far too much about his relationship and the intimate workings of it for his liking and he was perpetually red faced at the sometimes-intrusive questions by his mum and Regulus. They never asked something that wasn't necessary to what they were researching but being asked about the nature of the first-time having sex was mortifying. He knew there was nothing to be ashamed of and they were both discreet and non-judgmental but he was human.

They had been at it for hours at this point, almost all the books they had were useless, one book mentioned a rare ancient bond that entwined two into one but then didn't elaborate on it, just said it was extinct. Knowing Harry's proclivity for doing things that hadn't been done before it seemed likely that they would share an extinct bond that has no information on it what so ever.

When he noticed the lack of books left to check he knew he would have to go somewhere with a more extensive selection of this particular subject.

"Kreature!" He called and everyone looked at his sudden break in silence.

"Yes master Draco?" The elf said popping into existence.

"I need you to come with me to the manor and send back the books I find, there's more options there." Draco said pinching the bridge of his nose. He hated that house.

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