Cunning Consequences.

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Draco felt like he could go run a marathon. He felt like he had been taking the best nap and had just woken up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. However that was not how it had felt while he was 'sleeping', then he had felt completely detached, floating around in his own head as if waiting for someone to tell him it was safe. Then he had felt warmth making him aware of his body again.

That was when he heard Harry telling him to wake up, he didn't know how at first but, he knew he wanted to be there for Harry and then the warmth spread and he woke up to see glowing green eyes. He was home, he was awake and he was safe.

Now after the Healer had checked them both over and declared they were both perfectly fine, he was watching as Kingsley, Harry and his mother discussed what to do now. The Healer had not been permitted to leave the room or say anything to anyone else on the state of Draco being awake until they knew what the plan was.

It was starting to get late and even though Draco wasn't tired he wished they would hurry up and sort things so he could curl up with Harry and forget about the world for a minute. He was just about to suggest they discuss it in the morning, when a patronus of a bulldog came into the room.

Using the voice of Robards the Bulldog announced. "Weasley is ready to talk." Kingsley simply sent his own patronus telling the Head Auror to bring the ginger to the hospital covertly.

Draco was convinced that there was no way the Weasel had done all of this to him and the other students. Weasel might have poisoned him, and if it didn't involve torturing young innocent muggleborns he could have believed it. Even been impressed that the git had managed it so easily. If they had not been worried Lucius was going to do it, Weasleys attempt would have been successful and he would have been found as a corpse in the cell the next morning.

The kidnapping and torture of students though, particularly in that way was not the work of Weasley, there had to be another explanation. Weasley however, seemed ready to talk, and there was the little thing about the latest victim remembering Weasley being there. It was as if to Draco the mystery was far from over and it had possibly grown bigger.

The whole thing was confusing him, he was so sure it had been Lucius, trying to rid himself of the rot in his family tree as he would put it. That made sense to Draco, his father framing him to get access to him, isolated and alone it was easy to picture his father putting students in danger just to off him in his cell but, Weasley doing that seemed a stretch. Harry had argued that he had been already willing to do some horrid shit to get to Draco. When Draco argued that Weasley had seemed different lately and that Pansy trusted him, Harry had dismissed that, expressing that while he didn't want it to be Weasley who had done this they needed to be sure and there were too many maybe's.

That was fair enough and Draco was getting nervous as the time grew closer to Weasley being there in the same room as him, apparently willing to confess. He wasn't sure he was ready to face his potential murderer, especially when it felt like it had been too close a call. Almost dying though did give him some clarity.

When he was about to die, the strangest things went through his head, the strangest was that he would die a virgin. It had never bothered him before because there were much bigger things going on. He had never considered it in other life threatening situations, when the Dark lord was rampaging through the manor after Harry had escaped, the Feindfyre, both of those times he was sure would be the end, even in 6th year when Harry used Sectumsempra on him.

This time as he was fading he had thought that he had not done everything he wanted to do for Harry, he held onto that thought but it had led to the thought of giving himself to Harry finally, all of him. That he would never be able to had been the most painful realisation, it had felt like he had come close to having something that everyone could only hope to have and missing it by the barest of fractions. Though that to him didn't exactly line up with not having sex yet, lots of people had sex, gay or otherwise. It wasn't that special in all but, for whatever reason he felt like it was that special with Harry.

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