New me, True me.

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It was now roughly three weeks until Hogwarts was to begin and Harry woke up with a slight hangover still dressed from the attack the day before just without the robe. He dressed in fresh jeans and a plain polo shirt before heading to the kitchen for coffee, Neville was up reading the Prophet and drinking his own coffee, he looked up and smiled as Harry entered, Kreature came up to him and immediately, before he could say anything to Neville,

"Is Master wanting his usual for breakfast?" Kreature asked,

"Yes, please." Harry responded sitting at his usual place at the table, then looking back at Neville when Kreature scampered off to his work, Harry had offered to free the elf but the elf said he wanted to stay at the Black house and serve and help Harry, so Harry relented, but tried to make an effort to not need him, it was only when he had guests that Kreature did a lot and that was without being asked. 

"Good morning, did you sleep alright?" Harry asked Neville,

"Yeah actually, your guest bedroom bed feels like I'm sleeping on a cloud" Neville smirked, "Actually I was wondering if you minded if I stayed... you know until we go back to Hogwarts. Gran is kinda getting annoyed with me being home with her, says I need to get my own place and with the resorting who knows if we will be in the same house in the new term."

"You know I have basically an open door policy Nev, its not like I walk around in the nude, you could stay when ever and for however long you want. Besides I could use the company." Harry told his friend, smiling brightly at the idea. He wasn't exactly worried about the resorting but that was because this time he was just going to let the hat place him where it pleases, a part of him was sure that he'd get sorted to Slytherin this time and he was happy enough to let it. He thought it would be interesting to watch the shocked look on everyone's face when it did as he had never told anyone that the hat wanted him in Slytherin during his first sorting. If he did get sorted into Slytherin this time too then he knew it had more to do with himself and not Voldemort, as he was no longer a horcrux, it's not to say he would mind any other house, even Hufflepuff but he'd been a Gryffindor so if it wasn't Slytherin it would likely be that.

"Well then." Neville exclaimed "I'm glad you said that because Luna and Ginny wanted to stay too, as you know Luna is coming back with us but she said she wanted to speak to you about something and Ginny said she wanted to get her time in with us before we left because she's apparently looking into healer training next year so she will be busy and might not get a chance to visit us much." Neville continued still sipping his coffee.

"You want to spend the next three weeks with our Exes?" Harry asked with bemused amusement, to Harrys delight Neville chocked on his next sip of coffee causing Harry to loose it and burst out laughing. Harry didn't mind at all with hanging out with them both but he knew that Neville had not thought of it this way and his reaction was priceless.

"I never thought of it like that but I suppose I don't look at either of them as exes considering how we both really feel about them." Neville muttered and composed himself, giving Harry a side eye, he then continued "You don't actually mind do you?, I thought you and Gin were fine?"

"It's fine, we're fine." Harry reassured wiping tears from his eyes, "I'm just fucking with you."

"Good." Neville said then grinned devilishly at him "Because they will be here by lunch"

It was Harry's turn to choke on his coffee.

Ginny and Luna arrived just before lunch so Kreature got to work preparing food while the four of them caught up in the drawing room, which Harry had renovated. The room was clean and comfortable and where the Black Family Tapestry was on the wall, Harry had placed heavy black drapes across the expanse of the wall now covering the tapestry and creating a feature wall of such. He had done much to the house with the help of Kreature to make it more livable and less reminiscent of the sad memories of Sirius. Although Sirius and Regulus' rooms were still the same and he left them that way, unable to destroy or change what was left of them, others said it was depressing to have a museum to the dead in your home but with how big Grimmauld place was he barely went to that floor so he didn't see a reason to change it. He had help finally getting rid of the portrait of Sirius' mum, magical renovators were in high demand after the war but him being who he was was able to get a lot of help clearing out the lingering dark magic that seeped into the walls along with the nasty portrait, much to his relief. Grimmauld place looked much more inviting and with so many bedrooms and spaces he had at his disposal he could house almost the entire extended Weasley brood, Andromeda and Teddy. Comfortably. The Renovators had said that living in the house would make the house itself bend more to Harry's will as he was the heir, it was not like purchasing an old family home, inheriting the house gave it almost a physical bond with Harry, Sirius had planned it that way he guessed. Dumbledore had not understood what Sirius had done to allow him to inherit it as he had no blood ties to the Black family that would enable him to truly inherit it. Then he was able to summon Kreature and it became obvious he had in fact inherited the house and all the Black family had to offer, despite being a Potter he was now also the soul living Black Heir. He had been told that as Teddy was Tonk's son he would be an easily viable heir for Harry to make official, so Harry got the paperwork sorted and was going to present it to Andromeda at christmas. Andromeda was a part of the Black line being Sirius' cousin so giving the black fortune back to Teddy when he was of age just seemed right. 

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