Secrets Pt 2

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Harry had not been able to sleep much and woke up feeling it, he was stressed, he had a lot riding on him being successful and he just wanted it to go right. Draco had not said much to him in the morning and Harry hoped Draco didn't think it was a sign that he was regretting his choice to help. He sensed that, it was that reason that Draco was trying to be small and inconvenient, Harry was sure that Draco didn't sleep much either knowing Harry wasn't. He got up and got dressed, Draco had already gotten up and left the room to see his mum. Harry decided to make sure he talked to Draco before he left to reassure him, he might have been doing something to help but Draco need to know it was nothing bad so he didn't worry.

He dressed especially well, in his finest wizarding robes and did his hair the nicely to make a good impression. It was half an hour before he had to leave so he went to search for Draco, eventually finding them in the sitting room discussing the tapestry.

"Good morning Narcissa, I hope you slept well." He said to Narcissa.

"Oh, don't you look handsome. Yes I slept very well thank you."

"May I borrow Draco for a moment." Narcissa chuckled and waved her son off. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and led him to the entryway.

"Are you ok?" Draco asked looking too worried for comfort. So, he kissed him.

"Yes, its fine. I have somewhere important to be and I wanted to make sure you knew before I left, that I am stressed over where I'm about to go. I will tell you everything when I get back but I am not regretting anything. I... I'm .... trying to make it permanent. Please trust me and know that I still very much want your mother here and you. You're mine right, and I'm yours." Draco sagged in relief, and Harry knew that if he had left it, the bloke would have stewed on it all day.

"Ok, I trust you." Draco murmured.

"Good, I'll see you when I'm done, hopefully with some good news for you ok."

"Good luck then." Draco kissed Harry, a little desperately. They walked back to the sitting room, when they entered they noticed Narcissa was staring at the strange line between himself and Regulus.

"Andromeda will more than likely be here soon, she mentioned she might come past yesterday. See you both when I get back." with that he went through the Floo to the main entrance of the Ministry. He was soon wedged in the lifts being thrust in all directions, before finally landing where the courtrooms would be. Once free from the mass of people he went to register his arrival to the witch incharge of court proceedings for the day.

He was early so as he waited he refamiliarized himself with the case so he wasn't caught off guard. After about 20 minutes a woman came out and called out his name.

"Mr. Potter."

He stood and walked towards her; she gave him an appreciative once over as she ushered him into the room.

The room was smaller than the courtroom he had been in before for both his and all the Death eaters trials. There were only a domestic set up of judges, as it was about a serious issue though Kingsley was presiding. He would not get a vote but he was there to make sure there were no biases to the ruling. The young witch who walked him in, winked at him and left him at his station in front of the judges.

Part of him, a small child like part, remembered being looked down on from the Wizengamot before his 5th year and felt that way again. Kingsley winked at him and Harry relaxed, they had a very solid case, it was basically ironclad only someone like Umbridge would be unmoved by the situation.

The court case began after introductions were made.


Draco watched his mother and Andy talk and gossip and reminisce, it was amazing to see that smile on his Mother's face again, she was happy, or getting there. She sometimes had small moments where she would go quiet or her body would stiffen at a sound. She would sometimes get melancholy when there was a lull in conversation but even after nearly a quarter of a century of abuse she was free and laughing at childhood memories.

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