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She could hardly believe what she was seeing, they had been there when the girl had vanished in the common room but, watching the Aurors storm the great hall and arrest Draco was even harder to see. She knew he didn't deserve it as the head Auror screamed orders at him, Neville embraced her from behind as she watched her oldest friend drop his wand and surrender, raising his hands to his head as he murmured something to Harry before being stunned. Pansy whimpered and tears threatened to fall as she watched him being carted away. She possibly would have broken down right away but, she felt a surge of magic.

She had never felt anything like it before but, she looked at Harry and saw the glow in his eyes. The magic in him was about to explode to try and save his bonded, he saw the Aurors as a threat and so she went to Harry. Hermione, Blaise and Neville all followed her also sensing the eminent danger to everyone.

"Harry, mate. You need to go outside to get some air before you hurt someone. Your magic is going to blow the room and everyone in it. Shift and go to the forest mate." Neville said softly to him. Harry looked manic, his hair was looking a bit wild again and he was not blinking and panting through his teeth. Pansy ever so gently touched his arm.

Something in Harry's eyes shifted and he blinked, without a word he shifted and sprinted out into the grounds. People were whispering and muttering and some gasped as Harry ran past as a giant black blur.

"We should follow him; he needs his friends and we need to help him. He could hurt himself, the bond it's playing havoc on them." Pansy said quietly to the others around her. It was strange knowing that the four of them were Harry and Draco's closest confidants and friends, she knew these three other people would look out for them and she could speak freely.

"Yeah Harry has said as much to me. I have no idea how being separated is going to pan out. As far as I've seen they can't go more than an hour before touching each other at the minimum. They are always more anxious in the classes they don't share, who knows how long Draco will be gone and what that will do to both of them." Hermione told her equally as quiet.

"So, we need to help figure this out and get it sorted as quickly as possible. Let's go." Blaise concluded and they all made for the grounds to find Harry. They all froze, the entire hall froze as a loud piercingly painful howl ripped through the grounds and a large explosion followed. It took less than half a second for the four of them to run as fast as they could out into the grounds.

They found him in a clearing deep in the forest, it had taken quite a bit of clever magic to get to him and when they saw what he had done she was glad they had got him out of the hall. He sat in the centre of a circle of nothing, a perfect circle of destruction, the ground blackened at their feet and the edges had whole trees split right down the middle vertically, one side gone the other just fine.

Hermione didn't hesitate at all and ran to him and hugging Harry tightly, at first he didn't move but, then his arms came around her middle and he squeezed her back. The way they sat together his face buried in her chest as she cradled his head, stroking his hair. It would seem to anyone else that she were consoling a lover but, Pansy recognised it as more maternal. They were family and when she looked at Blaise to see how he felt about the scene, she was glad to see he was not bothered and seemed secure in the familial bond that Harry and Hermione shared.

They all approached more tentatively, not wanting to intrude but, also wanting to be there for him too. When Harry lifted his face and looked at them all standing around awaiting their orders to help. Her heart broke at the sight of sheer pain in Harry's green, wet eyes.

Hermione got his attention, he seemed dazed, with a soft touch to his cheek to guide his face and line of sight. "Harry? Are you hurt?" he shook his head and took a deep breath.

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