Teddy VS Hogwarts

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When Harry awoke Saturday morning his first thought was that Teddy was coming to Hogwarts. When awareness came to him properly he knew from the warmth and tangle of limbs that he and Malfoy had curled up together in the night, Harry's head was resting on Malfoys chest and he could hear the steady beat of the blonds heart, it was a comforting sound. Another confort was the rise and fall of the mans chest with his deep breathing, steady and rhythmic alongside the tha-thump of his heart. Harry felt Malfoy shift and run his hand along Harry's spine up to his hair and gently ran his long fingers through the curls on Harry's head,

"Are you awake?" Malfoy whispered, his hand not leaving its ministrations through Harry's hair.

"Not if you keep doing that, you'll put me back to sleep." He murmured sleepily. Malfoys hand stopped what it was doing, Harry snuggled a little closer.

"We have an hour and a half before Teddy will be here, we should get up and get to the great hall." Harry registered the words and excitement rushed through him like he was the giddy child and he shot up off the blonds chest earning a small huff of laughter from Malfoy. They were still very close but neither seemed to mind. 


Potter's face split into a grin that was full of child like anticipation, making Draco's chest warm. Draco was nervous, more nervous than he had ever been but he was determined to show Potter he could handle a child, he just hoped the child didn't automatically hate him. 

"Go on! You take the shower first." Draco offered, Potter nodded, his grin shifting to a warm smile as he gazed at Draco still lying half beneath the younger Slytherin. Potter clambered off the bed in the least graceful way possible, almost falling flat on his face before disappearing into the bathroom, filling the room with the muffled sound of running water. Draco felt cold without the heat of the other body wrapped around him, his infatuation with Potter was becoming a problem. He couldn't handle the unknown, it was in his nature to analyse and understand, he had a curious nature but this was a matter of the heart and those things were never as straight forward. Where feelings were concerned it was unlikely logic would be adequate in trying to untangle the web that was his and Potters relationship. He paced around the room gathering up what he would wear that day, he had settled for a casual black slacks and white silk shirt ensemble, no tie to keep it informal. Potter exited the bathroom with just a towel hung loose on his hips, while he roughly toweled his hair dry, the tattoos clear as he had not hidden them. Draco absently thought about how Potter managed to hide them and if it would work on his Dark mark while he took his turn with the shower.

When Draco came out fully dressed, Potter was dressed and ready in all black but his sleeves were rolled up exposing his muscled forearms and buttons were undone at the chest to expose deliciously tantalizing skin.

"Might not want to wear white around a child, it's more likely to get stained." Draco thought about sticky fingers and grass and dirt and nodded, he walked to his wardrobe and picked a black shirt similar to Potters. With his back to Potter he changed carefully avoiding showing his Mark in anyway, he didn't roll up his sleeves but he did leave the collar unbuttoned.

"Better?" he said when he turned. His mouth went dry when he saw Potters glazed gaze lingering where he had been briefly shirtless, Potter ran his tongue along his bottom lip and hummed his approval.

"Much better!" Draco blushed at the deep voice Potter used, almost husky.

"Come on we should get to breakfast."

Draco was extra nervous now that it seemed like the minutes were ticking by quickly, Potters thigh was pressed against his under the table but the git was annoyingly jiggling his knee in excitement. Without thinking he placed his hand on Potters thigh and scowled at him, Potters green eyes widened at the contact, his leg stilling instantly as he sucked in a sharp breath. He cleared his throat and blushed,

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