Plan B: Weasley

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40. Plan B: Weasley

Narcissa had received a patronus half way through her dinner and not long after Kreature had suddenly popped away without saying a word. She wasn't able to continue eating, fearing in her bones that Draco was in trouble. There hardly existed a bond greater than mother and child. The patronus had told her to take the Floo and come to Hogwarts hospital wing, she did so leaving her food and sprinting through the Floo connection.

When she stepped through Kingsley and Minerva were there, Hermione, Pansy and their paramours were there and Poppy was fussing over Harry who was unconscious in a bed. She watched in shock when Poppy said she didn't know what else to do, there was nothing physically wrong with him. He would either wake up or he wouldn't. She watched as Poppy went back to her office to look into some things in her books, the kids followed her and Kingsley noticed she was there.

She had not said a word but, she searched for Draco or the Auror Robards who seemed adamant he would keep her boy safe. Neither of them were there.

"Narcissa, there has been an incident." Kingsley said to her softly, "We have things as under control as we can. Draco has been poisoned; a poison added to his evening meal. He called for Kreature which is what Robards had instructed him to do. Kreature came and got Robards and he has since been able to get Draco to St Mungo's where he is getting treatment. It is a rare and brutal poison meant to be fast acting so I will say it was a close call but, he is out of the danger zone now. They are now working on stabilizing him."

Narcissa took in that information, she was terrified.

"What happened to Harry?" she asked quietly.

"He seems to have reacted to the poison through the bond he has with Draco, from what we have put together Harry lost consciousness minutes after Draco did and has been exhibiting the same symptoms only more like a reflection, he doesn't seem to be physically affected but, his body reacts as if it is." Kingsley explained.

"It seems it's the reason for his being unconscious right now." Minerva added, they were turned away from Harry at the time trying to be quiet.

"So, my son was poisoned somehow while imprisoned and Harry is reacting to it as if a mirror of Draco. Do you think he will wake up when Draco wakes up?"

"No, just when he's stable." A croaky voice said behind them. Narcissa turned to see Harry attempting to rise to a seated position. She rushed over and helped him to the position and handed him the glass of water on the side table.

The Floo flared and Robards came through, looking pale and tired. The man looked up at three expectant faces.

"He is fine, stable. He is in a quarantine zone for the night so he can receive treatment. He was poisoned with Acidum intus, a very dark poison. He needed a lot of work on healing the internal damage and they need to keep him safe from infection. He hasn't woken up yet. They will have more to tell us tomorrow but, can't predict how he will heal."

"And what are we going to do about the person responsible." Harry's eyes darted over to a different bed that had it's curtains closed and clearly had a silencing and darkening charm over the sleeping person. "We have a witness and the memory, have you looked into the rest of the evidence?" Harry's tone was tetchy, she had never actually seen Harry get mad. He was now though.

"Been a little busy saving your lover but, that is my next step." Robards snapped, obviously also frustrated. Kingsley stepped between them.

"We will go now and spend the night on the case, with the evidence we have, it should take the night to have a warrant for his arrest, then at least he's behind bars." Kingsley offered. "By morning we can have him arrested and then with luck Draco will be out of quarantine and you can go and see him."

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