Counter Plots.

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Draco had a quick shower as soon as the three of them got back to his and Harry's room for two reasons, he was filthy from Weasleys ministrations and he wanted some time to think for himself. On the way there he had told them both the bulk of the situation, Hermione had been furious at what the ginger git had done to Draco. Draco had a feeling she will be devastated to find out the details Weasley had let slip about his own plans for her, once he was showing off for that Brown girl - Lavender or whatever. He had planned to just go along with the plan that Weasley had made and hope that the git would figure it out that he didn't want to or would willingly hurt Harry, he hadn't planned on Hermione and Blaise finding him and to be waiting. It was always them. Now he had to come up with a new strategy to include the two as neither of them were the type to just leave well enough alone. Where Draco saw a fitting vetting process for seeing if he were worthy, the other two seemed to see an injustice that needed fixing. Some people seemed to have forgotten he was a death eater with a death eater father who could very well be trying to find a way to revitalise the Dark Lord and possibly would be under some belief Harry could somehow help as he had last time.

He pondered it all while he washed away the day. The thing he had to ponder the most was also the harder thing to think about. He and Harry had become close quickly, that may have been fine if they didn't have the precarious bullying rivalry beforehand. They had hated each other, well Draco had resented him, then maybe hated him for a bit, after 6th year though he could admit now that he had been praying to whatever deity would allow the bespectacled git to win over the tyrant that ruled over him and his family with such fear. The thing with that was you could hardly hate someone if you were depending on them to win the war. And he certainly didn't hate Harry now.... now he was sure he lo-..... liked him quite a lot. He was in a shit situation, he had fallen hard for his new room mate , now having a chance to know him away from the fame of him. A selfish part of him was not ready to give up what he had with Harry but questioning if it were real or manufactured from a spell was tearing him apart. He wanted to run away somewhere - far, where no one knew him or his past, maybe he should consider becoming a muggle where things like spells and potions don't complicate matters of the heart. With zero romantic experience he was scared that that just meant he was doomed to fail even if he tried his best. There were a thousand way he could fuck this up with Harry and so many what if's, he couldn't possibly comprehend how to do this right. 

He exited the shower and dressed in his P.J's, Harry had been sharing a bed with him and when he looked at the larger than life double bed that stood in their room he felt sick. What they had done that morning was now tainted with the thought that Harry may have ever actually willingly done that with him. He cast a spell and the bed separated into the two original beds smaller but still big enough for both of them.

"There's more isn't there Draco?" Hermione asked tentatively. Draco sighed and nodded.

"I don't really understand what he's playing at, I don't think he's going to make a good auror if this..." He gestures to his battered form, as he takes a seat on the armchair he hisses in pain from his ribs. Weasley really got physical when he was mad and things weren't going to plan. "Is how he was willing to treat a 'suspect', it was simply uncivilised, but anyway. He blundered on about some things to that Lavender girl, he may have thought I was unconscious when he mentioned that he was getting close to winning you back and that it would put him back in a better position to keep closer eyes on Harry." To Dracos utmost surprise Hermione.... snorted.

"Yes well I had suspected it might be the case when his attention seemed divided in his attempts to 'woo' me back. But that's of little consequence. I meant he said something to you, to question everything I can see you overthinking and separating the bed when you came back in?. You can't really believe you've done something illegal to make Harry want to be with you, besides it's not just Harry who has grown fond of you. I would consider you a friend now and you called me a mudblood on several occasions." Draco flinched at the reminder of how he had treated her simply because his father had told him 'the way of things'. He didn't think that now, it just didn't make sense for her to be inferior to him when she had proved just as, if not more capable academically and she was brave and kind, but scarily cunning and clever, blood purity clearly meant nothing so far as magical superiority was concerned. 

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