The Master of death

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Watching Luna scuff about in the loose topsoil and plucking up a small stone made Harry's heart speed up painfully fast but, when he had the stone in hand, his blood felt like it was on fire. He barely had time to register what was happening before his vision was becoming bright, as if the sun had just penetrated the darkness of the forest. He felt cold engulf his body slowly while his hand and heart began to burn. The last thing he saw before the coldness completely consumed him was the panic in the eyes of the white wolf in front of him and a flash of bright white light.

Then Darkness.

The darkness was more than that, he could feel it. It was like he was somewhere else entirely, he felt both here and there, he could make out faintly that he was being rushed to the hospital wing on Draco's back. But he was more aware of the presence of whatever was in the darkness.

Slowly he tuned out the part of him in the real world and peered deep into the darkness, trying for all his might to illuminate things. He watched as a figure began to form in the darkness, a blur of a shadow.

The figure grew bigger and closer and Harry was seeing other things around him start to form seemingly out of nowhere. A couch and a coffee table, he started to recognize his surroundings as the area brightened. It was the living room of the house he was born in; he had only seen it in the memories he had watched a few times. But it was undeniable where he was, everything was replicated perfectly to his recollection.

The figure had fully formed and the now lit up room shone warm firelight onto the welcoming face of James Potter.

"Dad?" Harry asked. He felt warm and safe and he looked around thinking his mum was around somewhere, surely she would come to see him too.

"No child," his father's form answered, even though the voice sounded the same. James's voice might have been the same but his tone was very different, there was no jovial mischief, no smirking arrogance nothing of his father's so-called demeanor there. "I have simply taken a form that I thought you would feel comfort from. I personally have no form."

Harry was cautious. Mr. Weasley's voice ringing in his head to never trust something if you couldn't see where it kept its brains, or something like that. He was also innately weary of voices in his head as he was fairly sure he was not conscious in reality. Wherever he was, his body was somewhere different and not in the living room of his childhood home speaking to his dead dad. The thing that looked like James laughed and it sounded so much like the mocking laughter he had heard in Snapes memory that Harry whipped his head around too quickly.

"If you aren't James then who, or should I ask what you are?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"What, would be more accurate, my dear child I am death. I am an entity usually too big to be contained, which is what people have been doing for centuries. Trying to contain me, stop me, control me, take from me. You are different, however. That is why I am here." The James look alike answered.

Harry felt like it was the truth. "What do you want with me, does this mean I'm dead right now?" He asked only now comprehending. Should he have focused more on the real world, where Draco was? Had his curiosity of the darkness pushed him to die in the real world.

He tried to concentrate on something real, Draco he tried to focus on Draco, he closed his eyes and envisioned his Draco. Blond hair tousled and cheeks flushed, eyes gleaming with love and all the good things in his life.

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