The Aftermath.

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Draco was sitting at breakfast on Monday morning, having what he thought was an existential crisis, he and Har-Potter had not really acknowledged their drunken snog session and he didn't know what to make of it. It had been fantastic, he wasn't sure he could have imagined a more amazing first kiss, he'd heard a first kiss was awkward but Harr- Potter had made him feel like there could never be anything awkward when they kissed. He was thinking about it and it was sending that pleasures reminder running through his body, lost in the memory of taste and touch. The post came startling him from his daydream with the sound of screeching owls, a letter landed in Harry's, Fuck! he was trying really hard not to think of the prat who won't talk about it as 'Harry'. He is Potter and he will stay that way, that will help keep things separate, because even if the sound of his name on Potters lips had been the best thing he has ever heard, it would be a last straw he couldn't hear it again. So he would be 'Malfoy' and Potter will remain as such.

"Hey Ginny is moving to Paris, said shes told Molly and Arthur and the boys but she wanted to let me know. She left today and she'll keep in touch and to let Ron know she thought it was pointless writing two letters." Potter said to the table directing the final part at Weasley.

"Why didn't she just send me a letter and get me to tell you?" Weasley said indignantly.

"Well the letters two pages long she said other stuff like she hopes I'm finding being a Slytherin interesting because Merlin forbid I have an uneventful year at Hogwarts, and that if you give me any shit over it she's going to hex you over it next time she sees you. She also asked after Hermione but I didn't think that you needed to know all of that and I wouldn't lag you out to Ginny for being a prick because its not worth her time." Harry said with venom, Draco was holding his breath and like the whole 8th year table was watching the exchange with a plain expression of surprise. Everyone had since heard about Weasley and Grangers break up but now Potter was showing his opinion and which side he was on. He was publicly reprimanding Weasleys behaviour in general and Draco notice he had that commanding presence about him without even realising it, Potter was putting an inferior in his place, humbling him and the image was intoxicating. He wanted to kiss Potter again, he couldn't deny that, he didn't think another kiss from anyone would ever measure up to that, there was a magic to it. Weasley huffed and got up and left, Potter scoffed and continued eating, everyone else quickly following suit and getting back to their own conversations. Potters leg brushed against Draco's and he couldn't help the thrill in his chest. That gesture confused him more because Potter wasn't exactly shying away from him in fact the sly touching had become noticeable. A brush of the shoulder as they walk together, or their legs when they sat together and the touches lingered. He wasn't sure what it meant, Did it mean Potter wanted it to happen again, the way he reacted the morning after left Draco with the impression Potter was pleasantly surprised but that what happened when drinking was left in the shadows, now in the light of the day not to be thought of. It made him feel a little like a dirty secret. He didn't want to tarnish the memory, he couldn't help the fact that he knew why Potter wouldn't actually want to be with him and that anything physical would likely be just that physical only. Potter wouldn't fall in love with him or anything, could he whore himself to Potter just to have a taste of being with such a force of power. 

Malfoys had always been attracted to power, the fact that his mother was a Black and Bellatrix's sister, who as the dark lord's favourite protégé at the time, elevated Lucius' status among the death eaters at the time, mother had been a strategic move, not love. He knew his mother had once adored Lucius, the man was her lord and she was so proud to have done her part for her family and found a man to love. He was not the man she thought he was and the love had long since turned to survival for her. He knew Potter wasn't anything like Lucius, so he needn't worry about that, it was the getting attached part that he knew would be hard and if being Potters friend with benefits were to end what would that mean for the friends part of that equation. Would he still be able to be just friends if Potter ever did find the one he did want to be with, girl or guy. Potter wasn't something he could logic out he had a feeling he was going to be in for a crazy broom ride with the finale a towering inferno of destruction, well if it all went to shit he could just leave the country. 

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