Gryffindor Vs Slytherin

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It was Saturday morning and the school had been in a state of anticipation all week leading to this very day. The Quidditch game of all games Slytherin was to play Gryffindor in the first match of the season. Harry was confident but the fact he was playing for Slytherin was really the hot topic of the school and how Ron was going to handle having the Golden boy on the opposite team. All practices that week had been closed and Ron had taken advantage of Draco not booking the pitch on time to monopolise the pitch for Gryffindor practices. Draco like Harry had been a little distracted after Hermione had burst in on their make out session that was leading to more with the news her parents had been killed by muggles in a home invasion. She had been devastated that night, Draco had gone to fetch Blaise and sent a note to Ginny who both showed up in record speed. When she had talked and cried herself to exhaustion Harry had enlarged his bed for the three of them to stay in his bed while he and Draco shared Draco's bed. After that he and Draco had stayed up discussing muggles and clearing the air on how each of them really viewed that whole 'Magic is might' prejudice against non magical people. Harry was happy to hear that Draco accepted that he simply didn't understand how muggles lived without magic and had little to no experience with anything that wasn't 'Pure' before going to Hogwarts, but he didn't hold that against them and was interested in learning more.

It had been an eventful night and that had for obvious reasons bled through the week that followed. Harry was disappointed in Ron as he seemed to use Hermione's misfortune as a way to get an edge in Quidditch while he and Draco helped his girlfriend through a difficult time in her life. Ron had been sympathetic towards her and had somehow managed the bare minimum required of a boyfriend and simultaneously used the moment to gain something. For the first time since wanting to play Quidditch he hoped Gryffindor got trounced and if he had anything to do about it he would make sure they did. His and Draco's room had become more like a common room than a bedroom with several people sleeping there at any given night and that morning he woke up to a now familiar scene. Blaise and George were on the two single beds like camper beds near the fireplace where the sitting area used to be and Ginny and Hermione were sharing Harry's bed next to he and Draco curled up in Draco's bed. 

"RISE AND SHINE FUCKERS IT'S QUIDDITCH DAY." Harry used a amplifying charm to rouse everyone from sleep at the same time. Hermione was the only one peeved at him for it, everyone else were Quidditch enthusiasts and were quickly scurrying around in a bid to get to breakfast ready for the junior match that morning. Harry bid Hermione farewell as she left to go back to Ravenclaw tower, her and Luna had something special planned to show their support and he was just as eager for the junior game than his own as he and Emelda had worked hard on her technique and he was sure she would take his advice and try to get the snitch quickly. Draco had been working with the chasers and they were looking very coordinated so he was in high spirits, of course he didn't know how well the junior team for Gryffindor played or if Ron had also been putting as much effort into the junior league as the Slytherins were.


Draco was both over excited and apprehensive as breakfast went by. He truly tried to eat something but his stomach was in knots, flippantly going back and forth between dreaded plummeting to fluttering butterflies in an instant. He had gone over the strategy with the younger team who were sitting with he and Harry and the rest of the Slytherins at the restored House tables. The hall was decorated in green and silver and red and gold for the two opposing teams, junior first to celebrate at lunch and then the real battle between the two houses after lunch with the hope the game doesn't run too long. While Draco was confident in his younger team, especially with the special training, and hopeful that Harry can cause enough of a distraction with his new moves, he had more on his mind than he would have liked to. Hermione was still upset about her parents and the circumstances surrounding their passing and he had felt bad for her after everything she had already lost, Weasel not being any help at all the prat. The other thing was just his own, Harry and others helped Hermione but his other worry was his mother and he wasn't sure how to feel or what to do about it. She had been quiet as of late, shorter correspondence and cancelling her dates with Aunt Andy, without telling him of this apparent prevailing illness that while she won't tell him about seems to persist in returning often when she is to be seen by someone. He had offered to come back for a day during a weekend but those that he had free she had an excuse of it's inconvenience. Now after having not seen his mother in two months he was worried for her well being, he knew of how his .. Lucius could be and hoped that mother was not suffering once again. It broke his heart to think of his inability to protect her while he was at school, it burned him with anger to think of how helpless it made him.

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