Life's little miracles.

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Harry thought it was sweet that Draco organized lunch for everyone but was getting a funny feeling from him. He knew Draco's thoughts had strayed to the prophecy and he noticed when Draco sneakily spoke to Kingsley quietly and then Kingsley left with Robards. He knew something was going on, that Draco had figured something out regarding the prophecy but didn't know what.

He trusted there was a reason for it so he didn't bring it up in front of anyone while they were at the hospital. The Longbottom's had been officially released from the hospital a little while later and Neville and Pansy went to help Nev's grandmother settle Frank and Alice back at their home. Seeing Mrs. Longbottom, a normally stoic woman, come in to see Frank and Alice in perfect health and cry in relief and joy had been such a moving moment Harry had temporarily forgot about the Prophecy and whatever Draco had been up to.

It was later back at Grimmauld place when Andy and Teddy came over saying that Kingsley told them to wait with them for something. Stranger still had been when all of the Weasley clan had come through the Floo, all claiming the same thing. The final straw had been when Ginny and Theo had showed up via an emergency portkey straight into their back yard, once again claiming that they had been told to get there A.S.A.P.

It took a little to get everyone settled, Molly kicking into maternal mode and fixing everyone dinner with help from Narcissa, Andy and a heavily pregnant Fleur.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked Draco. Everyone in the kitchen now for dinner all wondering what the call was about, though happy to see everyone else anyway. "Why is everyone here?" He tried to say it quietly but Ginny heard from next to him and quickly paid attention to Draco expectantly, Theo on Gin's other side suddenly being ignored.

"If I asked you to just trust me, would you?" Draco asked, he was feeling anxious about the whole thing. He didn't want to say anything and give everyone hope then disappointing them. Harry gave him a funny look, as if it was a stupid question.

"Yeah of course." Harry said. Ginny made a face like she wanted to object to not getting any information. She pouted a bit at not getting what she wanted, draco thought that Theo must have been spoiling her and she had not heard the word 'no' in a long time.

"Well, I'm the most in the dark, getting some urgent message from Kingsley to be here. Wasn't until Hermione told me about the whole bonding business that you two made sense." She seemed offended that they hadn't told her about it. " Haven't seen you in a few months and all of a sudden you two don't even need look at each other to be in sync. It's weird because when I last saw you, you were both fumbling through coming out. Now you're the power couple of the millennia." Ginny groused at being left out.

"It's still early in the millennia Gin, who knows what could happen and we only just woke up from a weeklong bloody nap today when would I have got a chance to tell you." Harry reminded her, receiving an eye roll in return.

Kingsley's patronus came through the wall, pausing all conversation at the table, and stopped in front of Draco.

"Ready!" it said and was gone.

Draco looked at Harry, "There will be another one sent for you guys in a bit follow me to the ministry when it comes." Harry nodded and Draco left the room to apparate to the entrance of the ministry where Kingsley met with him.

Harry was left with everyone's questioning gaze and could offer nothing more than a shrug to appease their curiosity.

"So, which room in the department of mysteries are we headed to, Robards has Ron at the lifts waiting for us?" Kingsley asked.

"I need the chamber Sirius died in, the one with the archway." Draco asked, hoping he knew the one he was talking about. As far as Harry's memories were concerned Kingsley had been there during the battle that landed Lucius in prison that year.

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